![]() chapter 3A Chapter by creepyowl1
She walks to the stairs on the side of the huge deck and goes down them. Then she goes to the far corner of the land and see her clubhouse. Its a nice two story clubhouse in the big oak tree. Its blue and wraps around the tree. Its also water proof and has a deck on it. It also has nice railing and it has chairs on the deck of it. So she goes up the ladder and goes up onto the deck. Then she goes inside of it and she see some old posters on the wall and some of her old toys. It also has some chairs in it and a table.
So after seeing it she goes out on the wrap around deck and sees the rope swing her dad put so she can swing down. So she walks up grabs the rope and swings down. Then she see the trampoline near here clubhouse so she walks over and gets on. Then after a little bit gets down and decides to go inside. So she goes inside and walks up stairs. Then she goes down the hallway and into her dads computer room its a nice navy blue room. " Hey dad" "yea what is it ? " " can i go skateboard to the park a few blocks away" "sure but take your phone so i can call you if i need you" "ok be back later' 'ok have fun" Then she walks to her room to grab her skateboard. She has a vans skateboard with a hello kitty picture on the back of it. She gets ready and goes out the front door. Then she flips down her skateboard and rides to the park. When she gets to the park she picks up her skateboard and heads to the swings when all the sudden this guy walks up to her. Hes tall has brown hair and blue eyes. He also has light skin like her and is wearing jeans with a rocker t-shirt." Hey SharlaMay wow its you" "and you are? " " im Hudson remember we use to hang out when you came up here in the summer when you were little " " oh Hudson wow its been so long so was up?" " not much just hanging out and writing music." " Cool that's awesome " "Yea it is so how long you here?" "Oh like two weeks why?" " nothing just wondering" " oh ok" " well you look really cute today" " thanks Hudson" " wow its been long since we have hung out" " yeah it has and im glad you ran into me " " yea and i almost didn't recognize you" " yea" So they talked for a while longer then she she left and he said that he'd see her tomorrow around two. So she rode home on her skateboard then told her dad that she met her old friend. So the next day she went down stairs " hey im going out for a bit so watch paprika " " sure dad oh and can i go to the park later " " yeah that's fine just lock up paprika in the kitchen before you go so she doesn't pee on the carpet and bring your phone with you" " ok sure dad " " see you later" Then he leaves out the front door. She runs up stairs to get her computer and then comes down. Then she sits on the brown couch in the living room and turns it on. After it starts up she goes to Im to see if Carolanne is on. Shes on so she open a text box. Sharlamay: hey whats up? Carolanne: Nm u? Sharlamay:Well yesterday I rode to the park on my skateboard and my of my old friends walks up to me. Carolanne: cool is it one that ik Sharlamay: idk hes well sort of a friend bc when i was six my dad used to work for this company and he would be working with this coworker wed half to hang out bc you know we were both to little to stay home alone. So my dad and this coworker would hang out a lot to do company work together. We'd be stuck hanging out with each other. Carolanne: oh well what does he look like ? Sharlamay: ok he used to have curly brown hair like chase from zoey 101 remember how curly his hair was well imagine that curly and he was short but he was also weird. Now his hair is straight and hes tall and plays guitar but idk if hes in a band. Carolanne: wow he sounds like he went from ugly kid to hot teen since you have seen him. Sharlamay: yea pretty much Carolanne: So like how ur dads Sharlamay: awesome just awesome Carolanne: well that's cool Sharlamay: yeah Carolanne: well ttyl my mom wants me Sharlamay: ok i have to get lunch anyways bc he told me to meet him at two in the park Carolanne: ok have fun Carolanne is logged off So she logs off and shuts of the computer then goes to get lunch. After lunch she turns on the tv and watches my live as liz on MTV. Then at quarter to two she goes up stairs then puts on her blue converse and gets her skateboard. Then she comes down stairs "come here paprika come here girl. paprika paprika come here girl" So after looking everywhere she finds paprika in the office laying underneath her dads desk. She grabs her and brings her downstairs then locks her up " you be a good girl while im gone" So she gets her phone and her house key then heads off to the park. When she gets there she looks for Hudson and doesn't see him so she goes to swing. Then all the sudden she looks next to her and sees him so she slows down. She stops then gets off. " hey you made it" " yeah i did so whats up?" " not much just got done writing a song" " cool can I hear" " well i don't have my guitar nor the lyrics with me but we could go hang out at my house i could play it for you there" " how far do you live" "just a couple blocks" "hey do you live on Blue Bell ? " " no i live one street over on Red Robbin why ?" " my dads house is on Blue Bell so you live close to me" " yup i do " " hey why don't i call my dad and ill ask if we can stop by your house to pick up your guitar then head over to mine to hang out because no ones home" " ok sure " So i take out my phone and go to my recent calls then click on my dads number. Then i put the phone up and it starts ringing "yeah sweety what do you need ?" " can i have a friend come over to house were going to hang out " " do i know this friend ?" " remember Hudson the kid that i used to play with when you had that job" " yeah" " well hes the old friend i met at the park and hes the one i want to come over " " i thought u didnt like playing with him" " well he changed dad so can he" " i quess if he asks his mom but he has to go home by six thirty and i should be home around seven ok" " thanks dad and sure" so i close my phone and put it in my pocket " what did he say?" " he said yes so let head to your house" " ok" " he also said you can only stay until six thirty " " thats cool when we get to my house ill ask my mom"
© 2013 creepyowl1 |