![]() Chapter 5: An eye in the AbyssA Chapter by M.R Steiner![]() Annika finally opens the green vial![]() Chapter 5:
An Eye in the Abyss ‘Subject 1 " deceased for 4 days.
Subject 2 " deceased for 20 days.
Species " Pancake tortoises
Equipment " 22 modified voltaic chemical batteries, 1 custom-built
conductive ark generator and 1 roll of exposed copper cable. Two drops of Green
compound (I still have my doubts about this)
Observations " subject 1 is relatively intact while subject
two’s innards have completely collapsed into the shell.
Procedure " Green compound was administered to the mouths of
both creatures at approximately 2:00 am. At 2:03 am, both animals were
connected to the power source and then exposed to electrical charge for no less
than 8 seconds. The phase concluded for secondary observation at 2:08 am.
Observations " the flesh of subject 2 began to rapidly bubble
and congeal, eventually all signs of necrosis had completely reversed. Subject
1 took longer to recover despite the damage being less severe.
Remarkable, they live again.
Malakai told the truth- ’
Annika Toten - July 25th 2013 " Tomintoul village
Those few
paragraphs are all I’ve managed to decipher so far. Everything inside the red
book is so badly damaged. It’s a real pity. I was expecting more answers than
the details of some experiment. It sort of looks like an old bible inside, each
note of calligraphy is penned in sharp precise points beside the diagrams. It
must have been very beautiful once.
I started
the moment the sunrise peered over the hills, which wasn’t too long after I
went back to sleep. My brain just wasn’t going to switch off unless it
happened. By the time I was finished writing my findings down I was more
curious than ever.
A knock at
the door tore me away from the book. I rushed down the stairs to answer, part
of me thought it may was whoever delivered the package in the first place. My
hand fumbled to twist open the lock in anticipation, but all I got was an
annoying distraction.
“I’ve just
heard what happened in Geneva, are you alright?” My next door neighbour Peter
To think it
only took a few days to forget about him completely.
His lanky
frame was a good foot taller me and barely supported that head of his. Those
blue dungarees stank of cow crap; there were even a few flakes in his brown
matted hair. Every time I saw him he’d get this puppy dog look. I’m a cat
“Not now
Peter, I have far too much to deal with.”
The door
swung to a close but his filthy boot stuck between the gap, enough for him to
poke that gormless face back around. “Are you sure you don’t want to talk, the
loss must be bringing up some rotten memories?”
Mrs Sampson
never shut up about it and now Peter had taken her place.
“Peter, my
mother has been dead for a good few months now okay? I’d like to move on if
people wouldn’t keep dragging me back to it.”
“That’s not
what I meant.”
“Well Thomas
got himself into that mess; if you’re here to lecture me, then leave right
“I know you
wouldn’t hurt a fly, but that’s not what I’m talking about either.”
“Then what
the hell do you mean?”
He looked at
the floor, almost in tears. “Oh god, I’m sorry, hasn’t your father told you
“Told me
what Peter?”
“Your cat
Whisper, he’s dead.”
I forced the
door closed and checked the house all over; it seemed like a sick joke. He
wasn’t on Darla’s bed or his basket in the hall, mother’s sewing room was a
blanket of dust and father’s study was locked. My cat was gone.
The truth
hit me in a wave; I felt my legs slip under the grief and collapsed to the
floor. Poor Whisper.
My so called
Father had a lot of explaining to do. I never bothered with mobile phones as
they always ended up lost or stolen. My only option was to use the one in the
kitchen. The place hadn’t been cleaned in a while, the tiles stuck to my bare
feet as I stepped over the brown patches. Me and Darla just use the microwave
and barely wash the dishes.
A horrible
noise clicks on the receiver the moment you pick it up. Over the years it had
gotten to the point where you could barely hear the person talking.
Foundation, how can I direct your call?” the same lady answered every time.
Toten.” I shouted it like she was the one with hearing problems.
“I’m sorry
but Dr Toten is in surgery, can I take a message?”
“Uh, yes you
can definitely take a message. Tell him his daughter wants to know why he
didn’t say anything about the cat dying? And what the hell was stopping the
good doctor from calling when I got accused of murder? Thank you and have a
lovely day.”
The receiver
shattered as it struck the wall, that’s when I heard someone behind me.
“What did
you say about Whisper?” said Darla.
I didn’t
want her to find out that way.
It tore me
up seeing her burst into tears. My hand reached out but she recoiled and ran
upstairs. Have things gotten so bad that she can’t even hug me anymore?
I had to know
what happened and the only other person who knew anything was Peter Willard.
His family farm bordered our land and shared our driveway. It was kind of damp
out as I trudged up the slope and slammed my fist against their front door.
Believe it or not, their home was worse than ours.
You could
almost taste the gin in the air before farmer Laird answered. “Oh bloody hell
it’s Toten’s daughter.”
This guy
wasn’t Peter’s real father; he looked more like a short stacked skinhead with a
flat cap. It was barely the afternoon and he was already drunk.
“Fixing my
jeep in the barn, lazy moron should have done it days ago.”
He had never
lifted a finger on that farm since they moved here. What were Peter’s parents
thinking when they made that man his godfather?
Laird had 5
barns and in almost typical fashion, I had to search all of them. Peter was in
the very last one, I heard a hose splashing behind this huge combine harvester
where Laird had parked his jeep. It was so loud that lanky fool didn’t hear me
approach. He nearly had a heart attack when I clenched the scruff of his
overalls and forced him into the dirt.
“What the
hell happened to my cat Peter? If you don’t tell me the truth, I swear I’ll
break something and I’m not talking about your uncle’s jeep.”
Annika, I would have told you the whole story if you didn’t shut the door.”
My boot
struck his knee, I couldn’t contain it. “What did you do Peter?” I slapped him
right across the face and he still didn’t fight back.
godfather let the dogs escape okay!” He started to blubber harder than my
cousin. “I don’t know why your cat was outside, but one of our collies ran all
the way to your garden and by the time we found her, well… it was too late. I’m
sorry Annika. If it makes you feel any better, Laird put the dog down.”
Two animals
were dead, how could they do such a thing?
I snapped.
My vision turned into a flash and by the time I realised what had happened his
nose was red with blood. It ran down the tip of my boot and collided into pools
of mud as the hose whipped around the floor.
Just looking
at that face was an ugly reminder. I couldn’t stand it and walked away.
“Wait,” said
Peter, “I know it’s not the best time, but I have 5 days until the deadline for
medical school, could you call your dad and maybe ask him about that
What a
selfish douchebag!
He’s been
sucking up to my father since they moved here. His filthy room is crammed with
old medical texts and dozens of surgical tapes. All he wanted was the good
Doctor’s help. The animals didn’t matter.
I loved that
little fluff-ball and now he’s gone. I never felt so alone, all I wanted to do
was hide my bedroom and sulk. Darla hated me, my teacher despised me. There was
nowhere else to turn.
Out the
corner of my eye was the box with the vial inside. An early night made it glow
green though the lid, inviting me to discover the secrets within. It’s hard to
describe the urge that overtook me. As if by some other wills, my hand lifted
it open.
I was merely
an observer caught up in fascination, the power, the history. I wanted to know
it all and threw caution to the wind. Who better to test it than me? It would
have been opened then and there, were it not for an image of Thomas wedged in
my thoughts, his face thick with that black mass.
My stomach
churned at what he what he became. If something happened to Darla I wouldn’t be
able to live with myself. There was only one other place to attempt it,
Mother’s old allotment.
Hail pellets
the size of jelly beans struck my skin as I forced open the front door that
night. It was like the elements themselves were trying to keep me away. Not one
step through the whipping tall grass was easy. Former stones that covered the
path tripped my footing, uprooted in shambles overtaken by nature. It only grew
worse as I stumbled past the tree line.
I hadn’t
been there since mother died. Nothing remained except for the cabin in the
centre. My torch shook as it drew closer to the door, reflected against the green
ivy tying it together.
surprised me was that everything inside was so well preserved. Both benches
stood rigid with a dozen rusted garden tools scattered all around. My boots
swept up dry dirt, sheltered from the storm that still pinged against the dull
pane window outside.
Memories of
mother momentarily put me in silent grief. She used to bring us up there every
summer to teach us about plants and animals. For a moment I almost felt the
warmth of the sun as the insects buzzed around. I see Darla balancing on the
fence of the flower bed, atop petals of blue and yellow. Now it’s just a
brown patch of mud, nothing but weeds grow there.
Flickers of
the lighter against a set of bathroom candles left my thumb red raw. By the
time I was done the place smelled like a soap shop. Everything else was inside
my bag, the book, vial, one bowl, a huge sewing needle and the letter with the
My stomach
wouldn’t stop churning. I didn’t want to end up like Woodman. It was a stupid
risk, but I had to discover the truth for myself. It was the only way to clear
my name and make sense of all this.
A precise pain
shot through my finger as needle drove inward, twisting my skin in two. At
first there was only a drop, then a trickle, soon enough it wouldn’t stop
bleeding. It soaked through the bandage as I picked up the green vial and
pressed my thumb against the cork.
That crap
smelt like baked rubbish and rotten meat. How did Thomas even manage to drink
it? A pinch of my nose did nothing to stop the stench. One tilt of my wrist
dripped it into bowl where it sat there like an oil slick, islanded by an ocean
of blood; I barely noticed the sting on my thigh.
“Oh S**t!” By
then it was already too late.
A single
drop of the vial splashed my jeans. It ate through the denim then scorched my skin;
I seized up on the floor as stiff as a board.
“Submit.” called
a voice, deep and booming as a thousand cries at once.
I looked
down to see shadowed skin stretched out like a squid. Not one syllable of a
scream escaped me; I could barely breathe, helpless to do all but watch this
creature grow. That shriek in my skull ebbed with the pain, tormented in
wracked spasms all over my body, paralyzed as the mass pried my flesh apart.
“You will
The walls
melted away, my mind with it, sent to field of black rock and flowing red mist.
Its voice grew louder; footsteps drew closer, the floor thumped harder. High above
me stood an eye in abyss, like the high beam of a car, focused through the fog,
its body like a giant, impossibly tall, veiled in darkness. There was nothing I
could do, its hand reached out, I just shut my eyes then waited for the end.
Then silence.
For a moment
I thought it was death, but the gale from the open door said otherwise. Somehow
I was still alive.
My thoughts
were muddled with a thousand hangovers. A nervous look at my leg showed nothing
but a torn patch of clothing.
“Was it just
a dream?” I asked myself.
It left me
wondering if any of this was true. Perhaps it really was just some crazy
absinth, one so powerful it could make you trip with a single sniff?
How I wish
that was that was the case.
When my
senses returned I spotted a new note on the bench, placed under the empty bowl
with the green vial bedside it.
‘I told you to be very careful! I will not protect you a
second time.’
watching me.
I think someone
came into the shack after I passed out and poured the mixture down my throat.
That sticky copper taste is still washing around my gums. If wasn’t for them I’d
be just like Thomas right now, I’m sure of it.
That thing,
whatever it was, wanted to control me. In those last moments before I shut my
eyes I felt its thoughts, the anger and pain, coiled around my mind with the
sliver of a snake, desperate to hold on to its prey.
strange, but since I got home I’m actually starting to feel pretty good. This warm
fuzzy feeling is washing over my body and I’ve never felt so aware in my life.
All I want to do is find out more.
Let’s hope
it stays that way. © 2016 M.R SteinerAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on September 28, 2016 Last Updated on September 28, 2016 Tags: lovecraft, mary shelley, occult, science fiction, dark, lord byron, mythos, horror, addiction, pain, relapse Author![]() M.R Steinera terrible city, an even more terrible region, United KingdomAboutlooking for advice and feedback, every critic welcome no matter what, I will thank you :) more..Writing