Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by theHobbit

You see we're thieves, the best in the whole city. We're Staal and Mist, and we rule the city of Aynor hand in hand.


Chapter 3

I shake myself out of the flashback. Like Eliza always says, 'There's no use getting caught up in the past 'cause you'll get so lost you'll miss what's going on now'. I glance at Olivia and I see that she is lost in her own world too, her eyes downcast to the cool tile floor. I take the cold coffee mug from her clenched hands and wash out the tepid liquid in the aluminium sink.

“Come on, Livi. You need to get some sleep don't you have an 8am class?” Her head jerks up and her eyes widen as she flies out of her chair.

I...I um,” her icy blue eyes stare into mine, “Thanks, Will for everything.” She turns and shuffles out of the kitchen and back to the room.

When I open the door to our dorm Olivia isn't there. Her green bedspread is in a rumpled heap and her phone is gone and so are her shoes. I sigh and throw myself onto my bed. Staring at the crème coloured walls I remember the box. The metal container was once shiny and black. Once, probably many years ago but now the paint has peeled and rust covers almost every inch. I hold the shiny new lock in my hand manipulating the metal to move where I ask it to. The cold spreads into my arms and down my back. My hair stands on end but the lock clicks open.

“It's getting worse.” I mutter under my breath. I gingerly lift the book out of the box and also the jewellery. As I flip through the yellowed pages, hundreds of vibrantly drawn pictures seem to jump off of the paper. Suddenly, the pages won't move at all. It seems like they're glued in place. As I focus on the drawing staring up at me my breath catches in my throat. It was Eliza. For Christ's sake the drawing's eyes were exactly the same. Details down to the fleck of gold in her right eye next to her iris. Eliza's auburn hair, tumbling down her shoulders. Eliza's hands, thin and delicate but still gruff with calluses and the freckle that rests upon her thumb. Eliza. I flip the book over to see the title but there isn't one. I turn back to the page. But it wasn't the same picture. I know for sure this is the same page because I had kept my thumb in between the book when I flipped it over. The new picture is of what must be a freshman. Frail and timid, walking down the crowed halls with books clutched to her chest. Her dirty blond hair pulled into a brown beanie. Then the picture moves. I was seeing the girl actively walking down the hall as a sophomore bumps into her, elbowing her in the ribs. She winces but keeps walking but then she reaches what must be her destination. A hidden corner in the school underneath a staircase. The bell rings and the halls clear. She waits another ten minutes before she does anything. For ten minutes I sit huddled in blankets waiting for what she's going to do. She peeks into the halls and seeing no one she presses her hand against the wall. What was once solid brick wall then morphs into a door. Wait, that's not the best way to describe it. The wall or the illusion, melts away to reveal a red metal door. Just as the girl opens the door the book slams shut all by itself. I try to pry the cover open but it's sealed. What was that? Pictures don't just move nor do they make any sound. So what is this? I lift the “book” and inspect it. But it looks completely normal and not magical in any way. But it is. I throw the leather book to the end of my bed and fall into my covers. As I drift off to sleep I can't help wondering, who was that girl and what the hell was she doing? But more importantly, there are more people with powers just like Eliza, Himmel, The Vine, and I. We aren't alone.

As usual it's Livi that wakes me up.

“GOD D****T! Will, get the hell up and help me look for my psychology textbook!” I groggily open my eyes and literally roll out of bed. As I land on the floor Livi looks down at me. She rolls her eyes then throws her hands in the air. She grabs my arm and lifts me up. “It's 7:50 and I'm not ready in any way! It takes me at least 20 minutes to get down to the building.” Her eyes widen and her breathing quickens. I don't know what to do. I want to go back to bed but Olivia needs me.

“Deep breath, Livi. Go hop in the shower and get dressed. I'll put together your school stuff and I'll call Tim. He has a car and we'll get you there in time.” Her features calm down and she isn't as frantic. She grabs what she needs, opens the door, and takes off like a bullet. Normally someone would just skip the class but Livi isn't that way. She believes that when you sign up for a class you're making a promise. She takes promises very seriously. That's why she's never missed a class except the one time that she was in the hospital for a broken leg. I throw a pair of sweats on and pick up my phone. Tim, at this point is on speed dial because of how often Livi or I have almost been late. I work at Starbucks so every time he comes in I pay for his coffees. So in a way it's a fair trade. I tuck my phone into the crook of my neck as I grab Olivia's backpack and start shoving notebooks in. Tim picks up after the first two rings.

“Sup, Will. You must need a ride! Not to worry I was thinking the same thing and I'm five minutes away.” I can hear him chuckle on the other end of the line.

“Tim, you're awesome!”

“This is true. See you in five.”


“Bye, Will” Tim hangs up and I focus back to the task at hand. The missing psychology textbook. I walk to Livi's bed and throw back the sheets. Sure enough there it is. She always reads or studies late into the night and leaves books everywhere. I also put her phone, pencil, pen, charger, headphones, and throw ten bucks into her backpack. In case she wants to stop somewhere for breakfast. I turn around just as Olivia runs back into the room. Her hair is plastered against her face and the water is dripping onto the tile floor. I throw the textbook in her direction as she deftly catches it.

Do I look okay?” she says, “Am I going to get dress coded?” she wiggles her eyebrows and starts laughing. I look at her tank top and unicorn pajama pants. I grin and begin to laugh too.

“You are an individual, Livi. C'mon we're going to be late.” I hand Olivia her backpack and she pats my cheek.

Outside Tim honks his horn just as I open the doors and run down to the car. I have to work at 8:30 so I brought along my work clothes to change into. Once Olivia slams her car door shut Tim hits the gas pedal and we're off. We have to get there in three minutes or she'll be late. So of course we run into a red light. In desperation I use my powers to have the metal around the stop light bend enough for it to fall onto the concrete. The metal parts scatter along the intersection and the traffic light is officially out of order.

“I guess that means go, Tim” I turn to the driver and shrug. I wasn't sure that that was going to work but it was a lot more challenging because my legs feel like solid ice and it takes all of my willpower to keep from screaming. The cold creeps up my neck and tickles my ears.

“I don't know man. Should we wait for someone?” Tim turns to me and his dark eyebrows furrow.

“Tim, for the love of everything holy just drive!” Livi shrieks from the back seat. Eventually, we make it to Olivia's building and she rips open the car door and runs. Right at 8:03, she won't get in any trouble but she'll probably call me after her class is done and she'll be upset because she was technically late. I grin because Olivia Sky is too good to be my friend. But she is and I'm so grateful to have her in my life. I reach around my seat and close her car door. I turn to Tim and say.

“Wanna go get some coffee?” His eyes light up and he laughs. His shaggy black hair falls into his face but he sweeps it back with his hand.

“With you, Will? Always.” He shifts into gear, and we drive down the street and take a left.

We pull up into the Starbucks parking lot, and I tumble into the back seat of the car.

“Tim, will you be my lookout?” I'm already changing into my work clothes before he responds.

“One of these days you'll remember to change at home.” he pulls out his phone and his fingers fly across the screen, as he lazily flips through his social media feed. Once, I've finished sliding into a pair of loose fitting black jeans and a plain black t-shirt we both get out of the car. As we open the Starbuck's door the aroma of freshly ground coffee grounds washes over us. Tim inhales deeply and sighs. A grin slides onto his face.

“Your usual?” I'm already behind the counter and fumbling to slip on my green apron and name tag. My co-worker, Aria grins as I stand next to her.

“Tim, how late were they today?” she says as she starts making an iced green tea for a mom in yoga pants who is trying to keep her crying child under control while maintaining a conversation with a friend over the phone.

“They barely made it.” Tim says as he pulls up a chair at a nearby table and he turns and starts to make silly faces at the kid. The little boy sees this and stops crying and he starts to laugh. The toddler waddles over to Tim and the little boy gurgles and raises his arms to him. Tim looks over at the mom for permission and she looks relived and nods quickly. Tim lifts the now content kid onto his bouncing knee. “Honestly, had that stop light not crashed down we would have been at least another 4 minutes late.” and he continues the baby talk at the giggling child.

“Wow, sounds like you all had an adventure!” Aria exclaims as she passes a freshly made mocha to a customer. She smiles at the next person in line as she takes their order. I start to make Tim's drink (an Iced Carmel Latte) turning various knobs on the machine. When the drink is finished I place it on the counter and nod towards Tim who is staring and smiling at me. He stands up and shifts the kid on the side of his hips so the little boy doesn't fall. Tim meanders to the counter and picks up his drink.

“Thank you my green caped hero!” he exclaims as he raises his drink to the ceiling as he smiles and spins in the circle which prompts a fit of laughter from the toddler. As my shift goes on I get lost in a whirlwind of orders, milk, and syrups. But Tim waits the whole eight hours for me and he's always starting up various conversations with the regulars. Every time I glance in Tim's direction I feel like I should look away because he shines so brightly it's like looking into the sun. I smile plays acrossed my lips. Aria looks back and forth between Tim and I and she winks at me and gives me a thumbs up. I blush and look back down at my work.

© 2017 theHobbit

Author's Note

This is more of just a lazy day kind of chapter. It's more of just a domestic view of the villian's normal lives. I promise I'll try to update more. Please ignore the (many) grammar problems and any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!! I'm so excited to hear what you all think!!

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Added on April 3, 2017
Last Updated on April 4, 2017
Tags: #superheroes, #supervillians, #battles, #sidekicks, #thieves, #friends, #sci fi, #coffeehouse, #mundane kind of day



I'm a starting out writer and I really enjoy to hear any and all feedback so that I can grow and improve. I write poems and realistic fiction and I hope that you like it!!! more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by theHobbit

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by theHobbit