Mind, Body, and Soul

Mind, Body, and Soul

A Poem by clsmith766

This poem is too encourage people to practice good stewardship of all of the aspects of one's being, which substantiates existence.




Your body is a temple that is to be forever treasured.

Its value is far beyond comprehensive measure.

Your body was with you before you opened either eye.

It will be with you until the day you die.


Your stewardship thereof should be carefully executed with surgical precision.

It is either a haven of paradise or a living prison.

Its destiny is in your hands; you make the decision.

Your body needs to know you love it; it needs to know that you care.


Don’t complain about getting cancer if you fill it with cake, soda, and gummy bears.

Develop good eating habits while you are young.

So it can remain healthy, resilient, and strong.

Please avoid the liquor or you will be sick.


Enough drinks will kill your liver.

It will send you to an early grave quick.

Grief will cause your family’s lips to quiver.

 Do not chase after fried food as far as the eye can see.


You would do well to avoid sugar, salt, and MSG.

Being mindful of good things should be your main goal.

Take care of yourself, mind, body, and soul.

Maintaining a healthy body is a good thing you’ll find.


But it is even better to maintain a healthy mind.

A mind is like a muscle: it needs constant activity.

It can be free as a bird, or like a rat in captivity

 When education is involved, one should always make haste.


The UNCF says, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste."

Fill it with wisdom and knowledge to reduce strife.

Solomon says the mouth of wise man is "a wellspring of life."

 There is not sense in having gifts if they are abused.


What is the point of great potential if it is unused?

One can hear of talented people that can get a Master’s degree or Ph. D.

But what is the point if it is never developed and they die in poverty and obscurity.

 Your mind is like an artist’s hand; it becomes better with use.


So don’t subject it to waste, idleness, neglect, or abuse.

Create your personal library for the infinite recesses of your mind to view.

Each book you add to your collection will make your knowledge brand new.

The constant activity of your mind is as refreshing as a gentle breeze.


Continuous mental activity reduces the chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease.

 Taking care of yourself and maintaining your mental health should be your main goal.

Always give the highest prior to your welfare: mind, body, and soul.

Your mind is a treasure to cherish and to forever hold.


But the most valuable thing you will ever have is your soul.

 Your soul holds your greatest desires and the things that you hold most dear.

Your soul is what motivates you to act upon your desires while you are here.

It is the center of your emotions and it is the source of your vanity.


It suffers with you and your mind if it endures bouts of insanity.

 Your soul is what will be with you when your body dies.

It is with you through your lowest lows and your highest highs.

Your soul is the element of your being that is with you divine bliss or divine indignation.


It is with you until the end. It is the main beneficiary of salvation.

 Your soul is the seat of your moral consciousness; it helps you with wrong or right.

It helps you determine when flee, leave, be passive, or swing your fists and fight.

When the gates of heaven swing open and we witness heavenly things.


The soul is what will allow us to "feel the brush of angel’s wings."

 When it is time for the Second Coming to meet Him in the air.

Our soul is what is given the power to allow us to be there.

Our soul is what houses our creativity and gives meaning to life.


It is the soul that people should honor when two become husband and wife.

 Until we reach that fabulous place and achieve that ultimate goal;

Always remember to value your being: mind, body, and soul.

© 2008 clsmith766

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Added on June 6, 2008
Last Updated on June 6, 2008



Humble, TX

I enjoy various form of writing including articles, essays, poem, short stories, narritives, extensive prose, novels (including science fiction, fantasy, political fiction, and horror) some biographie.. more..
