Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by C. M. Brown

L'amphithéâtre Richelieu of Université Paris, Sorbonne was at capacity. The auditorium was unusually warm and stuffy for a late-October afternoon and the standing room only audience was restless as they fanned themselves to remain cool.

Dr. Thaddeus Robur was a rotund man in his early sixties. With his white grey beard and round glasses and tweed sport coat, he looked like the quintessential college professor. Robur stood before the lecture hall and greeted the audience with his refined English accent in a welcoming tone "Welcome and thank you all for joining us today. My name is Dr. Thaddeus Robur, I am both a Senior Fellow at the distinguished Yale University and I am a Senior Consultant for the Center for Engineering, Science & Advanced Research or CESAR as it is better known. A special thanks to our colleagues here at the Université Paris who has gracious offered to host this prestigious international science event".

He paused as applause filled the room and gently bowed...

"Today we are going to discuss 'The Ethical Challenges of Scientific Advancement in the 21st Century." I will share some opening remarks and then we will open the floor for questions. In order to provide a full and well rounded perspective on this subject, we have a panel of esteemed guests representing world renowned subject matter expertise in several related disciplines. Allow me to introduce our panel…"

Dr. Amanda Collins was rushing up the front staircase of the University. Amanda was as smart as she was beautiful. At 29 year old and 5'3", she was fair in complexion, thin, long blonde wavy hair and brilliant blue green eyes. Despite being an orphan she had had developed a small close set of friends she now considered family.Having inherited a vast fortune at a young age, she lived a regal life and was able to pursue virtually any interest she had. While she enjoyed many aspects of life, education and the arts were the highest of priority. Motivated by her family legacy, she felt compelled to honor the various advance degrees of education in science achieved by her ancestors. In that goal she had achieved her first PhD at 16 in marine biology and since earned 3 more varying fields. She had earned a well-deserved academic reputation for being an expert in nearly every field she pursued. With movie star beauty, high intellect and wealth, one would say she had everything… While she enjoyed many privileges in life, she was also impatient, quick tempered, resistant to change, uninterested in any long term relationships, often overconfident, quick to judgment, and … far less than punctual...

Amanda was doing her best to run in her high heels. She suddenly felt her right show give way as she was running up the stairs of the University steps. She stopped to fix her shoe "D****t, of all days to be late…" She tightened the leather strap and retested her steadiness as she had no false pretense that her $2500 euro shoes were made for anything but to look pretty �" definitely not made for a 100 meter sprint. She was about to resume her dash up to the auditorium when a man moved to stand in her way as if to greet her. He looked strangely familiar, handsome… He spoke out in a welcoming tone 'Sophie!" Amanda was taken back. Just then a young blonde woman about her age came up from behind her to embrace him. "Johnny! "She said as the young woman hugged him. Amanda paused in subtle confusion as she felt a strange déjà vu. The man looked at Amanda awkwardly, wondering why she was staring at them. She quickly returned her attention back to the situation at hand and resumed her attempt to make her lecture on time. Her mind again fixated on her tardiness "I am going to be so late. Robur is going to kill me!"

Dr. Robur attempted to keep his composure despite the absence of a key member of the panel. He looked up at the old clock on the wall, sighed and continued with his opening remarks "So let's start off with some basics. Today civil rights are concepts that apply to people. That is a given, but what specifically is the criteria we use to define "people" or better stated �" to define a "person"? For discussion sake, corporations enjoy a legal definition of person-hood for tax reasons, but they can't vote in elections nor are they protected by laws of equality, etc., so let's table that part of the discussion for the moment and focus on law as it applies to individual civil rights. Up until now, the answer has been refined through the ages to basically come down to whether or not the subject was human. We journeyed through the centuries from earning your rights through serving in the military, to fighting wars , all to guarantee civil rights for all people in modern society. That definition of "person-hood"  though is now on the verge of becoming obsolete. The current advances in science have caused us to reflect on that definition in many ways. For example, today there are animals and machines some say have indications of high degrees of self awareness…"

Members of the audience lightly laughed...

Robur continued "..It is true!...and now we have government proposals before the United States Congress requesting approval for research for recreating human tissue in the form of a complete human body to use for, lack of better words, replacement medical parts"... "In those same approvals, there is requests to allow AI to control military strategy and deployment of NATO forces."

The audience responded with a murmur of disapproval...

"With modern advances in artificial intelligence and cloning, science will be challenging many aspects of modern law and ethics. Robur paused "Think about this, would a man-made created clone designed to be used for body parts be considered a person? What about a robot proved to have self-awareness? "Would you allow a robot that was proved to have consciousness to vote for president? Be protected under a country's constitution? Would you ever consider a man-made being, biological or mechanical your equal? Robur now paused for dramatic effect allowing the crowd to react with clear disapproval.

Robur continued "Like it or not, we are about to be faced with a very modern dilemma �" Should we allow science to move forward and begin cloning and continue further research in enabling self-aware artificial intelligence or legally stop science in these areas. While we will attempt to create and enforce proper laws and government policy to prevent such atrocities, let's face facts, science will eventually prevail on some if not all fronts here and we need to be ready. Now to the crux of why we are here today. As we sit here, in the middle of the 21st century perched on the threshold of new discovery, we must begin to re-address what then defines a 'person' and does that change  how do we grant civil rights?" So back to the question - how do we define  "person-hood'?" "Is it some measure of active Intellect or higher level brain activity? "Is it an ability to determine right from wrong? "Is it being cognitively aware and able to engage in ones surroundings? In many legal instances these are the measurements from either establishing, or more common, removing one's civil rights….Is the general answer here then if a being has self-awareness? Oh and by the way - some machines today have already passed what is by science the measure of this �" the Turing test. Is then  passing a Turing test then make you a 'person'? a "person" with rights?"

Robur smiled in satisfaction he now has the crowd's full attention..."Now before you pass this off as science fiction poppycock, we are votes away in the US Senate from making these "flights of fancy" reality... and because of the obvious ethical challenges at play here, I believe the definition of person-hood will become the biggest legal challenge of our lifetime.." Robur pauses again as he assessed.the audience and then continued ... "Now let me play the devil's advocate for a moment to get you really thinking… What makes you, you and a machine a machine? Now to really make this interesting, let's agree, your human body is just a set of chemical processes. One of the most advance machines ever conceived. Any disagreement there?" So for the sake of argument then lets say we all agree...  that we as humans  are minimally a complex machine..."

Robur watched the audience and their somewhat mix reaction as he continued…

"Now hold that thought and consider this - It is scientific fact that man-made machines are becoming more and more advanced each day. We have taught them to learn programmed them to speak. They are now learning our languages. All of our languages. Using information about us to improve their next interaction with us. A lot of you have robots today operating in your house: Cleaning, taking care of repeatable chores, they manage our daily schedules, they patrol your skies, they already drive your cars, trains and buses, and soon pilot planes. You trust them to pick your children up at school. The track your behaviors to improve your life. They protect your home, remember to pick up your dry cleaning and groceries and even give you advice in finance and even love. Have you thought about how big a role that artificial intelligence already plays in your life? You probably rely more on autonomous man-made beings than humans today... and think about how much you trust and rely upon them -those machines that you depend on for virtually every aspect of your daily life? you even trust them with you and your family's lives…and they know more about you and your personal behavior then you do, I assure you. Robur pauses again at the perfect moment and then resumes "So, we all are machines, we trust the artificial ones with our lives. So what then makes these "man-made machines" different from you or your neighbor or friend?"

Robur now moved toward his audience and paused again for continued dramatic effect then continued...

"Now let's make this personal �" if I were to ask you if your robotic maid should be allowed to vote? I assume your answer would most likely be a resounding no… I would ask why, and you would say it was a machine… "As we all just agreed we are all machines right? So to deny a right to vote because it was a machine is not then logical correct? What I am getting at is, what differentiates you from a potential "thinking" machine? or makes you different from a clone that already has clear and legal definition of life? Do this exercise in your mind and do this without describing your species or that you were born as an answer?" He paused and enjoys the silence. "It is much harder than you thought isn't it?"

Robur's keen sense in managing a crowd by resuming his conversation at the perfect moment "Whether  through the evolution of artificial intelligence or genetics, we will be faced with new discoveries challenging our thoughts on whom or even a what is eligible for civil rights. These discoveries may even challenge our place in the evolutionary chain!"

The crowd roared and Robur motions again for silence and continued...

Amanda attempted to sneak in to the back of the lecture late opening the old door trying to move it as slowly as possible to prevent the old hinges from creaking…"CREAK…" The room went quiet. Everyone turned and stared at Amanda, Amanda grimaced as she attempted now to shut the door quietly "creak…"

Dr. Robur paused and spoke with a slight sarcastic tone "Ah, welcome Dr. Collins, so happy you can join us. We have a seat waiting for you. He motioned her to the front of the room...

Amanda stood motionless in both embarrassment and the realization that it was standing room only. She could hear a hundred "clicks" from personal VC cameras (VC - VidCom were slang for multipurpose personal digital devices). She thought for a moment how it must feel to be a celebrity sans the flashes. today all cameras self adjusted to lighting always guaranteeing a perfect image. Regardless, this is not the crowd or attendance she expected. "Why was the media here?" she thought to herself.

"No hurry doctor, we will wait."Dr. Robur said with feign patience.

Amanda grasped her personal note book and pencil(Amanda was old fashioned and loved taking real notes). She stepped down the stairs to find her seat.

Amanda spoke aloud "Apologies Professor."

Dr. Robur stood and spoke with a tone of reprimand "It is not me you should be apologizing to."

Amanda turned and nodded to the audience and sat with the panel members. Robur smiled and then continued …" While she probably does not need one, may I introduce Dr. Amanda Elizabeth Collins, fellow at Yale and an expert in Neurology, Bio-mechanics amongst her many other areas of expertise. The crown applauded.

Amanda slightly waved �" and was clearly embarrassed for being so late.

Dr. Robur resumed his lecture "Where were we?, oh yes, today we are steps away from the possibilities of enabling new sentient life in ways only dreamed about in the minds of science fiction writers. Imagine a world where we may one day soon be faced with legal claims of "person-hood" brought by beings that were in essence "created"…

1500 miles away aboard a private yacht in the mid-Atlantic...

Dr. Victor Devlin stood as he continued a conversation in progress. Victor was a tall man, 6' 3" with an athletic build, very well dressed and very handsome despite the fact that a third of his face was covered by a silver mask it ran from the middle of his forehead from the bridge of his right eye to his right ear. He looked to be in his late 30's. His height, strength and mask made him appear menacing �" and he used that to his advantage. Devlin lead a global empire of companies. His wealth was immeasurable. But Devlin was stuff of myth and conspiracy hunters. No one has ever seen him, no pictures, no official documents he even exists �" yet the world was filled with unbelievable rumors of him ranging from him being a vampire to being top of a conspiracy that actually ruled the world and everything in between. Devlin didn't mind the rumors, he actually reveled in them. He liked the mystery but to keep up his engagements, he kept a small and close staff by which he engaged the world. He was extremely reclusive and lived on this ultra-modern luxury yacht.

Devlin leaned across his rather large, shiny bronze blue green metal/rock slab of a desk, now leering into his near life size 3d VCom system at the image of Edward Land at the end of his desk. Edward Land was the current leading candidate to be the next President of the United States. Edward led the 'United Future" political party that that rose to the top in the world of politics at an unprecedented pace. Edward also led one of Victor's largest and the world's largest corporations. As Chief Executive Office of ConGlobal, he was one of Victor's most senior staff and the face of ConGlobal. Edward Land was extremely handsome and very charismatic. He was single and a known playboy and very ambitious, Victor used these facts to his advantage.

Devlin spoke in a quite tone "Edward, I need to ensure you understand my expectations here. I need this matter about the art forgeries solved.. This situation is very concerning and it putting your campaign in a rather unflattering light �" especially in these last few days before the election.

Dr. Victor Devlin had an unusual quirk, the angrier he became the more calmly he spoke. Those who knew him became more unsettled by this… and for good reason…

A 3d image of Edward Land stood coldly still. "I fully understand sir. This situation with Dr. Collins has gone way out of hand."

Devlin stared at Land with a stern look "Dr. Collins did not cause this situation Edward."

"Sir, if it wasn't for her…" Land stuttered.

Devlin calmly interrupted "Her competence Edward?" "This was to be a routine insurance update…. now we find ourselves embroiled in an international art scandal and during an unprecedented presidential campaign both of which I am heavily vested in". Devlin continued in monotone "The Board of Art and Antiquities of Germany, Switzerland and France are now challenging the Foundation's credibility". "I promoted you as Chief Executive Officer of ConGlobal from my Contracting and Security division a year ago and have personally spent a fortune ensuring your presidential nomination and this is my return? Especially now with you working campaign, I have a lot invested in you Edward. I am more than displeased. Your plans to step down as CEO by the election will now be put on hold. You will stay on as CEO until this matter is fully resolved."

Land stood motionless "Sir, as we discussed and you know, I can't be President of the United States and still run ConGlobal."

Devlin leaned in to the image "That is not my issue Edward this is your mess and it will be resolved."

Land did not react and continued "Understood Sir." Knowing it was far better to accept direction from  Devlin instead of a futile attempt to argue..

Devlin now sat back down "My expectations is that I will have my art returned, credibility restored on the world stage… and you will identify those involved and have them - removed - and we will have no further surprises."

Ned spoke with respect almost fear "Yes sir."

Devin glared at the numerous news banners about the scandal running along the top and bottom of the 3d screen and spoke in a quiet calm voice "The press continues to have a field day with this. This is beyond unacceptable."

Ned spoke firm but in a subservient tone "I give you my 100% assurance this will be solved as soon as possible."

Devlin sat back "The election is Tuesday. The pressures to divest yourself will be emence, and as you know, I am also less than patient. I look forward to my update when we speak tomorrow. I expect swift progress Edward" and the screen went blank.

Devlin  sat in silence for a moment then spoke aloud "Nyx..."

Nyx was 5'3' and strikingly beautiful with her wavy bleach white long hair and blood red lipstick. She wore the standard uniform - a military-like uniform �" specifically designed for the two senior female members of his direct staff. The uniform was matte black leather forming fitting outfit, black boots and a wraparound black visor covering her eyes and nose. She looked both beautiful and formidable.

Nyx had been waiting patiently until Devlin's call completed �" she was here to provide the scheduled daily status report. She walked forward and stood quietly at the front of Devin's desk.

Devlin leaned forward and spoke direct to Nyx "Allowing Eris to think she stole the art unnoticed creating this art scandal was quite brilliant my girl. You are becoming more and more cleaver every day" and he sat back  continuing speaking aloud "Just enough of a distraction for Edward. She clearly stole the art to create this rift between Edward and I, but I believe now it had far more to do with exposing the Dr. Collins to the world prematurely and possibly more. I need you to continue to work on locating it while we understand exactly what else she is up to."

Nyx replied "Understood and we have some leads. I will have more information in a few days."

Devlin  arched an eyebrow "I will attempt to be patient then... continue..."

Nyx spoke "Sir, The French and Swiss Art and Antiquity board just issued a formal statement moments ago that they are working in partnership with ConGlobal's Sr. Executive Management and expect to bring this situation to closure by months end. They acknowledged the high standing credibility of ConGlobal's position in the world community and stated they do expect a swift and positive outcome. The German board of antiquities just released a similar and equally supportive statement."

Devlin nodded 'Very well… That will unfortunately reduce the pressure on Edward on that front but so be it." But that is not my focus of interest..."  '...and I assume you are monitoring the lecture today in Paris?"

Nyx nodded "I am sir �" it is going as planned… I will update you when she accepts our offer."

Devlin's eyes narrowed "Sounds like there is a doubt there Nyx?"

Nyx bowed her head per protocol "No. She will be brought in, one way or another sir."

Devlin now spoke direct and in a metered tone 'And how is she doing given all this attention?"

Nyx bowed her head "She is overwhelmed sir…"

Devlin responded in a stern tone "We need to keep her that way until she is aboard."

Nyx spoke softly "She had an unusual encounter today… she thought it was a déjà vu."

Devlin looked at Nyx with concern "Was it?"

Nyx replied with a firm response "It triggered a memory."

Devlin stared hard 'And has she thought about it since?"

Nyx looked up "No…"

Devlin nodded "Good. We can't have her regain her memory just yet…We just need 2 more days… " "and Eris?"

Nyx spoke firmly "Eris remains unaware of our knowledge of her involvement in the forgery scandal or of her relationship with Mr. Land..."

Devlin sat back "...and I assume all this recent press involving Dr. Collins has been managed? We have waited to long to have all this media attention ruin our plans..."

Nyx nodded "It is being managed but it is becoming more and more  difficult."

Devlin spoke now in a firm tone "I do not care how hard it is and I expect this will not become more of an issue that it already has..."

"Understood sir."

Devlin leaned forward and motioned 'You have your orders... dismissed..."

Back in the warm lecture hall in Paris...

Dr. Robur had handed the room over to the panel. Questions were being firmly directed at Amanda which was clearly creating frustration on the rest of the panel.

A young women had asked the next question 'Dr. Collins, How does it feel to be at the center of a controversy that now involves the leading candidate for Presidency of the United States who is also currently the leader of the world's largest corporation?"

Amanda had a look of clear frustration  as she spoke directly to the entire audience  'Can we please keep to the topic of the lecture… next question please?"

'The crowd was clamoring for a chance to ask questions. Robur pointed to a well dressed man in front. The man then asked "Dr. Collins, I read your paper this morning that was just re-released under your real name. The paper focused on the ethics of Artificial intelligence and human cloning. Apparently you had written that paper as part your doctorate thesis when you were 17. Your views then were that self-ware AI and human cloning were scientific dead ends and well beyond the limits of science. You also stated even if it were possible, science still should not pursue these theories for ethical, moral and intellectual sake … Do you still believe that?"

Amanda took a deep breath while eyeing her colleagues on the panel "My view remains that man cannot create true sentience'…" it is just not possible…I believe there are natural limits to our realm and that is one of them." "So to me, this discussion is nothing more than one of intellectual exploration… But for arguments sake, as I stated then and will restate now, even if it were possible, there are things we know we "can" do and they should be weighed against the moral ethics on whether or not we "should" do them." Amanda paused and then continued 'But As Dr. Robur was implying earlier I believe "Person-hood" is about far more than the sum of our parts. We are in fact chemical machines, what makes us unique is beyond intellect, beyond any rational science. Whatever makes us as individuals, is much more than science will ever be able to explain or recreate…"

The man responded "Are you referring to a "soul" Dr. Collins? "

Amanda sat quiet for a moment, knowing that she was being steered into a corner but despite that, she responded matter-of-factly "I am not a religious person Mr.…?

"It's Dr. … Dr. Wayneright" he replied.

Amanda raised her eyebrows 'I thought this was supposed to be undergrad lecture?" as she eyed Robur and then the numerous press and Academic dignitaries in the audience. She paused and then continued 'I am not religious person Dr. Wayneright, so call it what you would like, but I can tell you in scientific terms I can take your body and break it down to a sub molecular level and never find what makes you , you. That is an undisputed scientific fact Dr." I believe Dr. we are something well beyond a bunch of chemical and biological reactions."

Dr. Wayneright nodded and sat down without a response.

The crowd was going crazy vying for a chance to ask their questions.

Another person stood and was selected. She then questioned 'Dr. Collins?"

Amanda interrupted "Can we please direct questions to the panel in general? and she motioned to her other panel members "I would like to ensure equal time for my esteemed colleagues."

The person insisted 'Dr. Collins, just one last question? You realize with your recent notoriety, the religious right wing has now become aware of your papers and stance on AI and Cloning. They are using your work as scientific evidence against several congressional funding measures, including the Congressional Bill Dr. Robur mentioned, focusing on AI. If that is successful, that  would have serious and dramatic adverse effects on working government contracts with ConGlobal, potentially costing them billions...adding to your controversial entanglement with Edward Land.. What is your reaction to those groups using your research to support that goal ?"

Amanda's face went blank and did not answer.

Dozens of people continue to attempt to ask follow up questions shouting"'Dr. Collins? 'Dr. Collins?" Her repeated name was the only discernible words over the loud murmur.

Amanda realized this far more than a routine college lecture - she had been duped - this was a full scale media event…

She now ignored all further questions and gathered her notes. She glared at Dr. Robur expecting him to do his job as facilitator.

Dr. Robur seemed unprepared for the situation but appeared almost pleased with the working line of questioning. He now took control of the room 'Ladies and gentlemen please!" "I need you to keep the questions to the topic at hand!" and he turned and gave Amanda a stern look as if she was at fault. He then turned back to the audience "I realize Dr. Collins has become an unwilling celebrity but this is a lecture on the modern ethics. Please stay on topic and I will moderate all questions going forward..."

The crowd activity then settled a bit.

Dr. Robur smiled and then pointed to a young lady standing raising her hand "Miss…Your name?"

"Mary… Mary Godwin."

Dr. Robur smiled "Your question young lady?"

Mary looked at Amanda "I have just one question and it is for Dr. Collins."

The crowd groaned and became instantly restless. Dr. Robur paused and then agreed "Ok, ok, Ms. Godwin, Ask your question..." and then he turned to the unruly crowd "...BUT PLEASE ! NO MORE DIRECT QUESTIONING!"

The crowd roared with comments of unfairness.

"QUIET DOWN PLEASE!" Dr. Robur said  continuing to raise his voice...The crowd again relunctantly settled.

Dr. Robur resumed his composure and continued "Ms. Godwin, your question?"

Mary politely but directly addressed Amanda "Dr. Collins, So it is your belief that a man cannot or will not ever be able to create another man? Either mechanical or biological?" But what if they could.... what if they did...?"

Amanda held Mary's gaze for a long moment then answered "It is my belief Mary that it is not possible to create sentient life." Amanda paused again then continued " But even if it were possible, and again, it is not, whatever man can or could create would only be a semblance of life. It would be nothing more than an imitation... . The poor wretched creature that would result may actually believe it was alive, but it would be nothing more than a reflection of life - a distortion of life...a simulacrum.. I can't imagine evoking such a curse on any being allowing something to believe it was alive and then at some point learning it was nothing more than some complex man-made being. I believe in fact the sheer attempt in such a creation is even more monstrous then the resulting creation itself. I would have nothing but sorrow and pity for such a creature and nothing but disgust and condemnation for those who would even attempt such a contemptible act. This entire concept is nothing more than the unquenchable ego of man trying to become something we are not..."

Amanda now stood and leaned across the table addressing the audience in frustration "Man cannot and will not ever be able to create another man! Mechanical or otherwise" She then fixed her attention back on Mary and took a softer tone "We are not gods Mary, and I believe there are inherent rules to our reality that limits science from preventing such an aberration to ever exist." Amanda was now clearly distraught and grabbed her belongings. She stood and began to walk to the exit.

Dr. Robur looked bewildered "Dr. Collins, where are you going?"

Amanda turned and gave Dr. Robur an angry stare, but did not speak. She turned marched and exited the room pulling the larges doors closed behind her. The crowd roared and many attempted to follow her but were immediately stopped by a contingent of security that seemed to come out of nowhere.

Robur turned to the audience and commanded "Ladies and gentlemen please!..."

© 2016 C. M. Brown

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Added on December 5, 2016
Last Updated on December 11, 2016
Tags: adventure, scifi, sciencefiction, verne, romance, future


C. M. Brown
C. M. Brown

Monterey, CA

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by C. M. Brown

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by C. M. Brown