Senior and Freshman Love

Senior and Freshman Love

A Story by Ashley

A short story about a freshman girl who moved to a new high school.




One day means so much to everyone. That very first day has to be a good one. Look right, walk right, talk right. But what any freshman doesn’t know, unless you already have connections, you will never get in good with the seniors. I however am a different story. A year through drama and acts, I have survived. Only because my first and only boyfriend was a senior.

I met him over the summer. My family moved into Hanson. We had a double wide trailer and it was confidently located near the school and across from all the food chains. Hanson high school worked differently from other schools. Across from it, they had vendors from McDonalds, Subway, KFC and a homemade Ice cream shop. Students were given an hour break to eat and go home if they wanted. Only if they didn’t come back after three times, they would get suspended. So far no one did. Of course that all changed when I moved in.

Drake Monatelli just happened to be walking by when my mother dropped a heavy box on herself. It was her fault, she couldn’t carry it by herself. But the gentleman he was, he picked it up and brought it into the house. Then she thought the reasonable thank you was to introduce him to me. I stood there in black shorts and a pink shirt. My golden hair was pulled back carelessly into a ponytail. We made eye contact, shook hands and he went on his way. Of course my mother was the center of his attention. She was hot, I give her that. I was one of those kids who was proud to look like my mom. Later that night he stopped by again. Apparently his mom sent over a casserole. He stood in our new living room joking around with my mom while I sat hidden on the stairs, listening. Then my heart stopped. He had asked about me. He questioned if I was home or not. It was my cue to run and hide in my room. Like I suspected, she sent him up. He quietly knocked on my door.

“Come in,” I said being shy as hell. He gracefully came in. He had dark brown hair that was held up with some kind of gel. His eyes were Irish green and they were staring at my light blue eyes. He cleared his throat like he was nervous, but telling from his good looks, I knew he wasn’t.

“Um, your mom wanted me to come up and say hi. Hi,” he said acting shy. I smiled a s**t eating grin.

“I’m sorry my mom is pushy, you can leave if you want. But you don’t have to put on an act,” I said viciously. Maybe a little too vicious. No, guys like him used me in ways not even my mom could understand. I was not going to go through it again. Then again, he flinched a tiny bit like I hurt him.

“That’s fine. But so you know, no act here.” He held up his hands as if giving up. I giggled a little and he did too. I sighed as if I lost a battle.

“Alright, so what’s your motive?” I asked him. He smiled again and how it was beautiful.

“You make it sound like I’m in trouble. Actually I was wondering what grade you are starting in next week?” I grimaced by the thought of school. None the less I was a freshman. Would he leave if he found out? I decided to test it.

“I’m a freshman,” I said quickly and without emotion. I firmly stared at him to see any reaction, but none came.

“Well, I’m a senior. It’s late, I’ll see you around school though. It’s Joy right?” he asked with so much curiosity.

“Yes, Joy Marie Honey.” I felt stupid because I gave away my middle name. he seemed to think it was cute. I challenged him by holding out my hand.

“Drake Joseph Monatelli,” he said as he took my hand. He did not shake it, oh no, he kissed it. The touch of his lips on my hand felt great. It sent chills throughout my whole body. I let go before he could feel my hand shake. He then left me. I stood still till I heard the front door close, then I let my breath out.

A week later, I was on my way to my hell. Although I didn’t know it at the time. I thought I was in with a senior, no one would bother me. I was wrong. I choose to wear a denim skirt and a black tube top. I painted my toenails black to match the black sandals I bought two days earlier. I was ready for stares. However, no one stared. Homeroom is where everything went down. I snuck into the bathroom a couple of minutes before the bell to patch up my lip gloss. Of course one rule I didn’t know was that during that time, the bathroom was owned by senior girls. So I walked in facing ten girls. They all scoffed like they seen dirt. Their leader I presumed, talked to me first.

“Please tell me you’re new, otherwise you’re bound to get unwanted attention.” She stood waiting for an answer. I just turned around and left. As soon as I got out, I bumped into Drake. I smiled, relieved. However, he kept a straight face and it didn’t acknowledge me. I lost my smile and continued to homeroom. Before I went inside, I saw the girls come out, and the leader lightly kiss Drake on the lips. My heart fell. I could tell it was going to be a bad day.

The other freshman were nice, they mostly kept to their own groups and what not. I ate lunch by myself at Subway. I saw Drake, and this time he smiled and winked at me. I tried to hold my smile back, but it didn’t work. Then the “queen” sat next to him. I quickly looked away, afraid to see if she looked at me. In my second half of the day, my classes were combined with other grades. Drake and the “queen” were in my cooking class. I felt trapped. I learned her name was Jessie Altern, and of course when my name was called, people snickered. Jessie looked at me and smiled. I gave her a nasty look back and she promptly turned around. I could feel her rage from my seat across the room. I think it was because Drake sat next to me and not her. He didn’t say a word to me all class, but when the bell rang he held me back.

“Don’t mess with Jessie. She’s not nice.” I laughed at him.

“Please, I’ve dealt with girls like her before. She can’t touch me.” I walked away from him. Jessie glared at me as I walked out.

The few weeks were about the same. Jessie and her girls giving me looks and Drake talking to me when no one was looking. One night he surprised me. He showed up to walk me home after school, which wasn’t far. As we walked, he talked.

“So to let you know, Jessie’s been spreading rumors about you,” he said while taking my books from me. I let him.

“Like what?” I asked him. He side glanced me.

“Well, nothing big. Everyone thinks you got kicked out of your old school because you were sleeping with teachers and something about a disease you have.” I stopped walking. What was I thinking? She practically drove me into the ground in a couple of weeks!

“Don’t worry. I set some people straight. But I’m warning you, stop whatever you’re doing because it will get worse.” I grew angry. I looked at him and blew up.

“Why are you helping me? You show up acting like this nice gentleman, then you don’t talk to me in public? What is your motive Drake?” I screamed so loud my mother could’ve heard me. But she was working. I didn’t wait for an answer, I grabbed my books and ran for my house. I didn’t look behind me and I didn’t wait at the door. I slammed it shut.

In a matter of days, I was the talk of the school. A lot of things were being said. I did drugs, I am a s**t. I had to ignore it all. No one would be my friend, but it didn’t matter. All I needed to do was get through school. That’s what I thought. But then teachers started talking to me, making sure my “habits” weren’t true. A few times someone told the counselors that I was cutting myself in the bathroom. I had had enough. None of that s**t was true. I walked up to Jessie and slapped her across her face. She flew back a couple of steps and looked surprised.

“Take it back, take it all back. You fix this or I will fix you!” I hurried out of the school before a teacher caught me. I ran home and rested on the steps. Drake came up to me and told me Jessie was sorry and he couldn’t believe I hit her. I couldn’t either. We talked for a while, then Drake asked me something that came out of nowhere. He asked me out. I was shocked and a little ticked from earlier still. I debated in matter of seconds and my answer was yes. I was excited because he was my first real boyfriend. One who wouldn’t use me.

After Jessie found out, she weirdly began talking to me. I could tell it was hard for her to do, but after a couple weeks she started opening up to me. Then it was my birthday. Jessie asked me if she could throw me a party. I couldn’t say no. She seemed like she was behaving, especially now I was gaining friends.

Drake bought me this nice black dress, it was tight on me but it looked so good. He looked a little sad but he kept saying it was nothing. The party was starting good. It had a live band and a lot of people. Then when Jessie arrived it began to fall apart. She wore a really short dress with net stockings. Her hair was down and curled. She looked like a beauty queen, more beautiful than me. I felt lower than her for a second but then I remembered who I was with. Drake tried so hard to not look at her. I appreciated the effort but then she came over. She laid her hand on his shoulder and proclaimed how cute I looked. I couldn’t meet her gaze, my eyes were on her hand. It was massaging his shoulder. Then she winked at him and left. When he finally turned back to me, his face was red with guilt. I made myself forget about it until this strange guy came to dance with me. Drake looked suspiciously at him, but let him dance with me. Drake danced with some other freshman he knew. While dancing with this strange guy, he slipped something into my hand. They were pictures. Pictures of Drake and Jessie kissing. I looked at the date when the pictures were taken, and it was scribbled out. I looked up but the guy was gone.

I stomped over to Drake and shoved the pictures into his hands. Before he had the time to explain, I ran out. I ran towards home which was a mile and it was pouring rain. About half way there, Drake pulled up behind me with his car.

“Joy, those pictures were a long time ago. I wouldn’t do that to you,” he stated. I was in no mood to forgive that easily.

“Go away Drake. I know you wouldn’t.” I slowed to a walk, but not for Drake. He pulled over his car and caught up to my side.

“Then why are you running?” He asked me. I stopped walking and turned to him.

“If this is what I have to look forward too, I’m not up for it. Rumors and lies, I can’t be apart of that. Jessie doesn’t like me, I get it! So I’m just going to disappear and hide in the shadows. Maybe she’ll forget about me.” I looked into his eyes. The rain spoiled his hair. It was hanging in his face, as mine was in my face. I fought an urge to brush it aside.

“She’s threatened by you because you are gorgeous. She knows you’re better than her and soon she’ll realize she can’t do anything about it. I’m asking you to stay. Please,” he begged. He looked cute as he got on his knees in the river of water running across the road. I stared at him for awhile.

“Are you saying that you will stay by my side no matter what she does?” I asked him. He nodded, but he didn’t say anything. He got up and lightly grabbed my chin. He pulled my chin towards him and kissed me hard. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back. I figured if Drake was by my side, nothing could hurt me. Not anymore.

© 2008 Ashley

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Author's Note

There might be a little grammer errors.

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Featured Review

I dont know how you managed to write it, but i dont trust Drake at all...

He's taking her for granted and if he's a stereotypical guy that has been with the beautiful girl before, he's not going to cheat again. So, it may have been a romantic story, but for me, i think there could be a few more endings to this story...

Very good read, hope to see more soon

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I dont know how you managed to write it, but i dont trust Drake at all...

He's taking her for granted and if he's a stereotypical guy that has been with the beautiful girl before, he's not going to cheat again. So, it may have been a romantic story, but for me, i think there could be a few more endings to this story...

Very good read, hope to see more soon

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is a wonderful story...I like the ending; the sweetness is a great refresher!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on June 12, 2008




Well, I love to write on my own. I'm hoping to make new friends and what not so let me get started :D more..

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