![]() Chapter 1.A Chapter by Elizzy![]() Chapter 1 of Infinite Love![]() Elizabeth's POV I sighed dreamily as I watched the waves crash ashore. It was breathtakingliy beautiful. ''Ahhhhhh!'' I heard someone yell and I flinched. I craned my neck to see a boy jumping high above from a cliff and into the ocean. I gasped and clamped my hand over my mouth. How could someone do that? I would probably chicken out and run back to my 'house.' I turned around and felt the sand seep between my toes as I walked back to my house. If I can call it a house. It's huge, it's a mansion. Yes, I come from a wealthy family and I get everything I want. I am not trying to brag. It's simply the honest truth. My parents own a business overseas and plenty in my country. America. My parents have tons of money because of the generation that has been passed down for generations. If I ask for something. I get it. Shoes, clothes, jewelery. Anything. Even it's more money. Honestly, it's ridicoulous, but if I get my way, then I'm fine. I admitt, I am and can be selfish. But people just look at me as the self centered brat, that's the boss' daughter.
I finally reached my home and walked through the door. An eroma of something delicious filled my nostrils and I smiled. I walked into the chef's kitchen and looked over her shoulder. Yes, we have butlers, servants, maids, etc. ''What are we having?'' I asked and seemed to startle her. She turned around and gave me a grin. ''Rice and salmon.'' she answered. ''Yum, my favorite.'' I said rubbing my hungry stomach. She nodded and turned back around to work on the food. The reason I am so close to her is because she is like the mother I never had. My mother is always gone. Sarah- the chef is like my only person I talk to. I have no real friends. Aside from the kids that are the children of my Mom's employees. My Mom always sets me up with these arrogant and snobby kids that I hate endlessly. That act flawless and perfect. They use their parents money to their advantage. I only use my parents money when I actually need something. I have to sit with them at lunch and there is this one girl with bleach blonde hair and acts like the Queen of our school. I go to a private school and we wear uniforms. I'm pretty sure she cut her skirt short with a pair of scissors just for a boy's attention. Pathetic.
I walked out of the kitchen and into the family kitchen where I saw a unfamialir boy standing there looking around as if he was confused. I arched and eyesbrow and walked towards him with my arms crossed over my chest. He seemed to be in an unbreakable trance. I snapped my fingers in front of his dirty face. He looked like he was off the streets. He was wearing rags and scraps of cloth for clothing. He had curly brown hair that swept across his forehead. Green eyes and his bone structure looked as if it was sculpted by angels. He flickered his eyes to me and blinked a couple times before setting his attention on me. ''Who are you?'' I asked trying to seem intimidating. I scrunched up my nose in disgust and looked him up and down. His clothes were filthy. Like he just came out from the mud. He gulped and spoke. Fianlly.
''Um your..uh parents hired me as your n-new butler.'' He stuttered and I nodded understanding. ''Well I will go get you a change of clothes and show you your room.'' I said. He nodded and I walked to the middle of the foyer. There was black blazer, a dress shirt and kakhis with platform shoes on the table with flowers on it. I grabbed them and a note fell on the floor. I picked it up and it read, 'See you in a few days, went on a business trip to Florida. xoxo'
I shook my head and chuckled, ''Of course.'' I mumbled crumbling the piece of paper and throwing it in a trash can. I looked back and saw he was still standing in his previous area. ''Coming?'' I asked with annoyance. He nodded and strode toward me. I walked up the stairs and down the hall. I stopped at the guest room and opened up the door. Inside there was a bed with white sheets and white pilows. Yellow walls and a painting hung on the right side of the room. I set the clothes on the bed and pointed to the bathroom. ''You probably want to take a shower.'' I said and he nodded but stood still. ''Well, anyways, I suppose my parents gave you your schedule?'' I asked and he nodded. I nodded back at him and went to the door frame. ''What's your name?'' I asked. He raised an eyebrow and looked at me with those gorgeous green eyes that almost looked jade. ''Harry.'' He replied without stuttering. I smiled and finally relaized that he was very toned and built. I cleared my throat and nodded. He looked kind of...scrawny but muscular in the arms. I shrugged it off and closed the door behind me. I walked down the spiral stairs and went to the living room where my bag was. I grabbed it and went to my room. I went to my room and slammed the door shut behind me. I was still angry about my parents leaving without telling me. I am always by myself in this giant mansion.
''Elizabeth! Dinner is ready!'' Sarah yelled and I nodded while rolling my eyes. I got up form my position of laying on my stomach and walked downstairs. Sometimes, it really is a workout to walk up and down these stairs. I smelled the salmon and smiled widely. I always loved this since I was a kid. I stepped into the dining room and sat at the giant dining room table. It can fit about 8 people. Then I saw our new butler..Harry was it? Walk into the room and grab a platter that my meal was supplied on. I looked around the room and cleared my throat. I saw that it was empty. Tears welled my eyes as Harry set the plate in front of me. I smiled up at him and started to eat. The room was like a ghost town. Why? Why am i always alone? Always alone. Always alone. Those two words kept haunting me. I let a tear roll down my cheek and I sniffled wiping it away. Another fell and I whimpered. I pushed the plate away. I don't have an appettite anymore. I heard footsteps and a chair being scraped back. Soemone sat down and it was silent. I looked up and saw Harry frowning. He didn't say anything and neither did I. He sat there watching me. I sighed in annoyance and looked at him with a stern expression plastered only face. "What are you doing? You're supposed to be working. That's why your here! You're useless other wise!" I exclaimed loudly and clearly. I dropped my gaze on him and closed my eyes. I admitt, that last part was harsh. I rested my elbows on the table and rubbed my forehead. I looked back up and saw he was gone. I reached to grab my plate bit someone beat me to it. I looked up and saw Harry already walking to the kitchen to clean it. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "That's better." I bitterly spat at him as he took the sponge, washing the plate. Okay, I'll admit. That was pretty harsh but that's the only reason he's here. To work. He nodded and apologized stuttering. I walked back upstairs and went to my room. I changed in my sleep wear. I got under the covers and shivered. I was almost asleep when I heard a door open and close. A light beamed at my face and I snapped my eyes open. I saw Harry standing there with clothes in his hands. "What are you doing?" I hissed whispering. He frighteningly twirled around and widened his eyes. I sat up and covered myself with the blanket. "S-so s-s-sorry miss..I..I was j-just putting away your clothes." He stammered. Miss? Really? I nodded understanding but was still irritated with the whole miss thing. "Call me Elizabeth, I have a name you know." I hate it when they call miss. I am a kid. I have a name, just because my family's company is popular doesn't mean I want to be called the same thing as them. Ms. Miss. "Sorry mi- Elizabeth." He smiled down at the clothes that he was setting on my dresser. "Goodnight....Elizabeth." He said before closing he door. I heard his footsteps fade and I fell into a dreamless sleep. --------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up the next morning not wanting to go school. I groaned and went to my closet. I got out my uniform. A plaid knit skirt, a blouse, and a tie. I got dressed, then brushed my teeth and hair. I put my hair up in a pony tail. I straightened my tie and smoothed out my skirt. I then put on my platform shoes, also a part of the required uniform. When I was finished, I walked down the spiral steps of the staircase. Walking into the kitchen, I sat at the marble counter on one of the stools. Sarah walked into the room with a plate in her head. Steam was coming from the plate and she handed it to me. It was a plate of eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, and a side of fruit. A lot. I know but when my parents are gone, I eat a bigger portion because if they were here, they'd throw the fattening yet delicious food. I grinned and devoured it. I washed it down with a glass of orange juice. I slammed it down and devilishly grinned. "Bye Sarah!" I called out when I was at the foyer centre. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door. I grabbed my keys and opened my door. I stuck the key in ignition and drove off to school. I got there with 10 minutes to spare, so I went to my locker and got my books. I then sat by my locker waiting for the bell to ring. As I waited patiently, the person I was most disgusted with walked up to me. She was one of my mom's co-workers daughter. When I met her- in sophomore year, she was so desperate for more attention that she cut her skirt short with a pair of safety scissors. Her pursed lips smacked as she chewed her gum. I cringed as spit flew all over. 'Hey! So aren't you and your parents coming over for my dinner party tomorrow?'' She asked with her shrilly voice. I mentally groaned and plastered a fake smile and nodded. ''Yes, 7:30 right?'' I asked trying to act kind. She smiled then suddenly giggled. I saw her batting her eyes like a desperate fool and twirled a piece of her fake bleached blonde hair. I rolled my eyes and looked over my shoulder to see who her next victim was. I held in a snicker as I saw it was Brody Hemmings. He was actually pretty nice and cool. Once you got to know him, that is. But his ego kind of took over when he became one of the football players on our school team. I looked back at her and she was smacking her gum. I longed for the sound of the bell and when it sounded. It was like my wish came true. I walked to my first class. Math. Ugh! I hate math. It's the only subject I am not good at. With all the numbers, and variables. Yea, and they say you will use it when your older. I say that's a lie because the career I would love to pursue, does not have anything to do with finding out what the variable is.
I plopped down on one of the metal seats connected to the hardwood table. I opened my notebook and grabbed the wooden pencil from my bag. I smoothed out my skirt and looked at our teacher. Mr. Hullman. He wrote down a few examples of multiplying polynomails and monomials and I started to get frustrated as I tried solving the problem. -2x + 4x + -5. Key word=tried. I let out a big huff and erased the answer that was supposedly wrong. I tried the next one and suprisingly got it right. Then I wrote down the notes he scribbled on the white board with a red expo marker. After a long and painful hour of equations, the bell sounded. It was like music to my ears. As I walked out I went to my locker for my things. I put in the correct combination and opened it. I took out my Worlds History book and my Literature book. All my notebooks were in my bag. So I was good. I walked up the stairs of the school and the halls were silent. Most of them were probably in their lunch period or gym. But lucky for me, our Worlds History teacher is always 5 minutes late. I walked up another flight and got to the level where my class was located. I walked in and people got from their playful positions- throwing paper, talking, putting feet up on the desk- and sat up straight and locked their fingers together. Probabaly thinking it was the teacher. Nope, just me. Same old me. I sat down and they sighed in relief and went back to their positions. Unfortunately, that's when our teacher walked in. Poor b******s. She narrowed her eyes on the students who were still talking, not realizing she was there. ''Everbody, back to your seats, and quiet down, or else you'll be sent to Mr. Huffman's office!'' She screamed and her screams echoed and bounced off the walls and made ways into my ear. I flinched. These people were strict. I looked down at the blank peice of paper on my desk. I labeled it Worlds History: Labors Union. I put the date and looked back up and saw Ms. Brown writing down on the boaard. The class fell silent and I only heard the squeaking of the expo rubbing against the white board. I copied the notes and we read a section out of the text book. Then we had been assigned to an essay due Thursday. 4 pages of people fighting for proper working conditions. I closed my binder that held all my notebooks and shoved it in my bag. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was time for lunch, so I walked to the cafeteria, and grabbed one of the mint green trays. Today they were serving salmon, topped with wild rice, and a side of French styled green beans. I walked to the line and got my meal. It was overall, one of my favorites. Then I got a water bottle and walked to an empty table in the middle of the chaos. As I was eating I noticed a presence blocking the light, and created a dark shadow was replaced. I looked up at saw Brian. He was probably the most popular boy in our school. He's a junior but still managed to have a higher notice than the seniors. I looked at him and gave him a look, 'What?' He smiled and sat down. I was utterly confused. Sure he is cute and almost every girl likes him but I know not to get close to people like him. He has a really big ego and only thinks about being popular. ''So..? What do you want?'' I asked. ''So, I'm having a party on Saturday.'' He said and I nodded. A clear for him to go on. AlI he did was sit there and smile. I arched an eyebrow and sighed, leaning in to him, ''And...? What's your point.'' I said and he cleared his throat awkwardly. ''Um.. I want you to come.'' He said as if it was obvious. Okay, maybe it was obvious to other people, but not me, I never been to one. ''No thanks, I'm not a big fan of parties.'' I said and walked away from him with my tray. I sat down at a different table and continued to eat, not wanting to be interrupted once again by another snobby, brat. The bell rang and I got up and threw my stuff in the garbage. I walked out and to my locker. Finally. Last period. I put in my combination and swung open my locker. I took out my Science book. I then repositioned my bag on my shoulder and waddled to Science.
I got there and when I walked in, I immediatley took a seat by the window. The sun was shining through, creating a glare. I squinted and smiled at the blossoming trees. Then I turned my attention to the board. 'The study of Waves.' I huffed knowing this already. I learned this in 8th grade and it's actually pretty simple. Our science teacher walked in and she set down her papers on her desk. ''Today class, you will partner up and will be assigned a wave. You will have to work on this project together and you guys can decide who will write the paper. So first Gusty and Wilma will be together studying Transverse. Kelly and Robert will be studying Transverse. Amber and Lexy will be doing Longitudional. Elizabeth and Brian will be working together and....'' The list just went on and on. My lips parted slightly and I looked over my shoulder at Brian to see him smiling at me. I turned back around and listened to her list the names. ''Get together with your partners.'' She said waving her arms around in the air. I stirred around and waited for Brian to come to my desk but I guess I had to go over there. I got up and walked to his desk, sitting down next to him. ''So, we'll work at your house today, and next week, we'll go to my house.'' He suggested and I nodded. I ripped a piece of paper from my notebook and wrote down my address. ''Here. It's my address. See you soon.'' I said smoothly and got up swiftly and walked out just as the bell rang. I put my books away in my locker and walked out of the school. I fished out my keys and played with the key ring as if it was a hoola-hoop for my finger. I opened my door and got in. I stuck them in the ignition and backed out of the parking lot, wanting so badly to run over so many arrogant people as I did so. I drove home and as soon as I did, I changed out of that horrid, scracthy uniform and put on some sweats and a tank. I felt much better and put my hair in a messy bun. I walked down to the kitchen and saw Sarah making dinner. I jumped at her and she gasped letting go of the wooden spoon, letting it drown in the sauce she was making. ''Tonight I am making Pea soup.'' she said and I smiled but it faltered into a frown. ''Right, party for one.'' I said and just had noticed, Harry was in the kitchen too, washing the dishes. ''Anyway, I'm having someone come over, for a project.'' I said and Sarah arched an eyebrow. ''What's her name?'' she asked.
''His name is Brian.'' © 2014 ElizzyAuthor's Note
Added on January 30, 2014 Last Updated on February 24, 2014 Author![]() ElizzyMilwaukee, WIAboutHi, my name is Elizabeth and I love many people on this Earth. Here are a few. -One Direction -Harry Styles more..Writing