Part 17: A Fair and Equitable Exchange

Part 17: A Fair and Equitable Exchange

A Chapter by Anthony Curtis

Michael was a man who was in a world that he was not of. When Brimstone Squadron landed in Byron’s garage, when Jade and Alex melted down over the development, Michael watched with cool detachment, taking in the bits of information that he could glean from the ensuing argument. When Byron delivered the revelation of Kwame’s involvement with the group known as the “Sons of Abraham”, Michael connected the information he had and decided that it made sense for that to be true. And when Jade stormed off in her anger, chased by Kwame, Michael took the opportunity to examine the starfighter squadron assembled before him.

For Michael, little of what was happening right now was of any relevance. The actual job they were planning for, the raid on the “SPARK” project, that was important. The acquisition of the two mutonium shipments, that was important. The consequences of those events, those were great importance. Michael could see where things were going, he could read the writing on the wall.

Michael had all of this in mind as he approached Byron’s office. The door was shut when he arrived, and he quietly waited, knowing that Youssef and Alex were inside going over the plans for the job with Byron. The matter he wanted to discuss wasn’t pressing at the moment, but Michael did not want to proceed with anything else until it had been addressed.

Soon after he’d settled in to wait, the door opened. Youssef gave Michael a polite nod and went on his way. Alex stopped to talk. While Michael had great respect and appreciation for Alex, he did not want to waste time in a pointless conversation. It seemed for Michael, though, he would not have much choice in the matter.

“What’s going on? Did you need something from me?” Alex asked.

Michael could see the worry on his face. The plan probably contained some elements that did not sit well with Alex’s desire to avoid great risks. Michael smiled politely, responding, “No, actually, I am here to see Byron.”

“Oh, uh... ok. Do you want me to go in there with you?”

Michael understood that Alex was asking out of a desire to be polite. Judging by Alex’s expression and posture, he had no desire to go back into Byron’s office. However, by Michael’s estimation, that conflicted with Alex’s steadfast loyalty to his crew and desire to protect them from being taken advantage of, a trait that Michael found quaint, but touching. He appreciated the opportunity to put Alex at ease. “No, actually, I am going to discuss something private with Byron, if that is ok with you.

Alex looked relieved. “Sure, just let me know if you need anything. When you get back to the docking bay, we’ll go over the plan.”

“Understood, Alex,” Michael said. He gave him a small pat on the shoulder, then walked into Byron’s office, making sure the door closed behind him.

Byron was shuffling around a table in the middle of the room, putting away some datapads and shutting down technical displays when he noticed Michael entering the room. His face lit up with the false warmth and sincerity that Michael had come characterize him with. It always seemed like Byron was trying to play all the angles, to give others the impression that he was a step ahead in the game, when in reality, he was anything but. Michael had little patience for the charade, but now was not the time to call Byron out on it.

“Michael! What brings you into my office today? If you have any questions about the job, I’m sure Alex can answer them.”

“Actually, I do have some things about the job I would like to discuss, but I’m afraid that Alex cannot help me.”

Byron cocked an eyebrow. “Oh? Well, what is it I can do for you?”

Michael walked over to the table, pulling out a datapad before responding, “Actually, I am here to discuss what I am going to do for you.”

Byron stopped putting things away, turning his full attention to Michael. “I won’t lie, you’ve been useful to the operation ever since the Bucephalus joined the cause. You’ve repaired seemingly ruined equipment, volunteered for a job that others have run away from. What more could you do?”

“Do you know who I am?”

“You’re a crewman on Alex’s ship, what more do I need to know?”

“You can stop playing coy, Byron. I know you have full dossiers on every person in your employ, and, I would imagine, everyone who operates out of the Rock. However, I’m willing to bet that you’ve been able to find little, if nothing, about me.” Michael said, absentmindedly twirling the datapad he was holding.

            “Ok, I can’t say I have this trove of information you think I do, but I’ll play along. Who are you?”

            “Well, what I tell you depends on what you can procure for me.”

            “What is it you need? I’ve see the components you’ve managed to scrounge together around the Rock. Seems like you are putting together quite the ship. Do you need a part that even Drake hasn’t been able to come up with?”

“What I need would be too difficult and expensive to procure through anyone on the Rock. It would be simpler if I were to get them from someone working with the Martian Fleet.”

Byron shifted his weight in manner that was almost undetectable, but Michael noticed it like it was a neon sign. Byron cleared his throat before responding, “Well, I have some contacts, I can see what I can do.”           

Michael smiled, and handed Byron the datapad. Byron skimmed the information, and laughed. “This is some, uh, interesting stuff. I can look into it, but what would you use it for? Nano machines? A plasma field generator? This is cutting edge stuff, I mean, just because you read about something in a tech journal doesn’t mean that you can use it.”

“Byron, I know you are working with someone in the Martian Fleet Command. From my research, I know they have access to what I require. In exchange, I will pledge my vast talents and abilities to the fleet once we have finished our current job.”

“You presume a lot, Michael. What makes you think that any of that is true?”

“I know it’s true. The encryption you’be been using on your communications, while it may be the best available, was simple for me to hack. I did it at first just to see if I could, but once I started listening, well, it was too interesting to stop. I feel it is import ant understand what is going on. But you’re right, Byron, I do presume too much. You may not be able to provide what I need, but Commander Carter, your contact, he likely will be able to. I assumed that it would a feather in your cap, so to speak, if you brought me on with the fleet, but I can make the offer to Carter, if need be.”

Byron stammered for a moment. “What…. Who?... uh how could you possibly know?” He reached down for his sidearm, his hand trembling as he took aim at Michael’s chest. “Who do you work for? The Kilons?! What’s your game?”

“The Kilons? Byron, I am trying to help you in the struggle. You don’t know who I am, but I can assure you, I am more Martian than anyone you’ve ever known. And trust me,” Michael said, waving, the gun suddenly leaping out of Byron’s hand and into his own, “you want me working with you.”

© 2012 Anthony Curtis

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Added on April 7, 2012
Last Updated on April 7, 2012


Anthony Curtis
Anthony Curtis

Great Falls, MT

I am an aspiring science fiction writer, working on my first manuscript, SPARK of Tyranny. When I'm not working on that, I write a blog called OverGeeking ( more..
