Memories do fade,
Like seasons in their due course.
Clear images as they were
Fade like flowers,
Losing their bright colors,
To weather and age.
To weather and age
Do leaves lose their soft touch
Like the loss of color
To memories of old.
To memories of old,
Like autumn to flowers,
Time tears their soft petals and pushes them
Back to the corner of our minds.
And as snow to gardens and dewy lawns,
New memories cover up the old.
New memories cover up the old,
But in time a few old memories
Spring from murky depths,
Like snowdrop flowers in April rain.
Like snowdrop flowers in April rain,
From those murky depths of old,
Random memories of small,
Un-notable expanses of time,
With bursts of laughter or sorrow,
Fade to unclear motions, easily mistaken for dreams.