The Truth About Milla part 1A Story by creepycupcakeThe truth about Milla
Milla likes to pretend that she is am innocent victim of cyber bullying and that she never did anything wrong but I will put things into perspective here.
Milla liked Daniel but he liked Alison and not her, so Milla began bullying Alison and being racist towards her. This was back in Spring/Summer 2014. Milla made an account called 'flatchestedbitch' in order to bully Alison. We will cover all Milla's bullying of Alison on part 2. Milla also made another account called Anna Banana in order to make Alison jealous of Daniel. At this point I was staying out of it and me and Milla were still friends. I was going through a difficult time with my ex partner, Hayden and was feeling rather depressed. Milla was also feeling down about falling out with Daniel, as she still liked him. Me and Milla would talk everyday and she even set up a charity page for me when I finally moved out of Hayden's and into a women's refuge with my daughter Ginny after Hayden smashed my computer and grabbed me by the throat. Milla,Jason, Daniel, Arlo and Alison all helped me through this difficult time as I was very lonely and could not have visitors at my home of any kind. I was dating again but my ex did not want the responsibility of watching my daughter more than a few hours on 2 days every week so I hardly got to see anyone. In this time I had a boyfriend and a couple of one night stands. One of the guys I was seeing was an older Chinese man of 62 who owned a chip shop and Milla seemed to get funny about it. I was also getting playful with Gun Fanatic and ended up going a bit too far with the joke and this seemed to make Milla and Jason, her boyfriend at the time very upset with me. Not long after this Milla's behaviour toward me changed. I wasn't feeling particularly well at this point and was very anxious about where my life was going. Whenever I would allow the anon feature on my profile lots of unkind questions would pop up. These questions were mostly about me being a bad Mother, and me being on welfare, and my first child who got adopted. I brushed these off mostly because it's all petty stuff, but the nonetheless it annoyed me when I found out it was my so-called friends Milla and Jason. Milla and Jason began attacking me off of anon and admitted that the anons were them. Soon after this I started doing it back, making fun of them too. Not mature I know, but at least I admit it. When they realised I had a sharp tongue and was not easily offended they backed off, only coming out to try and bully me when I switched on my anon feature on An account was made called 'asian petey fanclub'. I can tell you I did not make this account despite the fact that me and asian Petey have sexted in the past and I have sent him nude photos of myself and had cybersex with him. Me and Petey had a nice time but I did not make that account. I did make the 'gunfanaticfangirlfanclub' one because yes I have always thought Gunny was cute, not going to lie, I have a major soft spot for oriental men. It was funny yes, but I took a joke a bit too far for Gunny's liking so I stopped. My sense of humour can be a bit dark and a bit gruesome for some and I made some jokes about self harm and some graphic sexual ones as well. Milla then wrote an article on writer's cafe about me saying that my aspergers syndrome is self diagnosed. I can confirm that it is not. Milla also attacked me for being a single Mother (I was not single at the time. I was in fact dating a man called Jia and I was staying at his house once a week but it ended with him. I went straight into another relationship with another lovely chinese man and I am also not single now as I have a serious boyfriend now who I plan to live with and as of this month I am actively trying for another baby). Milla is nasty, narcissistic and vain. She wants everyone to worship her and cannot stand it when she is not getting the attention that she desires. Milla is incapable of being a proper friend. I realised that she only ever wanted to talk about herself, but at the time I did appreciate her company, so I overlooked it. Yes I did make that fatmilla account. I am not going to lie about that. I admit that was cruel and I have no defence for making that account. However, I just want you to know that Milla is no angel either. Neither is she a sincere or genuine person. She is a 2 faced backstabber and drama queen and she is self centred to the very core. That is the end of part 1 Part 2 will be about how Milla and Hannah have viciously bullied and taunted Alison and made her suffer racism because they are jealous that Alison is prettier than they are and they both fancy Daniel. Hannah also deserves to be exposed for her bullying so I will also cover her in the next article. Everyone seems to look up to Hannah and worship her like she's some kind of Mother Theresa when she's just not very smart or very nice.
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