A Bad Week For Me
A Chapter by Sg
Kenzie is sick for the week. 
Dear Diary, Tuesday, Sept.28This week hasn't been the best. Ever since Friday I've been sick because of this boy name Recardo. It started with me waking up. I had woken up before my alarm went off. Today was are field trip at school and so I knew that I couldn't wear one of my favorite dresses as I usually do on Fridays. We were going to the zoo for a research paper on any animal we want to write about. What I hate most about the 4th grade is that the main subject for the grade is writing. Otherwise, I loved going to 4th grade at Bloom Elementary. Next year I'll be in the oldest grade of the school. I had slipped on some Plaid purple, blue and white shorts and a Bloom Elementary T-shirt. Every time we go on a field trip we have to wear a class T-shirt. Every grade has a different T-shirt design, but every class in every grade has a different T-shirt color. My classes T-shirt color is blue with a piece of paper, pencil and much more designs on it. I had walked out of my room and went to the upstairs bathroom. The bathroom had been painted with big blue strips, small purple strips and big white strips. If you asked me I thought it was very odd. I had picked up the Dora toothpaste. Of course, it was my toothpaste but the only reason I use it is because Mother makes me. She makes me use it because Grandma got it for me out of the blue last week. I had squirted a squiggly, blue, minty heart onto my toothbrush and scrubbed away. Boy did that taste awful, but Mother says it doesn't matter because my teeth are white. Afterwards, I brushed through my long light brown tangled hair. It is usually really hard to brush through it. " Kenzie the food is ready", called Mother from downstairs. As I had marched down the stairs my hair had been swinging back and forth. Once I had gotten to the end of the stairs, I turned right and past the hallway closet and downstairs bathroom. I had sat down at the hard wooden white table in the center of the kitchen. The kitchen had the same design as the upstairs bathroom. Mother had been coming from the stove to give me my food when my alarm went off. I heard Landen crying from his room, to the right from the stairs. Mother had gone into shock when she heard it go off. Her brown highlighted blond hair had flounced up and down when she jumped back and dropped half of the eggs into the dog bowl. Waffles our small terrier dog had started to bark. " Kenzie look how much racket you've caused" Mother had tried to say calmly as she went to the other room to get Landen. I don't see why Landen acts like he's a little two year old because he is in the first grade but with his blond haired self he looks nothing like me. I don't know where my looks came from. Obviously not my Father because he has my brown hair but nothing else. " Kenzie stop day dreaming and go turn off your alarm!" It's true that my alarm had still been going off. I ran upstairs to my room and flipped the button the opposite way it had been facing. It had clicked off a second later. As I ran back downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast I yelled " Bye Mother, I'm gonna be late for school " and ran out the front door. But I had been serious when I said I was gonna be late. One more tardy it will be detention my principal had put it. I had raced to the door of the school and stopped to take a deep breathe. I had opened up the door to the school and had speed walked down the main hallway to the 4th grade hallway and had made a run for room 104. " Good morning Mrs.Angeline " I managed to get out as I stepped into the classroom. Our classroom was small but big in its own way, but it was also so plain with the white walls. Recardo had been standing in front of the counter next to the door blowing his nose. " Aaa-choo ",Recardo sneezed for about the 4th time. " Are you OK ", I asked Recardo. Then the next moment I was in the nurses office with the nurse and Mother plus throw up all over me. That's what I get for being nice. ~ Kenzie Malia Maher
© 2012 Sg
Author's Note
Btw This is a diary.
I enjoyed this! It was really well done! The only suggestion I would make is to add more paragraphs, other than that, Well Done!!!:)
Posted 12 Years Ago
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12 Years Ago
Thanks so much. I'll make sure to add more to the chapter
SgMesq, TX