Deception Of Love

Deception Of Love

A Poem by clsmith766

this poem is about turning one's back on love after too much pain.

If one believes in love, one is only deceiving him or herself.
Hallucinations and fairy tales are bad for your sanity as well as your health.
Cupid of Greek Mythology is just that: a myth.
Love is just an endless spiral of deception and bliss.

The Power of Love usually ends in a terrible fright.
It is like Superman has encountered kryptonite.
Encountering love is like a crackhead that will never learn.
Once the high has ended, the only thing left is to crash and burn.

One may hear tales of love and infinite pleasure.
The depth of such passion is so great: mathematics cannot measure.
Once the bliss has ended, what is there left to gain?
Once can expect a lifetime of psychosis and inexplicable pain.

Is love a concept that some masochist has to create?
Or is it a trick nature uses to make people procreate?
If �God is love,� then humanity is in serious trouble.
Once love enters the picture, nothing is left but ashes and rubble.

Initially, one is as animated as Wallace and Gromit.
In the end, one returns to their former pain like �a dog returns to its vomit?�
Solomon said it best when he stated �vanity of vanities�all is vanity.�
It begins with bliss and ends in insanity.

Love will get anyone thrown in the joint.
If Cupid approaches anyone with his arrows, they should mess him up with a hollow point.

© 2008 clsmith766

My Review

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Good use of metaphor and I feel pain behind the words. I'd like to see the poem you write that tells why your heart is broken. Put it all in words and don't hold back, to hell with rhyme scheme - free verse it and pour it out like hot chocolate. Let it do what it damn do...

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poignant and well written. Great overall concept. Very profound flow of words. Excellent write!=)

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on June 16, 2008



Humble, TX

I enjoy various form of writing including articles, essays, poem, short stories, narritives, extensive prose, novels (including science fiction, fantasy, political fiction, and horror) some biographie.. more..
