![]() I Came, I Saw, I Am........ThatA Chapter by Mr. Ink![]() Tragedy sometimes comes from triumph. My life of worth is naught but I will make them see my core of greatness. Just you wait and see. I am what the world tries to mimic...Perfection.![]() The time was November First, Nineteen-Eighty. Time was exactly Twelve Oh-One A.M when tiny Josef was born. A beautiful baby boy who seemed to take in life with each passing breath as if he knew it was about to be over as soon as it begun. Pain was the only friend this sweet baby boy would receive, that and suffering loss of all love from the ones who had helped create him, his selfish, greedy mother, Laura Ann Rochez and his deadbeat, no good, sorry a*s father, John Jacobs Schevinsky. Loneliness would begin the life of this precious young spirit when innocence is all that it can conceive and charter. Disparity among living life and welcoming death was not at all that different from what choice he was given before he could even think or act on his own. Misery only circles the heart for so long before lashing out in violence becomes the life of the victim. Josef would belittle himself in so many ways for so long until hatred and animosity would become his mantle piece, his reward he would give himself for all the suffering and turmoil he had felt since his wretched birth and abandonment from his biological parents. Laura Ann was a very greedy b***h indeed and did not pertain to righteous givings and humble character. She was a user and abuser with which she would rid all her possessions of human love and sell for the right price. She loved money and, oh yeah, an avid cocaine and alcohol abuser. There was an unidentified stranger to which was unknown till later date, made an offer to have young Josef for an undisclosed amount of money, which was more than likely a very hefty amount. Had this unknown stranger at the time not have intervened in the life of this young lad, Laura Ann would have more than likely aborted the little angel in waiting. Young Josef was not heard or seen from again till today, April Eleventh, Two Thousand Fifteen. Where on earth had this orphan to life gone to and what on God's green earth had he been up to? Luck sometimes gives you a free pass when all you ever knew was a dead end road to nowhere. Obviously, Josef had been driven by something that gave him life 'fore he was alive and well after that ominous night at his unruly birth. Who was his savior that night and what about his biological mother and father who was never heard from or seen again after the lofty exchange of money for the boy was made? It was time to find out the truth surrounding the disappearance and reappearance of Josef. Of all places, we find him sitting in a European courtroom, not as victim or defender but, the honorable Judge. This was an unusual conundrum of sorts. Why was he a Judge and what for? Josef or, should I say, Judge Josef was nowhere to be found for thirty-five years and then we find him on a European courtroom floor as the honorable Judge? Something was dreadfully wrong 'fore this was eerily an uneasy feeling. Maybe the trial would give us a clue to his being in this huge courthouse. There were two people on trial together, side by side, hand in hand, tears streaming down there broken down faces uncontrollably. Who were these people? They looked as though life had been very malignant in their being. It looked as though death was waiting in the wings of the courtroom at any minute to take them to the other side of life. I could not make out the two in my head right off the bat but as the trial session continued what seemed like an eternity of bitterness and morbid flatteries were spoken to these two in vain, I realized there was something about these two that I knew. "How do you plead?" the honorable Judge Josef bellows out in a disgusted sigh. "Not guilty, your Honor, replied the two miserable souls in question. Rearing his head from side to side and then lunging forward with a nasty gleam in his wicked looking eyes, he barks emphatically, "There is no need for a recess of any kind to dwell on this case . You are indeed deceivers of the truth and harbingers of hate and of terror. I hereby sentence you to death by way of firing squad. Court adjourned!!" As the gavel falls dreadfully heavy upon the Judge's desk, the two so-called dastardly beings whose life was said to be terminated soon was in heartwrenching agony and terrible defeat as they cried oceans upon oceans of tears. "Please Josef, Please!!! Don't do this. We have done none of what you say and you know it!! Please son, we're sorry for your misfortunes and misgivings in this life. We were young and didn't know how to love 'fore we were never loved ourselves as children growing up. We bonded together because of our childhood similarities of heartbreak and physical abuse by our parents and we didn't know how to love you in return. I'm sooo sorry!! We're sooooo sorry!!!!!! I knew I had seen them somewhere. It was in the case files back home in America where I saw them, Laura Ann and John Jacobs, mother and father to the child they snuffed out from among them who was now the Judge giving them judgment back. The Judge callously and with no hesitation pointed to the guards on duty there, "Take these delusional, insane extremists from my midst!! They are breathing in our air and shouldn't be!!" Quickly and without warning, the four guards swiftly came down upon Laura and John like an army of unstoppable warriors bent on their demise and drug them out kicking and screaming in pure shame and unrelenting waves of distraught upon them so. What was the meaning behind this? where were we headed and to what would we find once we arrived there? A travesty for truth was in watching this young man treat these people, who I knew did not fit the crime in which he spoke of, to an agonizing death by firing squad in which they have no business of any kind being in front of. Sure, they left you to rot in this hellhole we call life when you couldn't even defend for yourself or think for that matter, but yet, here you are in the flesh and seem to be doing very well with yourself. You had a savior that night. He brought you out from the awaiting jaws of death and into the life you surely have grown into. We all have our demons to contend with, be that they were your mother and father, but so does life bring you saviors, or a savior and that's all that's needed in most instances to bring about prosperity of living in an otherwise dark, dank, and deserted corner of existence. Believing in miracles was a part of my everyday life. I saw quite a few everyday. To be perfectly honest, I was now gazing upon one who seemed otherwise near impossible to have happened thirty some years ago, but here we are John. You and me. I and you. The miracle of life brought forth from desertion and loneliness, bitterness and heartbreak. My miracle was finding you. Who are you Josef? I was about to find out that what lies on the outside of a man don't always cover what's inside the man. Josef was a Judge but under whose or what's authority was he judging? It's time we found you out, Judge Josef. © 2015 Mr. InkAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Mr. InkFarmville, NCAboutHi, My name is Christopher T. Nash. I am 36 yrs. of age. I love to write. It's weird. I've just begun to actually enjoy writing. My hobbies are playing guitar, piano and a movie buff but I'm begin.. more..Writing