None are the same, but all share a simple commonality.
Why is it that so many of us feel so uncomfortable in our own skin?
It is one thing all humans have in common, the ability to become naked.
To undress oneself from the layers of fabric we use
for warmth, for expression, for the mere purpose of hiding the natural body.
It is the societal norm to be clothed.
The areola of a woman's n*****s are a forbidden terrain
only to be explored behind closed doors.
The genetalia of a man is to remain a flaccid warrior
only to be called to duty once the zippered seal has been broken.
But aside from sex,
Why is it that so few of us enjoy our naked bodies on a regular basis?
We undress, we shower, we redress.
Rinse and repeat.
It is time we all explore our own curves and slopes without scrutiny or judgement.
Take time to memorize every freckle, birthmark, and scar.
Love yourself for the amazing being you have transformed into.
Nourish and praise the spiritual vessel that is your body,
for it has endured a life that is entirely yours.
We use and abuse our bodies, our skin and bones,
yet most never truly take the time to accept them for what they have become.
Worship and indulge in the miracle that is your living flesh,
because we are only given one for each life we may live.
It is time to find comfort, happiness, and security in our bare nakedness.
It is time to celebrate our raw and pure form.
I highly recommend reading barleygirl's rebuttal to this piece, "In Defense of Self-Consciousness", for a different and striking perspective on the topic at hand
My Review
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though i don't believe we've previously communicated, i hope all is well with you. judging from this excellent piece, you certainly seem to be in a place of physical and emotional wellness. i was communicating with another poet on this site, today, about how my love for poetry includes any piece that challenges pre-conceived notions. this piece does a beautiful job of just such a lofty aim. it is concise, extremely well organized. most importantly, to me as a reader, is this poem's message of positivity and acceptance rather than conflict, alienation, or pessimism. "flaccid warrior" is definitely my favorite stone in that jewelry store full of gems that this poem represents to me. thank you for sharing your obvious talent with this site.
Posted 9 Years Ago
2 of 2 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
Dear r.f.,
Thank you so much for your kind words! It's a beautiful thing when the pen.. read moreDear r.f.,
Thank you so much for your kind words! It's a beautiful thing when the pen gets carried away and what's produced can still be easily understood. We haven't spoken before, but I'm looking forward to finding some "gems" on your page :)
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9 Years Ago
It figures that phrase would be af favorite Barley! :oD OK! OK! Put the knife down! There's noth.. read moreIt figures that phrase would be af favorite Barley! :oD OK! OK! Put the knife down! There's nothing left to cut off!!! :oD LOLOLOLOL!!!
Amerrycountry, and Marricage, are the only understandable fiction in univearth written in pure portm.. read moreAmerrycountry, and Marricage, are the only understandable fiction in univearth written in pure portmanteau style, by me of course! plz check them out at [email protected] (email:[email protected])
8 Years Ago
Please read my amazing short stories: Marricage, and the next one: Vol-au-vent, Soda, and Books. The.. read morePlease read my amazing short stories: Marricage, and the next one: Vol-au-vent, Soda, and Books. They are available at my weblog:
Why not check out my unique fiction Amerrycountry, Autorabiography, which is praised by Eagleton, Greenblatt, and D. Damrosch on amazon.
(Zadmehr Torabi)
You've gotten a lot of feedback here, so I'll be short. Excellent thought, excellent delivery. I consider all art to be open for interpretation, but I think many reviewers may have missed what I believe to be the intent behind the words: your body is amazing, and deserves familiarity and respect regardless of any other factors.
Maybe the issue is that so many people have been victims of popular culture, abuse, or self-loathing that it is difficult for them to disconnect from painful or reviling feelings about their own bodies.
Perhaps that is the best argument for the value of your words.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Excellent review. Perfectly stated. I love Nirvana's poem & I get it down to my toes, despite my "re.. read moreExcellent review. Perfectly stated. I love Nirvana's poem & I get it down to my toes, despite my "rebuttal" about how self-consciousness is often the norm for some.
an idealistic point of view, Nirvana, enjoyed mention of intimacy in the poem, and that is important to the subject....yes I agree that everyone should find...' comfort, happiness, and security in our bare nakedness.' it is a very personal sacred ground, and can be very complicated as well, as to why a person may not embrace the concept, easily.....if you believe in a biblical creation, Adam and Eve were created and walked 'naked' in the garden of Eden; they were not ashamed (covered in light) until sin came into the picture, then they had to be covered with animal skins, so in a 'perfect world' it seems nudity is not naturally associated with anything dark, but sadly this world is not perfect and the darkness all around us effects perception; the naked body on display, often times is used; by the fashion industry, ect... to gain attention; advertising sex to sell products; for the most part....I love your perspective and how you articulated the point of view.....honest if I could suspend disbelief and only see the benefits of nudity, I is a complex subject idealized to a romantic concept; well done, just saying.... I enjoyed this and wish the world was this pure and beautiful...ode to no more internet porn and dirty magazines and billboards and the millions of images thrown at society to distort the purity of your amazing concept....cheers, Nirvana
A really good poem, and a definite source of encouragement and inspiration. The first 2 stanza's are really powerful and set the tone for the rest of the poem! Enjoyed this one.
This is so incredible and real. So many people hide their bodies, and even beside that, the human body has become something other than what it used to be. Now, you're a s**t if you dress revealingly, but you're labeled as ashamed of your body or labeled if you cover up. I completely agree with you - the human body should be appreciated during something other than sex. A beautiful and real poem. Well done.
A controversial topic you have explored. I think nudity is an attire that you can chose to wear but it is a social stigma as there is a degree of perversion for most of the people around the world. Clothes is a mark of status to which a person must earn to wear thanks to the media. A thought stirring piece you have presented. Good write Nirvana
Dear Nirvana,
Taking a different slant. I believe that many are very comfortable with their body and all of its parts. To be sure there are so many variations as to their size and form, but these are to be admired not the subjects of willful change. At first I thought you were writing as an advocate for a nudist society, but I think I was wrong in that assumption. As a writer and poet I relish finding my lovers clothed, but slowly, sensuously undressing one another until they are ready for the next stage in their love making. In so many ways I find the clothed body much more provocative than the entirely nude one. I cling to the idea of using my imagination on finding what is awaiting them.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
While I agree with your view on a clothed body of an observed person being more provocative in the s.. read moreWhile I agree with your view on a clothed body of an observed person being more provocative in the sense that it leaves more to the imagination, this piece in itself was meant as more of a self-love message :) Thanks for the insightful review!
I agree with the premise here.
It is healthy and empowering to learn appreciation for, and confidence within, our physical form.
Modesty has become synonymous with shame unfortunately.
If we cherish our naked beauty, we do not share this gift with each and every person we meet. Others will indeed mock and try to shame us; or take perverse pleasure from the sight and inspiration of a nakedness they will never hold with spiritual respect.
So, yes! Be naked and unashamed with yourself and then with those you can trust with you sacredness.
However, communal nudity does not honor the beauty of our nakedness, but rather devalues the intimacy of our gifts... IMO.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Haha I definitely wasn't thinking of communal nudity when I wrote this, but interesting thought! I a.. read moreHaha I definitely wasn't thinking of communal nudity when I wrote this, but interesting thought! I agree that learning appreciate for ourselves is indeed healthy. Thanks for reading!