Happy new year everyone.
Will be on and off this whole month too.
A little scribble to remind you all that i still exist.
And apologies to all those whose work i haven't read despite the read requests. Will try and catch up.
Have a beautiful day.
P.S. Feel free to tell me what you think off this piece. Also do tell me if i should add a few more stanzas, i felt as though they may take away from the piece but if it feels incomplete i will add a few more lines.
Thank you.
My Review
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Sadness, and other emotions like this, puts us in a state of humbleness, in a mind and heart of gratitude - for many times (for me), sadness and depressed feelings made us, and shaped us into who we are. Makes us appreciate the good times in life, and lets us discover what happiness really is to us - and recognize that we have something much greater than happiness. Joy. Joy is an everlasting presence or essence, while happiness is only a temporary feeling. Very nice write, I liked it a lot. Made me think, and I like poems that make me think. :)
A amazing poem.
"I spent my life wishing you away,
But now, I beg for you to stay,"
Above line can stand on their own. Sometime what we need. Is what we have. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you Coyote . You're reviews are always appreciated.
I definitely think you could elaborate, give the reader more of a feel for the emotion briefly flickered in these few beautiful lines. thank you for sharing, I am happy to say I understand the poem :)
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you for your input Isabella it is much appreciated.
To be reminded that the treacherous journey lays ahead and that as soon as we can lift our head high we seee that actually we have managed to relate to it. We might even feel connected in ways we never thought we could. Difficult the may have been but they were there! The accompanied you and will continue to do so. If all emotions would come to use with the exponential magnitude of resplandecent light they will impact us even more! WHo knows to what degree? A little darkness in that sense is a shield.
This poem was simple, but had some good meaning behind it. I do not feel that the poem was to short. The poem said it's piece and anything more, as you said, may have only served to distort the meaning. I look forward to reading some more of your work. This poem did resonate with me and had meaning for myself aswell. I appreciate your work
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you so very much sir. Your input is appreciated.
Passionate Writer.
Besides that i would say that i love to travel, do some photography and meet as many people as i can because the best stories come from random encounters .
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