Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by creepyowl1

"Come down stairs were starting?" " Ok be right down in just a minute" 
SharlaMay: gtg message you later ttyl my mom wants me for family game night she says its good for the family
Carolanne: well ok i guess we'll message later ttyl
She logged out then flipped down her computer. "Coming mom" she said while she ran down stairs. "Hey were in the living room" So she walks in and sits down on the colorful chair near her mom. " so what game do you all want to play and lets see its Dan turn to choose the game" " fine i'll go get a game" he says getting up and walking to the game cabinet " Its a tall white cabinet with two tall doors and he opens both of them. Then he looks at the games on the shelf's and picks one." This one I guess" he says grabbing the game and taking it to the square maple colored coffee table in the middle of the living room. My mom looks at the game for a second. "Ok lets play this game" she says opening the box and setting it up on the table. " cool lets start playing this game." So who goes first mom" "lets let David go first" "mom why him" "because last family game night you went first remember" "Ok fine go David"                     See this is my family oh and if you haven't figured it out i'm SharlaMay Carlton. I'm in 9th gradewell i will be when school starts up. I have wavy dark red hair and blue eyes. I also have light skin and i'm 5' 4'. Im in to wearing bright colors and such. Now on to Dan hes my older brother who's going to be in 11th grade. He is tall with light skin. He also has black hair that swoops down to cover one eye and he eyes are green. Hes a punk/ Gothic kid whose in a band called the " Black Rainbow" and there pretty good for an alliterative/ punk band. Next is my mom who is light skin and has short brown hair. She has green eyes like my brother and is a stay at home writer for a website. Then there's  my step dad David trester  he and my mom got married like two years ago. He has short brown hair and brown eyes. He works for a company. Lastly there's my real dad and his last name is Carlton and i kept his last name so did my older brother. Hes tall has short brown hair and blue eyes and works for a car dealership. He left my mom for some money reason that he wont tell me about until i'm older. 
       So Now the games over im so glad. Now i can message Carolanne shes my best friend. She has blue eyes and long brownish blond hair. Were both in the same grade and we have been best friend since like 2nd grade that's when we met. So she gets up and goes for the Stairs but her mom stops her. "hey before you go up come take up your laundry and put it away don't leave it on your bed." So she walks into the laundry room and looks down on the green tiled floor and see's a folded pile of her clothes. Then she picks them up and takes them up stairs. Then she lays them on her bed and opens her closet its a nice walk in closet with labed bins for her stuff so they stay neat and her clothes are hanging up on one wall. So she grabs some hangers and hangs up her clothes. First she hangs up her denim mini skirt then she hangs up purple jeans. She also hangs up her bright blue shirt then her dark red jeans. Finally she is done and opens up her laptop to get on. Her laptop starts up and she logs on then goes into the program on her desktop and logs in. She see that her friend is on so she opens the message box and starts messaging her.
SharlaMay: hey was up?
Carolanne: not much just listening to some music
SharlaMay: cool what song? 
Carolanne: oh just some paramore u?
SharlaMay: just got done with family game night
Carolanne: how did it go ?
 SharlaMay: sooooooo boring and they let my step dad go first 
Carolanne: well it is fair 
SharlaMay: i k but i just don't like it he's not my dad and hes been trying to replace my dad and i just don't get it
Carolanne: well just except the fact that ur moms now happy and inset that what u want for ur mom to be happy 
 SharlaMay: i k i sould be happy for my mom but its almost two years since they have been married well amost three if u count the year they were just going out but anyways i really think he's trying to replace my dad and im not ok with that
Carolanne: well i think you need to go spend some time away at ur dads to let ur mind clear just go have some summer fun with ur friends over there. 
SharlaMay: u know thats a great idea 
Carolanne: yes its an awesome idea
SharlaMay: gtg ttyl half to go call my dad then ask my mom if i can go over there for a week or two ur the best at great ideas u really are ttyl
Carolanne: ttyl :)
           So she logs off the messaging then closes her computer. Then picks up her phone and opens it up then dials it and she hears ringing then he picks up "hey sweety whats up?" "can i come over for a week or two its boring over here" "sure if Can get your mom to say yes" "ok ill go talk to her then call you back" "ok sweety" So she grabs her phone and runs down stairs looking for her mom in doing so she bumps into David. " hey daivid have you seen my mom ?" "yea she in the sewing room" "thanks David" then she heads to the sewing room and she finds her in there working on a project. "hey mom can i go to dads for a week or two" " now wait a minute don't you have to stay for fathers day" "no Davids not my real dad hes gets nothing from me on fathers day i want to spend it with my real dad" " w.ell ok you can go for two weeks but thats all and he has to pick you up and bring you home that's my deal" "ok mom ill go call and tell him thanks your the best " " no problem just tell him he can come get you after work tomorrow so i can get your laundry done so you can pack ok " "sure " Then she runs up to her room and sits down on her be and opens her phone.
          She opens it to contacts and pushes his number. It rings then he picks up. " hey sweety so what did she say" " She said if you pick me up and take me home i can come over for two weeks " " ok ill pick you up after work tomorrow" "ok dad see you then " " that's my girl " then he hangs up. So she closes her phone and sets it on her bed. Then she goes down to the sewing room. "mom dad said he'd pick me up tomorrow and do you want my laundry so you can wash it" "yea just bring it down and put it in  the dirty laundry bucket in the laundry room. I'll get to it tomorrow morning " " ok " So then she goes up stairs to her room and into her closet grabs her dirty clothes then takes them down stairs. She puts them in the laundry room in the dirty laundry bucket which is a big blue plastic laundry basket with the words dirty laundry printed on it in big letters.Then she goes in to the sewing room. " mom i'm done its in the dirty laundry bucket" " ok oh and don't forget to set in alarm so you can get up and pack" "ok mom i will" So she goes up stairs to her room. 
          " beep beep beep beep beep" She gets up and turns itart off then she makes her bed. See she has cotton dark purple bed sheets with a hello kitty pillow case and confider. Then she goes down stairs to get some breakfast. "good morning" "good morning mom" She says as she gets the waffles box out of the refrigerator. Then after breakfast she goes back up stairs to her room to get dressed for the day. She puts on her dark blue and white striped jean Capri's with with her black tank top. Then she goes in to her bin labeled bags and looks for a good one but see's nothing bog enough so she goes down and ask's her mom for a suite case. "hey mom can i go use a suite case to pack " "yea ur suite case is in my clothes go get it then start packing" "ok thanks" So she runs back up stairs to her mom and step dads room. They have a nice 
red and light blue striped room. So she walks in and goes in to the closet. See they have a nice big walk in closet. So she looks around until she spots them . Then she grabs hers which is a plain blue one and heads to her room . Her room is neon pink and neon green. She sets the suite case on her carpeted floor and opens up the suite case. Then she pauses for a second and realizes she can't start packing until her laundry is done. So she makes sure she has her tooth brush and tooth paste. Then she put them in her make up bag along with her hair brush and some of her favorite hair clips. Then she grabs some of her jewelry and some of her lip gloss. Then she puts them into the bag. After everything's in it she sets it by her suite case and starts lining up her chargers and things she wants to bring with her. 
          Then she goes down and asks if her laundry is done. " Mom is my laundry done?" " yes it is and she hands her a stack of her clothes" " thanks mom" Then she heads up stairs to pack her suite case.First she lays out her outfits then she folds them and packs each neatly. When she's all don't she goes and watches TV until her dad show's up.

© 2012 creepyowl1

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Added on June 14, 2012
Last Updated on June 17, 2012
Tags: SharlaMay, teenager, life