![]() JinxA Chapter by crush93I Surmise Short Story #1 Jinx My
darling best friend Candy has made me come to the doctor. It’s probably for the
best because I’ve been miserable the last few months. “I’m
probably dying.” I say to her as she sits beside me in the waiting room. She smirks. “Yeah,
right. I just made you come here so you’d shut up.” She says as she begins
reading a style magazine. “You’re
going to feel terrible when the results come back that I’ve gotten worse.” I
say, joking of course. I’ve had a very mild form of Melanoma for a couple years
now. It hasn’t been that big of a deal, I’d just like to make her feel bad for
making me come back to this damn place. “Parker
Stoll.” Called a nurse with a clip board in hand. I sighed
and brought myself to my feet. “Get
ready with those tears, Tom.” I laughed. “Ok,
Jerry.” She laughed. Our childhood nicknames for each other. We have quite
a long history together. We’ve been best friends since before we could talk. We’re
pretty much brother and sister. The fighting, rivalry, trust, everything. We’re
all we have. As I
follow the nurse back I begin to get nervous. “What if
they’ve found something else? Can I deal with it?” I thought, beginning to
panic more and more as I got closer. Closer to possibly knowing my fate. How
I’ll die. It’s a gut wrenching feeling. I begin to sweat a little from the
nerves. “Great,
now I’ll be self conscious on top of everything…” We arrive
at the room where my prognosis will finally become a reality. That is, if there
is a prognosis. “Good
morning Parker.” Says my doctor. He’s cheery old man that always makes me want
to call him ‘Grandpa’. I’m not positive
why but I constantly have to refrain from doing so. “Good
morning, Dr. Henderson.” I say with a yawn. “Why
don’t you have a seat, I have your test results.” He says, His mood suddenly
less cheery. “Well?” I
push. He pauses
for a moment. “It’s not
good, Son.” He frowns, almost looking as though he might cry. “I don’t
want to hear that, I want to hear what’s wrong with me.” I say angrily. “Your
Melanoma has spread.” He said as he closed his folder marked ‘Stoll’. “I
thought you said we had it under control?” “We did
but things happen. Unfortunately we didn’t catch this soon enough. You have a
Brain Metastasis. It’s a cancer that spreads to the brain from another site in
the body that also has cancer. I recommend Corticosteroid
therapy. It is essential for all patients with brain metastases, as it prevents
development of cerebral edema, swelling of the brain tissue, as well as
treating other neurological symptoms such as headaches, cognitive dysfunction,
and emesis. We’ll get you set up for a treatment of Dexamethasone as soon as
possible. It’s the best corticosteroid for your condition.” I’m not even listening at this point. I begin to walk out
of the room. Not saying a word. “Parker, we have to discuss this!” Says Dr. Henderson. “I’ll call you once its sank in. I need to sleep now.” I
say with a blank look on my face. I exit the room and head back to the waiting
room. I head to the elevator without so much as a glance towards Candy. She
Follows me without saying anything. She knows. We step into the elevator. “Parker…” She says quietly. “Whats wrong?” A million things come to my mind to say to her but not
one of them can make their way to my lips. I remain quiet. I cant speak. “How long do I have?” I wonder to myself. He didn’t
specify. Probably because I acted like a zombie on my way out. “What is this thing going to do to me?” Well, I guess it
explains my headaches…and the nausia…and that one seizure I had about a month
ago…I should’ve come sooner. My stuborn personality may turn out to be the
death of me. - During the next few days my life became more and more
empty. I began obsessing over this new illness I just leaned I had. Reseaching,
night and day. Looking for a glimmor of hope anywhere in the words I absorbed
like a sponge. Nothing but slight chances. A knock came at my door. “Parker?” Yelled Candy in a worried tone. I got up to answer the door. Shortly before I arrived at
the door it swung open. “Oh! You’re ok…” Says Candy. She sighs with releif. “I was coming…I’m not dead yet.” “Well it would sure seem like you are! Not answering your
phone for a week, not answering the door after I’ve been pounding on it for
twenty minutes! You aren’t dead yet! Start living while you still can!” She
scoled me, tearing up a little. “…It’s been a week already?” I scratched my head in
confusion. “Yes. Now go shower, get all prettied up and we’re going
out tonight! We’ve gotta get you laid!!” She said. “Laid? Ha! As if any guy would want scrawny old me.” Due
to my current state I’ve dropped a few pounds. And for a guy who only weighs
145 pounds, I cant really afford to loose much. “Sure they do! Theres this cute gay guy at my work that
you’d love! To be honest before I knew he was gay I kinda had a crush on him.”
She giggled with delight. “Actually…Can we just do dinner and a movie? Ya know,
like we did when we were teenagers?” We’d hadnt seen a movie together in ages
and it was long over due. She paused for a moment and slowly a smile krept onto her
face. “Of course! Hanging out with you is way better than any
date I’ve ever had.” “Wow, you poor thing.” I laughed. - I took a shower, got my favorite outfit on, fixed my hair
and I was ready to go. We ate at the nicest restaurant in town. Only because we
ate there free because Candy’s family owns it. “Wow, you’re a cheep date.” I said with a smile. “But you
do look very pretty tonight." “Well thank you! Why do all the nice guys have to be
gay!” She whined. “Because I deserve them more than you.” I teased. “That is so mean!” She said with a simle. We talked and laughed thoughout the entire meal and after
we had finally stuffed ourselves we headed to the movies. Nothing really good
was playing so we decided to pick one at random…Not a good Idea. It was a
romance. It wasn’t horrible but we mocked it the entire time. Probably because
we envied, like so many others, the passion and commiment that the couple had
for eachother. - “Have you ever been in love, Parker?” Candy asked as we
strolled down the street, arm in arm. “Oh, Candy. You know you’re my only love.” I laughed. “No, be serious! I really want to know. You never talk
about boyfriends or anything,” I paused for a moment to think. “No. But I’ve been ‘in lust’ many times. Have you?” I
asked. “Me either. We have crappy love lives!” She wined as she
so often did. “Candy,” I stopped and turned to look at her. “You’re 24.
You have plenty of time. Don’t rush into something that wont last.” “Yeah…you’re right, as always…” She smiled as we began to
walk again. “Hey, why did you want to go out with me tonight? It better not be
like a last hurrah type deal…” She frowned, “Its not.” I laughed. “Its just that, after you yelled at
me and brought me back to earth I began to think. The bad news I got the other
day has given me a new outlook. I’m not going to be counting down the days till
I die anymore, because that’s hardly living. I’m going to live as much as I can
while I can. I wanted to spend tonight with you because you are the most
cherished person I’ve ever had in my life. So spending time with you is
certainly time well spent.” Candy began to cry and threw her arms around my neck.
“What will I ever do without you?” She sobbed, “We’ll worry about that when the time is closer. For now,
we’re just enjoying what we have left. So you know what we’re gonna do next?” I
said as I whiped away her tears with my scarf. “What?” She said between the last bit of her sobs. “We’re going to Disney Land!” I said loudly as I threw my
hands in the air. Immediately her frown was gone and replaced by the beautiful
smile I’ve known and loved for so many years. “You’re so crazy!” She laughed. We began walking once again. Walking into the night, arm
in arm without a care in the world. If not for my dear friend, my life would be
an empty shell. She has, and always will give me a reason to smile through the
pain. Life isnt about the time you spend, It’s the people you choose to spend
it with. And I think I’ve picked a pretty good one. © 2012 crush93 |
Added on September 28, 2012 Last Updated on September 28, 2012 Author![]() crush93ILAboutI'm a simple person. Although I want more out of life than the averege nine to five days, working to live rather than actually living. I'll find my way in this thing we call life. My life is difficult.. more..Writing