![]() Lord of the SeaA Story by Ivan Mauricio Urrego![]() A mans sin for pride and greed for fame comes at a great prize.The setting is on the Aegean Sea around the Greek city of Athens with Greek gods involved.![]() The
Lord of the Sea Ψ Her curving sternpost rose as gracefully as the neck
of a swan or the upturned tail of a dolphin and unlike the rest whose symbol at
the prow was Athena indentifying each as a son of Athens, she had been gilded
with the figurehead of Poseidon, pointing forwards with his trident. The figure
seemed alive itself as if imposing his rage upon his enemies. She was splendid,
and so was her lover. Ψ
It was dawn; the
Aegean Sea lay smooth as a burnished shield. The scent of salt burnt in his nose, and he could almost feel the spray of
the ocean against his skin. He closed his eyes for a moment. Let it sink in;
felt the cool of the sea breeze, the gentle breath of the sun upon his face.
For a moment he forgot the armour upon his back, arms and legs; for a moment he
did not remember the shield bracing his body strapped to his back, he did not
notice the white sails dancing with the wind, shifting with each breath, with
the skimming of the craft; and he did not heed any thought to the trusting
sword upon his right side. He closed his eyes and imagined his arms were free
and he wore nothing but a light tunic; he smelt the salt and felt the breeze,
and remembered a better time. Walking down upon the sandy Athenian shores, his
hands in his daughter’s shoulder laughing as the seagulls spun in acrobatic
dances overhead. He remembered a peaceful day. His daughter and him had built
once a sand fortress and used little rocks to play fleet wars, he was the
Athenians and his daughter had been an invading force and their rocks had gone
together in fierce battles. Athenians always won. But this time he did not know
if Athenians would win, like he had always before; he knew war was not based upon
mere manpower alone, but also on the strength and skills, the talent and
experience, of the whole fleet. It was based on moral and strategy. And he had
learned that a great portion went out to the hand of chance. But back then, the
victory always belonged to the Athenians, simply because he had always before
been victorious. He had rubbed his daughter’s fair hair, and ran with her to
the surf. He would raise his hands and look down at the water chirming beneath
and imagine he was one of those seagulls. Completely free and unfettered, with
the entire world a possible destination. He would smile and laugh and his daughter
would dive into waters and they would tumble about. Those times were long gone,
since then he had wedded his ship and had gone to the sea, to fight fierce
battles to feel the pride of victory, he had fought wild sea battles, and
always emerged victorious. His eyes opened. Everything came back to him again, so
real. The creaking of his ship, the tips of vessels’ rams glinting in the sun. He
could feel the hundreds of ships behind him, the thousands of crews, all
wondering the same thing this time: will
we breathe another day? This day he ached and longed for the good old days,
when he was a young boy and did not worry about such things as fame and death, he
did not fear death, nor his heart never urged for cowardice nor retreat, but he
knew that almost half of the men behind him were not men at all, not yet, but
boys: sixteen and seventeen and eighteen years old, called upon by him and Athens.
He knew many innocent boys would die this day; but he was determined that his
enemy, would suffer the same fate. The shores
and ocean was silent except for the sound of rowing paddles. Far away in the
shores A few birds picked at crabs between rocks, then flapped their wings and
vanished towards the clouds. Nileas watched them go then turned around from the
prow, stepped back a few paces, and looked into the eyes of his crew. The great
walls of the Piraeus seaport were barely visible in the distance, where women
and children huddled together, praying to the gods for salvation, keeping their
husbands, sons, brothers in their minds and in their prayers. Many women and
children would weep for lost men and family this night, but nothing could be
done about that. He looked over the hundreds of soldiers and ships and spoke
loud, voice rising with the sea waves against his back, splitting the airstream
and breeze, carrying his words over the ranks: “Sons of Athens! This will be a terrible day, not only
for Athens, bur for the enemy as well. Do not be deceived: many shall die this
day. Death comes to us all. What decides whether we are men or not is how we
meet that death. We shall not fear that which is only natural to mortals, do
not fear death, we shall embrace it. We shall kiss it. We shall smile as we
fall! Many of you will not walk back to your friends and families, but the
stories of your valour and strength will! If I live I will make sure of that,
If not the gods will. You who survive will be heroes, you who fall will be
legends! Look forward! Grit your teeth! Take up oars and swords, shields and
arrows! How many times we have been Victorious?
Fierce Cretans we have defeated, Persians we fought, and always emerged
triumphant! Remember who you are: we are Greeks; we are Athenians, and the sea
guards us all! Far in the
distance the enemy fleet was approaching like a swarm of bees in a summer’s day,
this armada was an impressive sight, and neither Athens nor Nileas the less had
expected such formidable force. As they
waited for Nileas command, some of the marines began a war chant “Hail, Hail
Healing Lord!” and if they were victorious they would sing the same paean at
battle’s end. Before the enemy could reach them, The Danais with
her rowers picked up full momentum cutting through the ocean like a gliding
dolphin in the deeps, with her whole fleet formed like the tip of an arrow with
rams toward their enemy. And indeed they looked like arrows at such speed. Up
and down the steersmen adjusted their positions each holding his trireme level
with the ships of either side. The charge across the open channel with the
onrushing of enemy ships broke the lines, rams gleamed in the sunlight and what
followed was wreckage and bloodbath, ram hitting rams and ships, broken planks
and sails ragged by rains of arrows, men in armor brandishing swords and spears
boarded on the enemy ships. Others simply pitched their foes into the water and
drowned as their ships sank or swamped. The strait became a killing ground. The
clash of swords and shields merged with the growls of the waves. More than
hundreds of ships locked in a struggling mass that writhed like a monstrous
snake along the shore. An enemy fleet line toothed like saw blades brought
havoc among Athenian ships, Nileas’ second in command was among those. Nileas
looked for the rival chief but did not see him, he then launched Danais on a
ramming attack and his ram hit so hard that it smashed through an enemy hull
and lopped off the entire stern section, now his own ship was caught in the
wreckage, his vessel could not recover from that charge. Athenians surged
forward to his aid, closing up ranks, battle was joined all along the line.
Nileas grabbed his sword and lost no time in endeavoring himself in the
carnage, but as the battle went on, he began noticing how his own squadron
started to sink. Athenian fleet lines were helplessly pinned against the enemy
rams, these collisions further weakened the whole Athenian fleet. Gaps in the
Athenian lines kept multiplying, the ranks were broken and ships scattered.
When Enemy crafts had outstripped Athenians packs each captain fought his own
naval battle.. Hundreds of bodies
floated on the surface, morale was low, and his attempt of revitalizing morale
was futile. Men were dying by the hundreds; his navy had been severely wounded.
Oar banks were shattered and crews were thrown from their thwarts. Throughout
the morning no more than forty Athenian ships held the line, resilient and
unbroken like soldiers in the shield wall of a hoplite phalanx. His enemies
were triumphing. He could not believe his sight. What would Athens think of him now? What would await him? The grim
possibilities ranged from exile to decapitation, and all his past glory would be
erased by this defeat, Athens maritime prowess would be deeply wounded along
with his pride and glory beyond repair. The shame would be unbearable. Only one
thing left, pray to Poseidon. He had always dwelled in his kingdom, he had
always prayed to him, and he had always heard his prayers, after all he was one
with the sea. So he prayed to him and the God heard his prayer like he always
had, but as the sea has an endless appetite for the rivers of the world, so
tempestuous Poseidon had an appetite for the most attractive women. So the god
answered his prayer, except this time the god wanted something in exchange, a
most darling prize. His only and beautiful daughter. In the middle of the battle, as the sea roars grew
louder a misty oceanic haze encircled him. A voice as deep as the oceans
whispered to him. “I will grant you glory beyond victory, you will not be
defeated ever again in a sea battle, as long as you agree to this oath, let me
have your daughter, make her mine for as long as I please, so long as she stays
with me do not attempt to break this oath, for my wrath will be upon you as no
mortal man has ever seen” Nileas in
his despair, seeing all his men dying, his fleet sinking and his glory at
stake, agreed to the pledge and so the oath was now upheld by the Immortals.
Poseidon would have his daughter. A God
always keeps his oath. A sudden storm ensued, for all the years he had been on
the oceanic valleys he had never heard the roars of the sea growl so loud, nor
seen such colossal tides, the tempest enveloped the rival fleet like shadows
during a sundown, and the air was stale with Poseidon’s fury. Tides rose, gigantic,
they appeared more like mountains rising from the oceans, and they fell on the
enemy fleet like snowstorm in winter’s furor. Crippled ships fought to run away
from the tidal mayhem .They were left scattered and battered by the wrath of
the sea. Now at long last the enemy lines broke up. One
Athenian after the other gave chase to fleeing enemies. Eagerly they threaded
their way through the rolling mass of ships, floating bodies and tattered
crafts, hunters seeking prey. Enemy vessels crowded to escape on either side of
the strait, like herd animals running from a pride of lions. As sea room opened up in the strait, it became a
series of duels of ships ramming against each other. Any left rivals who clung
to floating wreckage died by the crush of ships clearing the narrows, the
Athenians rowed about the field like fishermen circling school of tuna,
spearing survivors with weapons or even broken oar shafts. Wrecked and capsized
ships littered the sea, corpses covered the rocks and reefs. The golden
rays of the setting sun gilded the struggle; only faint starlight illuminated
the sea. The Athenians cheered up, and the air was filled with the thunderous
clapping of men all across the channel, the men raised their arms and all
hailed Nileas as their greatest admiral. Then a chant was spread from ship to
ship until the echoes came back from the hills and the strait was filled with
the sound of singing, their song was “Hail, Hail Nileas, Lord of the Sea!” But in the
midst of the rising joy of victory, and the abounding glory that awaited him. Nileas
tore away his cuirass in grief. And felt a guilt that overwhelmed the bliss of triumph,
he felt it crushing him like rocks and boulders. His cobalt eyes turned
waterish bright. He gazed at the sea and as he brandished his sword his knees
gave way on the spot. He stared at his own reflection on the blade as if he was
his own enemy. “What have I done? What
have I done?” His thoughts descended
into profound memories of his daughter. A gallery of images in his mind, a
blackness that pulled his conscience into his past, not being able to stop them
they came forth, and he saw her face and he saw her eyes, and they would stare
back at him as if they knew what he had done. She smiled at him. It was a smile
full of innocence. And that same face would smile at him in every victory to
come. Thus Nileas sin for pride and greed for glory
had come at a great prize. From now on victory would have his daughter’s face. © 2010 Ivan Mauricio Urrego |
StatsAuthor![]() Ivan Mauricio UrregoBrampton, ON, CanadaAboutI'm a 21 year old artist who likes to write and I see writing as another art form to express myself, for me both have a lot in common whether it is depicted drawn or written they are two compatible w.. more..Writing