Don’t fade away now. Because there’s a light. There’s an end to this crazy mess that we call existence under the night sky. One day, we will flee from the condescending nature of these clouds who will not retreat on their own. We will build hollowed-out caves under boulders and light wax candles -- not the battery-operated ones -- and we will start again. Build back from the mess we were before. We will kindle fires so hot that they burn bright blue. And the heat will lift them up- through the air, through the frigid emptiness. Up to the clouds. When they burn out, the stars will peak through to our world, but they’re so far away that our candles will outshine them. Still, we will be in awe that something so beautiful exists behind the clouds. Come daylight, though, a spherical force too great to quantify will rise from behind the mountains and come up to the sky. It will launch its rays, and they will sink into the earth and reflect to pierce our eyes. But it will hurt.