We Are Not Worthy

We Are Not Worthy

A Poem by clsmith766

This poem describes the extremes that Christ went through to show his love for humanity



Jesus bled on the cross for all of our sins.

Only so we can commit the same iniquities again.

What Jesus had done is far beyond nice.

No other has made such a sacrifice.


He offers us everlasting life; we gave him scorn.

He offers us a crown of life; we gave him a crown of thorns.

A soldier stabbed him in the side with a spear,

Only so we can commit the same transgressions, year after year.


His blood ran like a river as it came from his corpse.

How much do we show him gratitude and remorse?

How great was the act of his sacrifice as he laid down his life.

He was tortured and slaughtered on Calvary.


"He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities."

We never knew the evil and horror of the act.

Until the temple’s veil was torn and the sky turned black.

If the guilt were not enough to tear us apart,

he rose with the saints, and they began to march.


Although he went to hell, neither his mind nor his garments were singed.

To show his grace and mercy; he did not even seek any revenge.

There is none like Jesus; there is no greater Lord or friend.

He has every right to be arrogant, but he was humble to the end.


There is no one with a greater heart.

He still loved us even when we literally tore him apart.

The Lord has risen and that is excellent news.

Is there anyone that can fill his shoes?


How often do we think about Jesus when we have been mistreated?

Do we reflect on our Lord’s trials when we feel defeated?

Our Lord’s act of pure love is not anything earthly.

For the blessings we receive, surely, we are not worthy.

© 2008 clsmith766

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...and gods people said, Amen...oh btw, that Amen you say at the end of every prayer, that's also an African invention. Pharaoh Akhenaton decreed that Amen-Ra was the one true god. At the end of every prayer his name was invoked. TO THIS DAY we still invoke the name of Amen-Ra when we finish prayers. How is that for a black hero for you? See, they are all around you. Just T8 off them rosy glasses...especially when you come to your next traffic light. The tint may interfere with the red/yellow/green glow coming from the traffic lights that were invented by a black man. Before the concept of controlled traffic, everybody was all willy nilly on the streets!!! Check out some of them old news reels. Grand Theft Auto ain't got nothin on them horse and buggy or old school drivers. The roads were really dangerous before the invention of the traffic light.

Okay, I like this. Like the rhyme scheme. The sentiments are understood as universal love, though I do take umbrage at the concept of the crucifixion though, but that's another story. Nice.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


...and gods people said, Amen...oh btw, that Amen you say at the end of every prayer, that's also an African invention. Pharaoh Akhenaton decreed that Amen-Ra was the one true god. At the end of every prayer his name was invoked. TO THIS DAY we still invoke the name of Amen-Ra when we finish prayers. How is that for a black hero for you? See, they are all around you. Just T8 off them rosy glasses...especially when you come to your next traffic light. The tint may interfere with the red/yellow/green glow coming from the traffic lights that were invented by a black man. Before the concept of controlled traffic, everybody was all willy nilly on the streets!!! Check out some of them old news reels. Grand Theft Auto ain't got nothin on them horse and buggy or old school drivers. The roads were really dangerous before the invention of the traffic light.

Okay, I like this. Like the rhyme scheme. The sentiments are understood as universal love, though I do take umbrage at the concept of the crucifixion though, but that's another story. Nice.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on June 6, 2008



Humble, TX

I enjoy various form of writing including articles, essays, poem, short stories, narritives, extensive prose, novels (including science fiction, fantasy, political fiction, and horror) some biographie.. more..
