I remember as a child thinking i could hold that water in my hands permanently, but then along came a distraction and it was gone.
Now the water is a memory and a hazy one at that, but i still remember the moment it spilled as it plays back in slow motion in my mind, back when i knew nothing but thought it was all!
A life of good intentions, turned into puddles that have long dried up.
And still i think i know everything!
Do we ever learn?
Water is life and it sustains nature and us as humans...let it flow through your hands, feel it, taste, bathe in it....when it pours, there will be shadows on the drought stricken earth....beautiful words to show us how important water is to our lives and to quench the thirst of flowers and all of nature....Bravo!
Warmly, B
This seems to be about embracing impermanence and letting go of control. The poem touches on the idea of releasing tension and allowing things to unfold naturally. I like the soothing quality to it.
Posted 17 Hours Ago
15 Hours Ago
you are correct as to my intention - thank you for the time to read and review much appreciated - c.. read moreyou are correct as to my intention - thank you for the time to read and review much appreciated - carl
Ah, the subtle of nature and life giving essence of water. I enjoyed your poem immensely. I feel humanity doesn't fully appreciate the gift of this world we've been given. Countless universes and yet this one in particular sustains life. Thank you for sharing your poem. CLE
Posted 17 Hours Ago
17 Hours Ago
Thank you for your time to read and review much appreciated -carl
I am a retired English grammar and literature teacher, married, with five grown children. I enjoy reading science fiction, fantasy, biographies, and nonfiction history and philosophy. I have a BFA in .. more..