![]() Chapter 2A Chapter by theHobbit
Chapter 2
I'm standing in the middle of a field everything is bright and the smell of flowers is overwhelming, hypnotizing almost, I feel myself smile and relax. Wait this isn't right, it's almost too perfect...but all of my fears are forgotten when I turn around and see her, Mom.
“Anne come here dear” Her hair is a chestnut-brown, but in the sunlight it seems gold and her smile could make even the meanest person's hearts melt. Her eyes crinkle at the sides as she looks at me, I start running towards her but no matter how hard or fast I run I can't move and she seems like she is getting farther away.
“NO! Mom come back!” I scream but she is already turning away, she's leaving...again. The wind starts to pick up and the sun turns dark. Everything is cold and black, the screaming wind tears at my skin there is no longer a welcoming field, but a storm that will not quit. I fall down on the cold ground as my long hair whips around my face, I'm crying, nothing seems right.
“It's just too painful!” I say as a sob escapes my throat, as soon as the storm starts it's gone.
I bolt upright as soon as I wake up, I'm in a dark room, fear lodged in my throat because for a split second I believe I'm still stuck in the dream. A breath I hadn't realized I was holding escaped me. I brush my clammy hands against my damp cheeks it was just a dream. I stumble out of my bed and turn on the lights I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror by my bedroom door, I'm a mess, my usually straight black hair (like my dad's) is snarled and looks like a bird's nest. My eyes are wide with fear and my face splotched from crying. The nightmares started when my mom left, however after a while they went away...until a couple weeks ago. I briskly walk into the kitchen, turn on the lights and make some coffee. I don't want to go back to sleep, as the coffee brews I quickly tie up my hair and wipe away any remaining tears everything is normal again, well, as normal as it can get.
When I get back to my room I work ahead on homework and read until I can hear dad start to get up. I look over at the clock by my bed, 5:00 am, he can't be awake already...well then again neither should I. But then I hear muffled crying, confused, I stand up and tiptoe towards the door as I open the door a crack I see my dad hunched over the sink and crying. I want to comfort him but it feels like I'm frozen in place I know he wouldn't want me to see him like this so I slowly close my door crawl back under my covers and read until 6:00.
When I get out of the shower and get dressed it's almost time to go I mutter quick goodbyes with dad but he's already on his computer working, again, I grab an apple and put on my glasses and coat when I approach the door I pause.
“Hey! Dad don't forget to fix the door hinges!” I yell, surprisingly he responds.
“Already did!” he shouted back, wait what? Slowly I open the door with ease...wow it took two weeks of nagging but he did it! I don't want to ask too much of him today so I decide to walk to school instead of making Dad drive me. Still in shock I say thank you and hurry out the door to school.
Generally school isn't too bad I get straight A's and my teachers like me however I can't say the same for my classmates. They all think I'm 'strange' just because I don't go out late or travel to the mall because of this I'm deemed unworthy of their friendship. Which I don't mind because in my opinion they are just awful to hang around. After walking for 20 minutes I finally reach the entrance to the school as I glance to the top of the building I read 'ENREALD'S SCHOOL FOR THE GIFTED' I roll my eyes. Gifted? It's more like if you can pay the fee you might be able to pass through the golden gates to this ' blessed place '. As for me, I'm just on a scholarship...without saying anything the rest of the kids can guess. From my hand-me-down clothes (from my cousins) to my worn shoes anyone can see that I don't belong here.
My first class is German aka. the language we're required to take even though no one will use it in the future usually I can just daydream or sneak reading a book during class. Sadly that is not the case today.
“Ms. Rose, can you please tell the class a correct response to this question?” my head snaps to the white board. I quickly say the first thing that comes to mind after I had answer the teacher's question he seems pleased that I seem as if I'm ' paying attention '. The rest of the class snickers I feel myself sink lower into my chair. When I stay mute in class they laugh or turn to their friends or when I correctly answer they roll their eyes. Everything I do is wrong, so at school I just sit there, the things you learn by being quiet and just listening...I know that Jessica is going to break up with Nick today before he does. The bell rings signifying that 1st period is over...just 7 more to go.
2Nd, 3rd , and 4th hour were a blur but now all of a sudden I'm walking through the lunch line. Typically the food isn't half bad, unlike most schools, I stare down to the dark green lunch tray in my hands. A steaming pile of cooked broccoli with a piece of chicken and some canned pears...another great meal. The books that I have hidden in a book bag are digging into my thigh, my eyes dart around the cafeteria trying to find a place to sit before I can lose feeling in my leg. A half empty table only about 10 feet away is now the most promising option, as I sit down (as far away from the other kids at the table of course) I survey the room. The walls are a light blue almost white to make the cafeteria seem bigger, more welcoming, I guess. There are tables scattered around spacious 'grand hall' my favorite part however are the massive windows that fill the hall with natural sunlight, I feel my muscles relax as a smile pranced acrossed my face. I can't help it, and the skylights let you see the puffy white clouds and the beryl sky most the birds have left for the winter already. As I sit here I find myself wishing I could fly away, go anywhere, just...away. Wait no, my mind expels the thought before I become too attached to it. I am not my mother, I won't leave my already broken father, I stand up too quickly and run into one of my classmates...and their lunch. Sadly they chose grilled cheese and tomato soup. The room falls silent everyone has turned around in their seats to look, I'm trying not to cry but the scalding hot soup soaks through my linen t-shirt burning my skin. A small whimper escapes my throat, I turn around to see whose meal I'm wearing, it's a kid I've seen in passing a few times. Damien, I'm already running before he says anything.
I later find myself in the Nurse's office she is looking at my back to see if the burns are bad. She has me lay down on a couch in the corner as she places bags of ice on my back.
“Just wait here dear, I'm going to call your parents. Nothing too serious but I think you should go home for today.” the nurse says, her voice is like thick honey. To pass the time I pull out a book from my bag which is laying on the ground by the couch. I start to read and I lose myself in the story. A few minutes later the nurse comes back out and says that my father will be here shortly I pack my bag up and lay there because there is simply nothing else to do. So instead I observe the kind nurse, she is a short lady in her mid-forties her shoulder length hair and dark chocolate eyes that make me feel like everything will be alright. I think people are amazing I mean each person has a distinct personality, smile, laugh, or shout. And they don't even realize how fantastic they are my thought is interrupted as the door to the room bursts open as my extremely tall and thin father bolts in his eyes are wide and he looks...scared.
“Burns? Bad?” when he's worried he talks with one word questions and answers so naturally I reply using his methods.
“Yes and no. Home?” I ask, he nods and then he picks up my bag for me and then we are driving home. I can't lounge in the seat of the car because it stings but nothing unbearable, dad acknowledges this and drives slower. And then we're home and everything is ok.
© 2017 theHobbitAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on March 4, 2016 Last Updated on January 23, 2017 Tags: #realistic fiction, #independance, #home and school struggles Author |