The Eyes of March (past tense, third person)
A Book by M.R Steiner
800 years into the future, Humanity is but a memory, only a single girl lives among the wreckage, or so she thought.
© 2016 M.R Steiner
Author's Note
I always review back! and pride myself on giving real honest feedback about my reading experience :)
I'm trying to improve my own writing, this is another experiment into altering a book I finished a while ago. it was in a different tense and I'm still learning so it's not perfect but I really want your help, be brutal. even if you hate it, please say why? :) thank you
cheers for the honest suggestions from last time for those who reviewed, your awesome, lets keep the ball rolling,
Added on October 5, 2016
Last Updated on October 5, 2016
Tags: cyberpunk, augmented reality, tragedy, dark, life, sad, adventure, pain, story, teen, evil, genocide, fascism, future, dystopia, end of the world, animals, hybrids, singularity
M.R Steinera terrible city, an even more terrible region, United Kingdom
looking for advice and feedback, every critic welcome no matter what, I will thank you :) more..