Fury and Resistance

Fury and Resistance

A Story by Austin

Every second...
Every conversation...
Every word I read...
Every suggestion...
Every flaw...
Infuriates me.
But that anger has nowhere to go.
There's nobody to consult.
There's nothing to pour my energy into.
Writing doesn't even help anymore.
So all this anger is getting stored.
I thought I could be mad for an afternoon.
I thought that would let some out.
But, no, there is a beast dwelling within me.
He doesn't want to be free.
He wants to wait, and build up power.
He wants to become stronger than me.
He wants to devour my morals and my patience.
He wants to take me over.
I've said for so long I won't let that happen,
but how much longer can I resist??
How much longer can I do it?
If I break.... What will become of me?
Who will I hurt?
Breaking... Is that selling myself to Hell?
I want so much to keep myself together.
I can't let myself go to Hell.
I must. I MUST resist.

© 2011 Austin

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Added on June 9, 2011
Last Updated on June 9, 2011



somewhere, TX

:) more..

Calpurnia Go Calpurnia Go

A Poem by Austin