

A Chapter by cody

Fifth Chapter of "The Legend"


Story of Hurnek

When I was eight my father Grom the Blademaster was sent to the first line of defense against Bismuth in the first war. When I found out that my father died, I sought revenge and if it wasn't for Boron to stop me I would've suffered the same fate.

"You'll get your chance at killing him." Boron said, from then on he trained me personally, and gave me special tasks for the kingdom. My most imporntant task starts when I was eleven years old, four years after my fathers death. Boron came up to me.

"Hurnek I have a very important mission for you. I want you to go with the other orc raiders, and raid the dwarven town to the east. Go to the stables to get your warg." I went to the stables, and found a black warg, then I met up with the other raiders by the gate.

"Welcome raiders. I am Raider Thorak, you all will follow me and we will crush those puny dwaves! For Blood-Rock." There were twenty-five of us raiders including Raider Thorak and myself. It didnt take long for us to reach the town. When we got there we got off of our wargs and formed a square formation five by five. We charged in the town yelling " For

Blood-Rock!", "For Boron!" The dwaves came running out of their buildings wearing iron armor and wielding massive iron axes. There was at least eighty to a hundred dwaves that came running. I stayed close to Thorak protecting him and managed to kill thirty five dwarves and Thorak killing fourty. When we thought that all the dwarves were killed, a dwarf king came out wielding two great battle axes made out of gold.

"You savage orcs shall pay with your blood for killing my men. Gnomes! Dwarves! Attack!" An army of gnomes and dwaves came out of the building. We all grouped together; Thorak shouted

"Orcs! Stand your ground! Kill all of them! Let none survive!" We fought a hard and burtal battle, but in the end the only ones left was Thorak, me, and another young orc named Axxel.

"Looks like I have to kill you three myself." The dwarf king said after cleaving a fellow orc in half, then he charged at us. Thorak stepped forward and went one on one with the king. The two fought like the battle was a re-match, they knew each others moves it seemed, and they wounded each other, but thorak caught the dwarf off guard and sliced his head off. Thorak picked the head up.

"All right men grab the bodies of our fallen commrads, and put them on the wargs." me and Axxel threw the orcs bodies on the wargs. Thorak picked up a stick and lit it on fire.

"All right men grab a stick, light it on fire and lets burn this place to the ground!" We threw burning sticks at the buildings and managed to burn the encampment to the ground. We stepped back and watch the puny buildings fall in a burning inferno.

We returned to Blood-Rock with the twenty-two fallen orcs. Boron was waiting by the main gates, as the raiders came up the mountian trail he had the guards take the wargs back to the stables.

"Welcome back raiders." Boron said.

"Heres the head. Thanks to those two, we was able to burn the place to the ground and we cleared the dwarves of the east."

"Well then, Im going to promote you two to Raider Hurnek and Raider Axxel, and as for you Thorak you have been promoted to War-leader." After that night I began to do solo raids on some dwaven camps to the west. A year later a scout reported disturbing news.

"Warchief! I've just spotted an army of dwarves and gnomes heading this way!"

"How far away are they?" Boron asked

"They set up camp about ten miles from here. I think they are about to move toward the mountian soon."

"Hurnek round up the army, its time we protect this Mountian!" I rushed to the barracks.

"Warleader Thorak, get the army together, dwarves are on the way here!"

"Orcs, suit up, its time we showed those midgets whose boss!" The orc army went to the main gates. Thorak, Axxel, and me was in front of the army.

"Hurnek go to the throne room, and protect the warchief. take the last two rows of orcs with you." I left taking the last two rows with me which was only ten orcs, and went to the throne room. The orcs got into a defensive stance right out side the door. I stood beside Boron in a defensive stance. The dwarves begain to advance up the mountian passage. The orcs at the main gate could begin seeing the first line of them.

"Orcs, as soon as those midgets get to the ramp. Charge at them and protect the gates at all cost!" The orcs waited for the dwarven army to arrive to the ramp, half way before the dwarves got to the ramp they begain to charge. Thorak rosed his axe up and roar

"Charge!" Thoraks men charged at the dwarves killing the first row with ease, but unfortunantly the dwarves and gnomes killed the army and surrounded Thorak and Axxel.

"What do we do now Thorak?" Axxel asked.

"We'll have to take them all on." Thorak said. A dwarf came to the front.

"We will spare your puny lives if you take us to your warchief, so then we can take his head."

"That will never happen!" Thorak roared.

"Then you leave us no choice. Attack!" I came with the ten orcs that I took and a small band of the elite orcs, and begain to kill the dwarves and gnomes.

"Hurnek, I thought I said for you to protect the warchief!" defending himself against an attack.

"Its all right the other eiltes are there to protect him!"Thorak and Axxel turned back to back with each other and begain way-laying on the dwarves and gnomes. We killed the army of dwarves and gnomes, but we lost thirty men and Axxel was serisously wounded. Me and Thorak took Axxel to Boron.

"Boron! Axxel been badly hurt." I shouted.

"Get the shamens in here!" Boron ordered. The shamens came in and begain chanting healing spells on Thunder.

"I cant save him, the only hope he has is to take him to the Sea of Boron. where the mystic lizards live." The master shamen said.

"Hurnek you and Thorak must take Axxel to the lizards. Here is a map for you to follow, you should get there in three days." Boron said handing Hurnek the map.

We set off, after getting some supplies. We traveled for three days riding through the storms that hit continously in the mountain ranges. On the third day we finally made it to the Sea of Boron.

"Wheres the city at, Thorak?" I asked.

"Its in the sea. We will have to swim to it." Thorak answered. We got off the wargs and dove down to the city. Thorak carried Axxel on his back. The city was a system of huge air bubbles that air breathers like us could step through to breathe.

"Help! I need a medic!" Thorak shouted. A Lizard man came up to us

"Follow me, I'll take you to our preists." We took Thorak to the preists.

"Xenon come and heal this orc." Xenon was a preistess, and she restored Axxel back to life, after chanting a restoration spell.

"I wouldnt move him for a while though. Let him rest. In the mean time can you two help us?" Xenon asked

"Depends on what it is." Thorak said.

"We have been having problems with the dwarves and gnomes. We dont have much of an army but, if you two can round up some of your fellow orcs we may be able to get rid of the dwarves and gnomes over here for good." Xenon said

"Me and Hurnek can take on a few dwarves and gnomes, just keep us healed." Thorak said chuckling.

"We should be able to get our greatest healers to help." Xenon said. We went to the healers barracks to meet the healers. leaving Axxel behind to be mended back to fighting strength.

"Master Aqua, I found some great warriors to help us get rid of the gnomes and dwarves." Xenon said

"Orcs? How is warchief Boron?" asked Master Aqua.

"How do you know our warchief?" Thorak asked

"He must talk about it to his fellow orcs about our time in the beginning of the battle against Bismuth." Master Aqua said. A lizard barged in

"Master! That story will have to wait, our scouts just came and said they can see an army of gnomes and dwarves advancing this way."

"How much time do we have?" Master Aqua said.

"long enough to get to the surface and get into defensive postition." the lizard said.

"Argonian protectors and healers get your gear and head up to the surface. Orcs would you like to join us in this time of war?" Master Aqua said.

"We would be honored." Thorak said. We made our way back up to the surface. Me and Thorak went to the front with Master Aqua and Xenon.

"Argonian protectors move forward." Master Aqua ordered. The Argonian protectors wield a pike and wore shinny shoulder plates.

"Xenon stay close by me." Master Aqua whispered.

"Orcs move in between us and the protectors." Master Aqua ordered. We got into our positions and awaited what felt like forever. about an hour later we seen the front line of the gnomes and dwarves army, but these gnomes and dwarves were different from their mountian cousins. These dwarves and gnomes wield a single axe and wore copper plating.

"Hurnek this will be a breeze." Thorak whispered to me. The Hydroreptus protectors lowered their pikes and the ones behind the front line rested their pikes on the shoulder pads on the one in front of them. I tightened my grip on my axe and lowered it a little. The gnomes and dwarves begain to charge at us and began hollering something but we couldnt quite make out what they was saying. When the army got close enough the Argonian protectors thrust their pikes in the gnomes and dwarves, the front lines moved forward after thursting thier pike and began twirling thier pikes and clearing a diameter around each other of about five feet. After the last line of Argonian protectors charged into battle me and Thorak charged into the fight we must of wiped threw half of them our selves while enjoying watching the argonians doing flips and spinning in a circle. After about an hour the last of the gnomes and dwarves were wiped out.

"Thank you Hurnek and Thorak of Mt. Blood-Rock." Master Aqua said.

"No, thank you for letting us enjoy killing these puny midgets." Thorak said chuckling.

"You two are welcome any time, lets return to the barracks and we'll have a huge fish fry."

We returned to the barracks and began to eat the fish.

"Master Aqua?" Thorak asked.

"Yes, Thorak." Master Aqua answered.

"Will you tell us the story about you and Warchief Boron battling Bismuth."

"Well Bismuth at this time was far weaker than what he is today. It was about twenty years ago. Lets see. I had set up camp about fourty miles to the south of here. I was part of a scouting party to find a peaceful place. Well one day one of our trackers spotted your warchiefs clan but at that time he was about the same age as you Thorak.

"Aqua there is a group of orcs, they seem to be lost and looks like they've been wounded." The scout said.

"Lets go and offer some assaistance." I said. We travel ten miles to find them to the north west.

"Kor'on! I've spot a party of unknown creatures moving quickly. along side the mountain ridges." Boron said.

"Hello!" I hallored. We began to trot down the mountain side.Their warchief Kor'on stood up.

"Hello, strange creatures. How may we assist you?" Kor'on ask.

"Its funny for you to ask. Where is my manors. My name is Aqua, we are Hydroreptus. One of our scouts said that you had some injuries." I said.

"Yes, we do have some wounded. What brings creatures like you to the mountians?" Kor'on asked

"trying to find a nice body of water so we can live peacefully again." I answered.

"What happen to the land you use to own if I may ask?" Kor'on asked.

"Little creatures came and sacked our town and we were the only ones to make it out." I said.

"Well we might be able to help each other out. We got the muscles and you have the healing powers. So how about we go and find two camp sites that we can both live at." Kor'on offered.

"That would be nice." I said shaking hands with Kor'on. The next day we packed up and set off to the other side of the valley. After traveling for fifty miles west we stopped to rest alittle, unfortantly we didnt rest long.

"Kor'on look up in the sky!" Boron shouted. Kor'on and I looked up.

"What is that?" Kor'on said. It looked like a metero coming down. The metero crashed a few miles away. Me, Kor'on, Boron, and a few other orcs and hydroreptus set off to examine it. when we got there we noticed it wasnt anything like a metero. Out from the creater laid the man named Bismuth. Bismuth levitated out of the creater he had created.

"Creatures of this land. My name is Bismuth I am the greatest warlock that you will ever see."

"What are you doing here?" Kor'on asked.

"Im here to take over this land and I shall do so by summoning some of my new minons I have enslaved." Bismuth held his arms out and an army of gnomes and dwarves began to rise above the ground.

"Now feel the wrath of Bismuth." We fought hard against the gnomes and dwarves, me and the other Hydroreptus healed the orcs in the brutest battle I have ever witnessed.

"You might have killed my small army, but you will never stop me!" Bismuth chanted a mysterious chant and, it seemed to have sucked the very life out of Kor'on. Kor'on lifeless body fell to the ground, Boron rushed over."

"Warchief!" Boron cried. when we looked up Bismuth was no where to be seen.

"I shall advenge you great warchief." Boron promised, as he picked his warchief up.

"lets go." We headed back to the camp and payed our respect. Boron dug a "burial tomb" in the side of the mountain.

"This is where we shall make our new kingdom." Boron said, putting the warchief armor on.

"What are you going to call it?" I asked. Boron looked around, and stared at the blood around us.

"Blood-Rock Mountian. As my warchief promised we shall find you Hydroreptus a nice body of water. lets continue to the north east." We travel for two days covering about fifty miles a day we finally reached our destination.

"This is it! Its big enough, for a city." I said.

"I guess this is it uh? I will always consider you Hydroreptus as trustworthy allies." Boron said. "Thanks again for all your help. And same applies to you." I said.

"Hey Aqua, what are you going to name this place?" Boron asked.

"Sea of Boron. As a tribute of our fellowship." I said. From then on we kept to our selves, until now that is.

"That was a very interesting story." Thorak said.

Me and Xenon was standing a few feet away from the group of Hydroreptus that came to here the story.

"My father was killed by Bismuth." I told her

"i'm sorry to here that." Xenon said.

"I hope one day I can advenge the fallen orcs by his hand."

"Im sure you will one day." Xenon said then kissed me quickly on the side of the face. We returned to the table.

"Hey Hurnek, you guys about ready?" Asked Axxel.

"Hey see that you finally woked up." Thorak said. "Well I guess its time for us to leave, and thank you for all your help and the story." Thorak said.

"Its my pleasure and thanks for your help for getting rid of those pests." Aqua said. Xenon and Aqua escorted us to the surface. Aqua bid a farewell,and Xenon gave me a farewell kiss.

Boron was sitting on his throne when we went to the Throne room.

"Welcome back. How was your stay?" Boron asked.

"It was fair. We ran into an old friend of yours warchief." Thorak said.

"Aqua? How is he?" Boron asked.

"He is good. He told us the story of how you met." I said.

"Did he now? Well never mind that. are they leaving peacefully?" Boron asked.

"We got rid of the last of the gnomes and dwarves over there." Thorak said.

"Gnomes and dwarves?" Boron asked surprised.

"Yeah but these gnomes and dwarves were as puny as the mountain midgets we have." Thorak said chuckling.

"Im going to send a party of orcs to serve as defense. Any way how was the rest of your time?" Boron asked.

"It was fine. Nice to meet some allies of ours." I said.

"Well how about you three rest up and I will send you on your new task." Boron said. We bow our heads then went back to the baracks. I slept for five hours when Axxel woked me up.

"Hurnek. Hurnek.." Axxel said shaking me

"What?!" I said leaping up.

"Thorak." Axxel said in a frighten voice.

"Whats wrong?" I said trying to wake up.

"Him and Boron got in an agument and stormed out of here on his warg."

"Alright. Lets go to Boron." I said getting my clothes on. We went to the throne room where we seen a group of elites helping Boron up.

"Warchief!" We said rushing over to his aid.

"Hurnek, Axxel." Boron said struggling to get up.

"Thorak is after a sacred power. I fear that once he activates this power..." Boron clapsed. One of the elites turned to us.

"Hurnek, The warchief was saying something that the sacred power is where Warchief Kor'on is buried, but im afraid that I dont know the exact location."

"I might. Come on Axxel." I said. We sprinted to the barracks to get our wargs. We rode out of the town down the passage and rode along side the mountain side. We got to the burial tome, to only see Thorak's warg. We ventured into the tomb. It was a narrow passage way that must of been two miles long. At the end of the passage way we entered a large circle room Thorak stood in the center where the sargophacas of Kor'on laid.

"Thorak!" I shouted.

"I should've known that you would be here." Thorak said in a dark voice.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Im going to be the next warchief and there's nothing you can do about it! Once I remove the top I shall be granted the power of the warchief." Thorak begain to remove the top. Once open a magical light apeared to circle Thorak, then entered Thoraks chest. Thorak begain to grow taller and turn a dark red color.

"What energy." Thorak said laughing then a figure appeared, and casted a beam of dark magic at Thorak, Thorak colapsed. The figure begain to cast another magic spell to raise Thorak, then vanished.

"Thorak!" I shouted. Thorak turned to face us, he unsheath his axe and charged at us. Me and Axxel begain to charge as well. Thorak must've grown twice the size of himself and each time he struck the ground it began to rumble. Me and Axxel attacked him as fast and hard as we could, it didnt look like we was hurting him at all. After battling for what felt like an enternity a spirit came out of the sargaphacus. The spirit rushed to the battle and cleaved Thorak's head off. Thorak decapitated body fell to the ground, then disappeard.

"Thank you spirit of Warchief Kor'on" I said motioning Axxel to bow.

"Rise young orcs. Your friend has been affected by a curse that Bismuth put on me when he drain my soul. Your friend can still be saved, but you must slay Bismuth. Unfortantley Bismuth is much stronger then he used to be. I knew that we should've killed him when we had the chance. Now he has taken the bodies of the other great leaders of the nations. You two must kill Bismuth before its to late."

"How are we going to do that warchief?" I asked.

"I have seen a vision of a band of friends that will come and find someone. I cant remember who or what its for. I must go back to my resting place now. Tell my son Boron that I said hi." Kor'on said then disappated.

We ventured back to the mountain. When we got to the Throne room Boron was well, and sitting in his throne chair.

"Did you stop Thorak?" Boron asked

"Yes, but the curse that Bismuth put on Kor'on was applied to Thorak. We killed him with the help of the spirit of Kor'on; he said that he was given a vision that a small band of friends were to come here and do something." I said.

"What happen to the body of Thorak when you killed him?" Boron asked.

"It disappeared." I answered.

"Bismuth must've used his strange magic again. Well I dont want you to be on any more raids. Instead I want you two to be the protectors of the main gate."

"Yes Warchief." Me and Axxel said bowing. We left and stood gaurd at the main gates for the past four years; thats my story.

© 2013 cody

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Added on April 10, 2013
Last Updated on April 10, 2013



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