Chapter Two–The God and Angel of Darkness

Chapter Two–The God and Angel of Darkness

A Chapter by Crimson Lotus

Military Base of Ultima, Ultima City

The Military Base of Ultima is located at the eastern part of the city near the seas and covers a large part of the city. It has large walls around with gates at the west and south. It has a rectangular field at the center large enough for a thousands of people. West of the field is the Military Academy of Ultima where aspiring soldiers are trained. On the south of the field is the Infirmary where Soldiers and non soldiers go in case of injury and sickness. East of the field is the bay area where battleships and vessels are anchored. North of the field is the main building where the offices of high ranking officials are located as well as where weapons are kept and developed.

"Wow, I thought I’m the only one who can use magic at our school. Why didn’t you tell me?" Irvine told Ryence when Ryence told him what happened the day before. They were now taking a tour on the Main Building,

"I already told you, I have no idea." Ryence explained to Irvine again. "When I ask my dad about it, he said he had no idea and told me to stop acting childish and stop imagining things."

Ryence recalls what his dad said when he asked him about the Hyperion Family. "The Hyperion Family?! It’s nothing special. Just a family of ordinary soldiers who never get a higher rank just like me. Hahaha." His dad said while laughing at himself. "Ryence, your a grown up man now. Stop playing around and acting like you have some special magic."

"So, could you do that again?" Irvine asked.

"I tried it again when I got home but nothing happens" Ryence said "Maybe it has to be triggered by some emotions"

"Emotions huh?" Irvine asked in a teasing manner.

"Yes. Because our lives is in danger." Ryence tried to explain. "You would feel the same also if you were there."

"Hmm. Maybe." Irvine said weirdly.

"Oh wait. Gonna go now." Irvine said when they reach the third floor of the main building and he suddenly disappeared. Ryence wished nothing wrong would happened to Irvine. He had a habit of doing things illegally but luckily, didn’t even get caught once.

They reached the fourth floor where some ancient relics where displayed which was collected by the General of Ultima himself. There was one particular relic that caught Ryence’s attention. It was a beautiful blue and white one-handed sword. It doesn’t look much like a relic but a new one. It doesn’t have any rust and still shiny. But, he seems to be the only one interested on that sword. Suddenly, he hear a man’s voice.

"Clear your mind and you would be able to use it freely."

Ryence was surprised at the voice. He looked around to see if anyone was around. Then upon turning back again, he saw Rhea’s face exactly infront of him.

"Hey!" Rhea said. Ryence felt more surprised that he almost fell backwards

"It’s you" Ryence said.

"Why are you alone? Where’s Irvine?"

"He left a while ago. He usually does that. Doing some sneaky stuffs." Ryence said. "What about you? Where are your friends?"

"They’re on a different tour. I’m the only one interested to join the Army even as a Healer." Rhea said. The Tour guide now called them to be gathered and go back to the tour. Ryence have was still curious about the voice that he heard.

"By the way, why made you want to join Army? You don’t seem like the war-freak boyish type." Ryence asked. "Aren’t you afraid of the danger?"

"Isn’t that obvious yesterday?" Rhea said. "I’m not afraid to fight or be in danger. I just don’t want to see someone die without doing anything."

Ryence could see the change in Rhea’s facial expression. He was sure something related to what she said had occur in the past but he feels that he doesn’t have the position to ask so he stayed quiet on the rest of the tour.

They were sent to the cafeteria located at the first floor of the Military Academy where they were allowed to eat lunch. Ryence eat together with Rhea. They were asked to wait for the general who told the tour guide that he wants to meet the aspiring soldiers.Then, Irvine joined them who seated beside Ryence and looks so exhausted.

"Look what I found" Irvine whispered at Ryence showing a small black pellet under the table."This are the ammunitions for the long range weapons that they are developing. I think it contains a fire element."

"What’s that?" Rhea, who was curious asked.

"It’s nothing." Irvine said.

"You always say that whenever I ask." Rhea frowned.

"Oh. sorry but it’s really between Ryence and me." Irvine said trying to tease Rhea more.

"Okay. Ryence and I have some secrets also. Right Ryence? Rhea said having an eye contact on Ryence to say yes.

"Uhh. Yes." Ryence said.

"Okay. I’ll show you after we leave here. Just say your secret also" Irvine said as if he had no choice.

Then, they could here large footsteps coming. They saw a man about five years older than them with gold hair and wearing silver plated armor. A broadsword was sheathed on his back. A number of soldiers is escorting him behind. It looked around them without talking at all.Ryence could tell that he is the General of Ultima. He heard rumors that he was the youngest ever to be the General of Ultima but he haven’t had any idea that he was this young.

"What do you think he wants?" Irvine asked Ryence

"I don’t know." Ryence said. He was also curious. The general was just looking around smiling.

"You there!" The General shouted pointed somewhere near them. Everyone the cafeteria looked at them "The boy with the red hair and the boy with the silver hair. Come here"

"I think it’s us." Irvine said. "What does he want?"

"I don’t know. Let’s just go" Ryence said. They went were the General is standing.

"Why the nervous face? Didn’t anyone tell you that two lucky students would get a special prize from me, General Strife himself?!" General Strife said.He seems to have a habit of shouting even if he is not angry.

"No sir." Irvine said.

"Anyway, as I have told you, you’ve got a prize from me." Strife said. He seems to be calm now. "Here, take this with you and use it wisely."

A soldier behind Strife gave him two one-handed swords.

"One for you" He gave Irvine one. Then he whispered to Irvine "I like your skills. Just don’t do it again just for fun. You have a potential to be my right hand man." Irvine seems to be so happy on what Strife had told him.

"And one for you" He gave one to Ryence. Then, he whispered to Ryence "You survived huh? Does it feels good to have that power?" Ryence was shocked. He had a suspicion that Strife knows something about what happened at the forest or he could be the one behind it.

"I need to go. Got a ship to catch." Strife said and he walked out of the cafeteria. His escorts was following him.

"Come on." Irvine said. Ryence was still in a state of shock before Irvine call him. He felt some strange aura on Strife. He felt an evilness around him.They both went back to Rhea.

Sage Guild, Empire of Helic

Head Sage Otzel was still worried about the orb’s prediction. The Lokian Sword gone means that the Dark Lord Loki is back. After he have think of a plan to separate Krad and Lyte, another problem have emerge. He heard a knock on the door.

"Enter" Otzel said. It was Lyte.

"You called me Master Otzel?" Lyte asked.

"Yes." Otzel said."I’m assigning you on a very long but important and delicate mission."

"Okay." Lyte said, "What are the details?"

"You need to go to the Kingdom of Ultima for an undercover mission." Otzel explained. "I already arranged the papers, your accommodation and bank accounts. You’ll be living there for quite a while. Most of the details are in here. Read it after you reach Ultima." He handed Lyte a letter.

"How long does the mission will take?" Lyte asked. "And when do I go?"

"Until you finished the mission of course and you have to leave now." Otzel said

"Now?" Lyte was surprised. "Can I just wait for Krad before I leave?"

"I’m sorry but I told you, it’s a delicate mission. You have to leave now." Otzel said. "Or have you forgotten your duties as a Sage?"

"No Master" Lyte said. "I’ll go now. Thank you"

"Wait. I want you to have this. It’s a lucky charm" Otzel said trying to change the mood. He handed over Lyte a pendant shaped like an angel’s wing. Lyte left.

She went outside the Head Sage’s Office and went straight into the Dormitory for the Second Degree Class Sage. She wish she could at least tell her to say goodbye to Krad since she would be gone for a while.

But she must obey orders. That is their oath as a Sage. She packed some of her clothes on her luggage. She was thinking that she would just buy some new clothes when she got there. That is the only thing that excites her. She heard that the people of Ultima has a good taste in fashion. She uses that reason not to feel down. After checking everything she needs, she went out of the dormitory. She dropped by Krad’s room and leave him a small note and went of to the port.

Forest of Ultima, Kingdom of Ultima

Ryence and Irvine were practicing with their swords that Strife gave them at the forest. It was a weekend and they have no classes. Ryence haven’t told Irvine what the General told him yesterday. He seems to be obsessed about what the General had told him and kept saying how great the General is. He haven’t had the chance to tell Rhea about it also since Irvine kept talking to her on their way home.

Since the attack of the mysterious man on the other day, there have been no threats so far around Ryence. That’s why they choose the forest as a training place despite what happened.

“I can’t believe the General was that kind.” Irvine said for the nth time. They were both familiarizing themselves on the proper handling of a sword. Ryence was still uncomfortable on using the sword because of his suspicions with the General.

“You really think the General is that kind?” Ryence asked. “Don’t you think it’s too weird for him to be that way?”

“No it’s not!” Irvine defended. “He seems to be really sincere.”

Ryence realizes he made the right choice not to tell Irvine about what the General told him.

Then, they hear some footsteps approaching them. Ryence and Irvine made an eye to eye contact and they both hold their swords to prepare. Ryence thought that another person was sent to kill him.

“Do I look that threatening?” They heard a familiar girl voice. As the girl went nearer, they realize that it was Rhea. Ryence thought she seems different wearing normal clothes and untied hair. She looks more cuter. He thought the Academy Policies on uniforms and hair styles might have limited her but seeing her like this for the first time made Ryence liked Rhea more.

“What are you doing here?” Irvine asked.

“I saw you two go here.” Rhea said. “Besides, I always go here on weekend mornings to take a walk.”

“I see. Your house is just nearby right?” Irvine asked

“Yes. Anyway, can I try one of those?” Rhea asked.

“Here. Try it.” Ryence handed over his sword to Rhea.

“Ooh. It’s not that heavy as I thought it was.” Rhea said as she tries to swing the sword. She seems to know how to handle swords. She returned the sword to Ryence. “Here.”

“Yes, heavier swords decreases mobility and agility so the army decided to make light swords.” Irvine explained.

“I see.” Rhea said. “By the way, I was just gonna give these to you two.”

She handed over two white envelopes on gold linings with their name on it. From the looks of it, it looks like an invitation to a royal event.

“Its for my birthday tomorrow night.” Rhea said as they opened the envelopes.

“At the castle?!” Irvine shouted in surprise.

“Shhhh..” Rhea said. “Yes, its on the castle. But don’t tell anyone okay? I mean, anyone.”

“Why?” Ryence asked. “Do you have any connections with someone at the castle?”

“You’ll find out eventually. Just please, don’t tell anyone” Rhea said.

“Okay. We’ll be there.” Irvine asked.

“See you then.” Rhea said. “I need to go.”

“See you.” Irvine said as Rhea went off.

“Wow. I never went inside the castle even once.” Irvine told Ryence.

“Who does?” Ryence said. “You need to be a high-ranking person in order to go there.”

“Yes. It makes me wonder who she really is.” Irvine said.

Eastern Helic Plains, Empire of Helic

General Strife had just finished the negotiations with the Emperor of Helic. He was relieved how the emperor agreed to his terms. In order to complete his plans, he needed one more thing and he needed to go to the Sage Guild for that. He realize that it was getting dark. He needed to hurry before midnight.

Office of the Head Sage, Empire of Helic

The Radian Festival had started and people from different places have come to the Sage Guild to celebrate. The guild is filled with foods, colorful decorations and performances all made by the Sages.

Otzel is still worried about the previous vision of the orb. The Lokian sword could only be drawn by the Dark Lord and the vision could mean that the Dark Lord is coming back. He looked again on the orb to see what it tells this time. This time, he saw a ruins. He didn’t know where it was or what it means but the orb was just displaying a destroyed ruins. Otzel thought the orb haven’t really seen something significant today.

“I needed to forget these things once in a while".” Otzel thought. He went out of his office again to celebrate with the people.

Sage Guild, Empire of Helic

Strife have reached the Sage Guild. Knowing that today was the Radiant Festival, he felt how lucky he is. The Sages have no power during this time. He carefully looked around as he walked towards the streets. It could be hidden anywhere.

Western Helic Plains, Empire of Helic

Krad was walking towards the Sage Guild. He was fortunate to finish his mission before the Radiant Festival starts. He didn’t know that monster that he fought was that strong. He went on a nearby town to rest before going back to the guild. He was hurrying now so that he can still celebrate the festival with Lyte.

Ultima City, Kingdom of Ultima

Lyte went out of the train as it reached the Woods Station. She was going to the house where she will stay for the rest of her mission.

“This thing is really heavy.” She thought while carrying her baggage. “If only Krad was here.”

She continue to walk on the city as she looked for the address given by Otzel. But it seems like some houses don’t have a visible address on them. She saw a crimson-haired boy about her age, holding a sword, walking towards her. It was Ryence.

“Hi. Can I have a minute?” Lyte asked. “Do you know where is this?

“Yes. It’s beside my house.” Ryence said. Her appearance and way of talking shows that she’s not from Ultima.

“Really? Can you show me? If you don’t mind” Lyte asked.

“Sure. Let me help you with this" Ryence said as she carry Lyte’s baggage.

“Thanks.” Lyte said. “I’m Lyte by the way.”

“Ryence, here” Ryence said. “We’re here now.”

“Oh. It’s not that far.” Lyte said. She then opened the door the with her keys.

“Where can I put these?” Ryence asked about her baggage.

“Oh, sorry. You can just leave it here. Thanks” Lyte said. Ryence put the baggage inside. “I guess we’re neighbors now.”

“Yeah.” Ryence said. “So, what brings you here?.”

“Here?!” Lyte said thinking of an alibi.

“Yeah. You look like from other nation.”

“Yes, I’m from Helic.” Lyte said. “Well, I’ll be studying here. Yes, study here. So I’m going to be here for a while.”

“Okay.” Ryence said. He thought something is weird about the way she said it. “I’ll be going now.”

“Wait. I’m really new here so I don’t know anything about this city.” Lyte explained. “Can you show me around? If your not busy ”

“Sure, tomorrow morning since its already dark. Is that fine?” Ryence asked. He really have a hard time turning down favors.

“Sure. Tomorrow morning then.” Lyte said.

“Yes, I’ll be going now.” Ryence said.

“Okay. Thanks again.”

When Ryence left. She looked around at the house. She thought the house was too big for her. There was a living room and a dinning room at the first floor and two rooms at the second floor where one is empty and one is her bedroom. She notices that there were some papers on the bed. She looked at it and saw here fake documents for a school. “So I will really study here. Good thing that’s what I told him.” Lyte thought. Then she also saw an invitation to a party the next day.

Lyte was so tired that she decided to lay on bed early. She remembered that today was the Radiant Festival. Her powers haven’t gone though since she left Helic before midnight.

Sage Guild, Empire of Helic

Strife had reached a large house different and far away from the others. He could feel that it is inside. He first checked of there are people looking before he went inside. At the sight of the Lokian Sword, he felt himself smiling.

As Strife approaches, he could feel its power more. He put his hand on the handle and draw the sword slowly. A gust of wind have blown from the ground as he draw the sword and he could feel his power increasing at a rapid rate.

“Here it is! The power that I am looking for!” Strife shouted.

Outside the Head Mage’s Office, the sky became filled with dark clouds with thunder and lightning grumbling. Otzel quickly looked at his office and saw the door opened.

“No!” Otzel shouted.

The ground started to shook. Then , a circle of fire lit up on the center of the guild. Everything that the fire touches burned easily. Suddenly, a lightning strucked at the center of the circle.

Otzel saw a man wearing a full plated armor standing where the lightning strikes. The man was holding what Otzel feared that he was holding: The Lokian Sword.

Strife started killing everyone on sight relentlessly. He was moving at an incredibly fast speed and was flying. Otzel doesn’t know what to do. He had no powers until midnight but it is still almost an hour before it reaches midnight. The whole guild is losing everyone of its members. Even the visitors are being killed.

Otzel knows that he had no chance. He first run on a house to hide. He must survive or no one will tell the truth to Lyte. “But what if I don’t?” he thought. He needs to use the only power his staff has. “Lyte, you need to listen to this…” Otzel began talking.

When he finished talking, his staff turned to a replica of a single wing. He hid it on the corner of the house hoping one day, Lyte would be able to find it. Then, he heard an explosion behind him.

Western Plains of Helic, Helic City

Krad was now running to the Sage Guild when he heard explosions and saw that the whole guild is burning. He was nervous for everyone for the guild especially Lyte.

“Fire..” Krad thought. He remembers his childhood memory again where everything is filled with fire.

When he reached the guild, he saw that everything was in total chaos. People lay dead on the ground and houses and structures are burning. A man was standing infront of him holding the Lokian Sword.

“Hey.” Strife said. “You’re the last one. Want to go where they are now. HAHA”

Anger and Sadness filled all over Krad. Everyone from the guild is now gone including Lyte and it all happens because of this man.

“Your gonna pay for all of this!!” Krad said as he rushed towards Strife while he draw the two daggers on the back of his belt. The dagger was a prized possession of the Raknov Clan: The Fenrir Daggers.

Krad doesn’t need his Sage powers to fight. He has an enhanced speed and strength even without his Sage powers. That’s why he is said to be the one of the strongest Sage on the Song Continent and the strongest in Helic.

He strike his right dagger towards Strife’s face but Strife managed to block it quickly with his sword. Krad then strike his daggers alternately on Strife’s sword causing Strife to move backwards and his feet somewhat buried on the ground.

“Black Gust” Strife said as a strong black winds from the sword have blown Krad a few feet away. Krad was about to hit a wall when he quickly moved to kick the wall and launched himself towards Strife.But before Krad could hit Strife, Strife was able to jump almost ten feet high to evade Krad. Strife was still on the air when Krad jumped to him to hit him. Strife was about to block it but Krad disappear in an instant. Strife then felt two blades hit him on the back and he fell on the ground on his feet.

“Dark Slash.” Strife said. Krad was still on the air when Strife swing his sword and a black energy the shape of a crescent moon hit Krad and he fell on the ground.

“I’m impressed.” Strife said. “You’re the longest one to ever survive today.”

“I won’t be defeated.” Krad said as he stood up. That last attack have wounded him gravely. He rushed again towards Strife but Strife kept blocking then attacking him. He just couldn’t let himself be defeated. He knows that this person his fighting could be the new Dark Lord but he doesn’t care at all. He needs to defeat him no matter what.

“Surrender now.” Strife said. “You’re powerless.”

“Powerless huh?” Krad said. “I was just about to get started.”

“Say whatever you want.” Strife said.

Then, the golden rose on the river started to shine brightly. It emits balls of light towards the sky illuminating the whole guild.

“What is this?” Strife said.

“It’s the Sage’s Spirit, our Spirit.” Krad said. All the balls of light went to Krad’s body. Krad’s wounds started to heal and he could hear the voices of the soul of all the Sages that Strife killed.

“What?!” Strife was surprised. “You absorbed all of your guildsmen’s powers?”

“No.They gave them to me.” Krad said. “Part of our soul were gone at the start of the Radiant Festival. Now, I can feel their  sorrow and suffering they got from you”

Hearing the voices of the Sages made Krad more angry. He heard how Strife killed his guildsmen mercilessly. This brings back his memory of his dark past where every person of his clan were killed and their village burned by a mysterious person. He couldn’t control himself now. For some reasons, he become more angrier. Besides the Sages’ power, he could also feel another energy inside of him. But instead of that power going to his body, he could feel it coming out. Then a pair of black wings emerges from Krad’s back. He realizes that what Oztel is saying to be true but this was just the power that he needs in order to defeat Strife.

“Think you can defeat me with those wings?” Strife said. Krad then disappeared.

“Let’s see” Krad showed behind Strife. Before Strife could turn around completely, Krad was able to hit him making Strife shoot feets away. Before even Strife could hit the ground, Krad chase him and kicked him upward towards the air, filled one dagger with fire element and one with ice element and chases him again and hit him simultaneously with his dagger. Strife was able to block it this time and used Black Gust again. Krad landed on the ground.

“You just got faster.” Strife said as he was still on the air. Krad didn’t answer. He was channeling all of his energy into one attack. Then, bolts of lightning surrounded Krad’s body and the ground below him was shaking.

“Fenrir Bolt!” Krad shouted. As if he was lightning itself, Krad launched to the air in a split second leaving trails of lightning behind. Strife could feel he was electrocuted and at the same time being slashed continuously by Krad’s dagger. He fall on the ground on his back and Krad landed safely.

“Who are you?!” Strife asked as he tries to stand up. “"You’re not just a Sage are you?”

“You wouldn’t want to know” Krad said.

“Huh, I think I’ll retreat but don’t you think I’ll ever forget about you.” Strife said.

“Retreat?!” Krad said. He run again towards Strife.

“Dark Portal.” Strife said and a black circle appear infront of Strife and before Krad could hit him, he was gone and Krad’s wings disappeared.

Krad looked at how destroyed his guild was. He remember about Lyte. He didn’t want to believe that Lyte was gone. He was holding back his tears as he tried to look for her body all over the guild but wished he won’t. He knows that it’s selfish to think that it’s okay as long as Lyte lived but he is willing to be selfish for Lyte and he knows the other Sages might forgive him. One of the things that made him hope is that he didn’t feel Lyte’s soul earlier when all the power of the Sage went to him.

He then went to the place where her dormitory was but it wasn’t there. Then, he went to the place where his room was and saw a slightly burned note and somehow, felt relived. It says “I’m gonna be gone for a very long mission. Wait for me here. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Lyte”

© 2011 Crimson Lotus

Author's Note

Crimson Lotus
need comments

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Reviews's really been a long time since i continue writing this and reading the grammar isn't that straight...thanks for the review :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is pretty good. You write your stoy sorta the same way that I write mine. You need to streighten up your grammer, but thats no big deal. Keep up the good work.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on November 2, 2011
Last Updated on November 5, 2011
Tags: fantasy, anime, shounen, adventure, fighting, action, battle, magic, romance, love story


Crimson Lotus
Crimson Lotus

Santa Rosa, Laguna, Philippines

Writer/mangaka wannabe. Looking for artist to draw my story as a manga. more..

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Crimson Lotus

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Crimson Lotus