![]() Look at MeA Chapter by crush93I Surmise Short Story #2 Look at Me It’s
foggy. I can barely see my hand in front of my face. I walk, breathless,
through the fog trying to find something, anything. Suddenly the fog is gone. I
come to a halt. I can’t believe my eyes. There he is. My love, my heart, my
everything. My husband. He’s sitting all alone on that bench…our bench. The one
where he asked me to be his forever. But, why is he there? He was drafted last
month…he should be over seas. I walk to him, slowly. His eyes never leave
whatever it is he is so focused on. I sit beside him, my eyes never leaving his
uncomfortably blank stare. “Darling?”
I say to him with a smile. He doesn’t move. He’s like a statue. Then he
suddenly get to his feet and stands at attention. I look on, very confused.
Then he turns to the left and begins to walk away. That’s when I see the blood,
soaking his back. Coming from two small holes…bullet holes. He begins to fall
to the ground and I run to him. I fall to the ground with him, his head resting
on my lap. His eyes are lifeless and empty. They scare me. He looks up at me
then gasps. “Baby…what
should we do this weekend?” He smiles up at me. I begin to sob. “I don’t know…”
I say as I wipe tears away. “Let’s
take the kids to the park. They’d like that.” He continues smiling, as if there’s
nothing wrong. “I’m going
to get you some help, ok?” I say as I look around for someone to help and I see
every one of my close friends, talking to each other. Walking around as if we aren’t
there. “Please!”
I scream. “Somebody help him!” “Shh,
Baby, don’t cry. This is our moment.” He presses his hand to my tear soaked
cheek. “But you’re
dying! I have to get you help!” I begin to get up but he stops me with his
unwavering grip. “That’s why
you have to stay. This is our moment. Our last moment.” He smiles warmly, the
light in his emerald green eyes returning to how I remember. “We need
you, why did your life have to end so soon?” I cry as I lay down beside him on
the dirty street and rest my head on his chest. “I don’t regret
a second of it. I loved a beautiful woman with every once of my being. I
fathered two beautiful babies. And now I’ve died serving my country. My life
had meaning, although I wish I could’ve spent more time with you.” He said as
he pushed my hair behind my ear. “I can’t
go on without you. I can’t breathe anymore… You are my everything.” I say as I
squeeze his shirt in a tight fist. “I’m not
your everything. You have the kids. And they’re going to need you now more than
ever. You have to be strong although I know that’s asking a lot of you. But you’re
stronger than me. You can do this.” “I can’t!
I need you there by my side at night…during the day, every second! I need you! Don’t
leave me…” My heart feels as though it’s being ripped from my chest. “I
already have…not by choice. I can’t change it. I want to be with you for an
eternity! And don’t worry… It’s ok to be happy. Let yourself know love again
when you’re ready.” He kisses my forehead then begins to get up, leaving me to
cry alone on the dirty street. I watch as the love of my life walks into
eternity. - I awaken
to the sound of children laughing. I slowly open my eyes to see the beautiful
faces of my babies. Although they’re seven and ten, they’re still my babies. “Good morning,
Mommy!” Says Stephanee, my little girl. “We made
you pancakes!” Says Eric, my little boy excitedly. I look up at them and sit up
in my bed. “Come
here…” I motion for them to join me. I hug them tightly and begin to cry. “What’s the matter, Mommy? Did you have a bad dream?” Asked
Eric in a concerned voice. “Yes, Baby. I did. But it’s all ok now. I have you two to
keep me going.” I continue to hold them tightly and we eventually fall asleep. - A knock at the front door wakes me up. I wasn’t expecting
any visitors; in fact I hoped they would go away. I wasn’t in the mood for
anyone but my kids. I don’t hear another knock for a while so I close my eyes
and cuddle with my precious ones. Another knock comes to the door. My eyes open
wide. ‘No…That was only a dream.’ I say to myself. I get to my
feet and slowly walk to the front door. I rest my hand on the knob, not wanting
to turn it. ‘It was a dream! He’s fine! He’s going to write me more
letters. He’s fine. He’ll be back before I know it…” I close my eyes and open the
door. To my surprise, there’s no one there. Just a Fed Ex box getting drenched
in the rain. That would explain the second knock… ‘I knew it. It was just a dream. He’s coming back to me.
He’ll be back soon.’ I assure myself. I grab the box and set it in the kitchen
sink. I walk back to my room where my children are laying so cozy in my bed. No
care in the world. Shortly after they wake I take them to the park. They play
and laugh and I laugh a little, just watching them. My heart is missing my love but he’ll be back so I hold
onto what little bit of hope I still have in my heart. I pull a note out of my
pocket that he sent me a week ago. It’s so beautiful and only makes me miss him
that much more. But the line that really gets to me is; ‘You’re out of reach
but you’ve never left my heart for a second. And no matter what, you never
will.’ - It’s been three months since he’s been gone and it’s getting
a little easier. I still miss him though. Every day…every second. Things will
get better. He’ll be by my side again someday. We’ll grow old together; we’ll
have lots of grandbabies. I smile at the thought. I hear Stephanee in the other
room practicing her piano. She’s so good. Her first recital is coming up. She’s
a little sad that her daddy won’t be there, but she’s old enough to understand.
Eric is very sad. They used to play together all the time; he’s taking it much
harder than Steph. I hear a knock at the door. “I’ll get it!” Stephanee yells from the other room. “Ok, Sweetie.” I smile. I hear her open the door.
Everything’s quiet for a moment. Stephanee screams and begins to cry. Eric and
I run franticly to her to see what’s wrong. Then I see. She’s hugging someone…He’s
kneeling…and crying also. Eric runs to him and hugs him too. ‘Can it be?’ I kneel to the ground. I put my hands on
either side on his face. I see those emerald eyes that I love and all that has
been missing suddenly comes back to me. My heart is complete. “Baby…” I cry as hug his neck and cry with the happiest
tears anyone could ever cry. “…Don’t ever leave my side again. I can’t do this
again.” He shakes his head and cries even harder. “Never again. I’m here forever.” He smiles. We all sit on
the floor and hug for a while. That night, and the rest of the nights remaining
it the week, Stephanee and Eric sleep with us. Right beside their daddy. I don’t
mind that I’m not the one cuddling with him. He’s here. He’s not leaving again.
The family is finally complete again. © 2012 crush93Author's Note
Added on October 1, 2012 Last Updated on October 1, 2012 Author![]() crush93ILAboutI'm a simple person. Although I want more out of life than the averege nine to five days, working to live rather than actually living. I'll find my way in this thing we call life. My life is difficult.. more..Writing