Chapter 1A Chapter by craybeastOn the Inside. Schiz·o·phre·ni·a [Skit-suh-free-nee-uh, -freen-yuh] Noun Psychiatry. Also called dementia
praecox. A severe mental
disorder characterized by the following: emotional blunting, intellectual
deterioration, social isolation, disorganized speech and
behavior, delusions, and hallucinations.
"So tell me, did you ever think that you would come to this point in your life? Did you ever think that you could be somewhat under control?" "To tell you the truth after that night I never thought that I would come back... "What do you mean by come back?" "That night when I fell asleep, you know when I was in a coma? "Go on Stevie." "I, I don't know. I can't remember anything. All of my memories from that night are gone, and all that I can think of is...NO! STOP!..." "Stevie, are you ok?" "Yes, I'm sorry I can't tell you. I, I can't say it! Please don't make me!" "We need to get to the root of this problem. why can't you tell me? Or do you just not want to?" "Look, if you want me to talk, I will do it at my own pace! when I say I can't say it I mean it" I was not going to tell her my whole life story just yet, she hadn't earned my trust. "Now, why don't we start from the beginning; the first time you knew something was wrong." Is it alright to tell her? Can I trust her? I just don't want it to come back, what if talking about it brings it back? "Stevie? It's OK, you can trust me." OK, I have to tell someone. This is it. "Ever since the time I was a baby my parents felt that there was something wrong. There were little things like not being able to sleep or feeling depressed, to screaming or crying for no obvious reason that made my mother and father worry, but not enough to convince them that there was something wrong with me or that they needed to take me to a doctor or a psychiatrist. "When I was seven years old my parents pulled me out of school and started homeschooling me because I was acting strange. I started getting more aggressive with the other kids and I still had 'imaginary friends'." "What do you mean by imaginary friends? Were they Just normal ones or more?" "They seemed normal to me but I don't think they were. Most of them were named after numbers and they told me things that made me depressed or angry. Sometimes the things that I saw made me want to harm myself and others. One creature was a catlike animal named 700. He told me to do bad things like hitting other kids in school. The other bad friend was a little girl my age who told me things that made me want to kill myself. The girl never told me her name, but I knew she was important." " Why do you think that this girl was important?" "I, I don't know. I just felt like she was significant in some way." "What about your parents? Why did they never take you to a doctor?" "Maybe it was because they didn't want to notice. They didn't want to think that their perfect little angel had something wrong with her." "I can understand that, now can you go on?" I nodded "In school other kids called me crazy. I was moved to several different schools before my
parents decided to take me out altogether. Soon I began to hear a ringing sound that
never stopped. My parents thought it was tinnitus - an inner ear condition that makes your
ears ring - but I knew it was something else. "Finally, the ringing went away, but it was replaced by voices that filled my head so that no other thoughts could get through." "How did it feel to have voices talking to you? describe that to me." "It felt like I wasn't in control anymore. Something much more powerful had taken over. It is still there you know; it just doesn't want to be noticed right now." "Did you ever try to get rid of them?" "I shouted and screamed for the voices to go away but they never stopped talking to me." I couldn't go on. It was to hard to recall the first time I heard them; it was to painful to go back there. "It's OK honey, you got a really good start. we can talk about this some other time if you want." My psychotheripist ,Mrs. Ann, was nice and I felt like I could trust her. I decided to tell her a little more. "No, I can go on, just not about the voices." "That's fine", she said. "My parents thought that I would eventually grow out of it and that maybe I just had a very vivid imagination. I can tell that they were hoping for the best. Eventually I learned to control the voices so I only heard them when I wanted to. My imaginary friends were still there but I learned not to talk about them so that people wouldn't think that I was weird. By using these techniques, the hallucinations and delusions went away. My parents put me back in school when I was eleven years old and things seemed to be fine. "When I was twelve, I discovered that I had 'special gifts'. I could tell people what they were going to say before they said it and I could find hidden patterns in my math book. My teachers thought I was a genius so they put me into advanced math courses. Pretty soon I was doing algebra and calculus. "Did the voices bother you then?" "I could hear them in the back of my head all of the time. They never left me, they just slept for a while." "Why didn't you tell anyone?" "I didn't want people to know because I thought that they would call me a monster. " You know that you are not a monster. Schizophrenia is not as rare as some might think." "Yeah I know I have heard the statistics before. 1 in 100 people get it. That is my problem, I am the one that got it! Of one hundred other people why did it have to be me?" "You were made like this for a reason, we just have to find out!" " before all of this happened I had everything I could dream of. I was under control." "In all of those years that you were struggling why didn't you tell anyone?" "I didn't have to tell anyone because eventually my secret would let itself out. I wanted to live a normal life where people didn't worry about me and my friends weren't afraid of me." "well Stevie we are almost out of time for today but I want you to know that once we get to the root of your problem you can be helped. It is true that there is no cure for schizophrenia, but with the right medication and ongoing psychotherapy, the symptoms can be treated and for some periods of time your schizophrenia can become sedentary." I had heard that before. Would I be cured? The answer was no, MY DISEASE CAN never be cured. Schizophrenia can never be cured. "You are right; I can be helped! I can be helped by being diagnosed as crazy and being locked up in a padded room for the rest of my life; high on medication and the false truth that someday I will be cured!" I tipped over the table and slammed the white noise machine onto the floor. I knew that this was not going to end well. The "guards" would come and lock me away in the highest tower of the castle. The only difference between my life and the fairy tale is that instead of being kissed by a handsome prince and being carried off into the sunset;far away from the madness of my life, I would eventually be escorted from the solitary confinement room into the regular room and all of the other mental cases around here would have a new found fear for me. There are four sub types to schizophrenia: Paranoid Schizophrenia, disorganized Schizophrenia, Cationic Schizophrenia, and Undifferentiated Schizophrenia. Right now I have what is called Residual Schizophrenia. Residual schizophrenia is the transition between one active state of schizophrenia to another. There is one danger of residual schizophrenia; I can go from completely calm and sedentary, to a full out psychotic episode like what happened today. The scary part is that I will never know when or if my symptoms will return. I sat there in "the room" while soft music played. I rocked back and forth in an effort to calm my nerves so I would not be visited by my imagination. All of the sudden I felt like I was falling in reverse and before I knew it, I was back to the beginning; before all of this started. © 2013 craybeastAuthor's Note
3 Reviews Added on September 24, 2012 Last Updated on March 2, 2013 AuthorcraybeastARAboutHi guys! My name is Katie! I am 14 years old and I like to write books, short stories, poems, and blogs! more..Writing