Ignorant Sweet Bliss

Ignorant Sweet Bliss

A Poem by Julesy

Very depressing poem

Ahh, the amazing feeling of ignorant sweet bliss
Feeling so drunk in the moment
I could feel this way forever
Because for once, my worries are released and forgotten
My lackluster, stress-setting, tangled mess of a life is forgotten 
I feelhappy for once.
This happiness numbs my feet
My calves
My chest
My brain
It makes me close my eyes and sigh a long sigh of contentment

As the sigh comes through my lungs and throat
What is released is a dime of my troubled into the air we breath
Terrorizing someone else
That unfortunate soul will be terrorized by life
As the world around me gets blurred into ignorant bliss
I drink in another sip, falling away into a dark whole of nothing
Because this bliss is temporary
And once it separates and finds someone else
I am left in empty nothingness
Alone as I usually am
Because this bliss is my only true friend
That accepts the way I am
That takes in the gory details of my life as if it were a sip of a sweet summer day
And if one were to take away that bliss or attack, well
I'd fight for the only piece of myself I have left.
The bliss is the only part of me 
I wish to be
The only part of me I don't have to explain.
While every other part of me falls away with my life,
This bliss knocks on my door, every so often and lets me drink in its reality
Feeling as drunk as it always does.

But what do I do?
When my only friend is temporary?
When the only thing  keeping the only piece of me, walks away with it, without a second thought?
When I am once again alone, begging, no groveling for it to come back?
What do I do then??
Find real hapiness?
No, the trail to that only let's people that aren't me in
Find a real person?
What? That can handle the different cuts and bruises I've had throughout my life?
That at one point won't disappoint me?
For I am certain that a single mind, even the greatest, smartest, most eloquent mind won't be able to comprehend or understand, why I am the way I am.
Because eventually you'll ask questions of:
Who I am? Each day you'll/i'll never know
How I act? I can never control
My life? No, you can't break that barrier even if you were a diety

From start to finish, I've hardly had a sip of my ignorant sweet bliss
Yet I trust it more than I trust myself.
I love it more than I love myself. 
It is the part if me I am proud of.
But like all the other friends I've had 
It replaces me with someone better
Who is stable, perfect, and not complicated
It drinks sips of bliss with them while leaving me addicted to it
Although I fight against this feeling
Wanting to feel more than ignorant bliss in my life
The sight of it walking away from me like everyone else
Makes me feel like I've lost my breath
Makes my whoe body numb
Disabling me to fight against it
Leaving me an addict
against every part of myself that is permanent
Walking away with the temporary bliss I'm addicted to.
Making me realize the horror of my life
You think you can fight the ignorant bliss with me, because of false words of,"I'll be there for you"
Try to find the words that will make my soul whole
Try to give a thought for this!
The constant worry of a father taking away a brother for good
Of a father getting more lost, confused, angered than he already is, bringing the one I love most with him
Of a best friend dying
Another abadoning me
The other forgetting me
A brother declaring me old news
A mother depressed and engrossed in everything except her offsprings
Depression hanging over me waiting to attack me at my low
Helping me dig a hole six feet under for myself

Now that I've told you a pinch of my daily, never ending life, would you still want to get involved?
You thought you could be the one that replaces the ignorant bliss
You thought you could handle my life
When I can't handle it?
And now that you are tortured with a pinch of my life, what will you do with it?
Oh! So you still think you can somehow try to be here for me?
What about the memories?
The dreams?
You'll never know them!
The sounds, voices, objects, interactions
Stale memories
Not so long forgotten dark memories
Seeing the death of a best friend at the tender age of 5
Remembering when his hand slipped away from mine
When his body was as cold as ice
Watching the other part of me die
Slowly before my brown eyes
When, who knows, said it was his time to die
How I wish to kill them
I could comprehend what was happening!
At 5 years of age!
Knowing that my happiness, my link to life, to innocence
Was gone
And as a 5 year old, searching for his hand
But instead finding a perfect imposter
Since then, ignorant sweet bliss has been my best friend.

© 2010 Julesy

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Added on March 17, 2010
Last Updated on March 17, 2010



Welll...where do I start? I'm Julesy. Every piece of poetry(besides one) I have written on my blackberry. The poetry and songs you are about to read are raw and will be scary. SO prepare yo.. more..

Stuck Stuck

A Poem by Julesy