The rise of Xerith: Chapter 1

The rise of Xerith: Chapter 1

A Chapter by Denim wite

There she sat.


Gentle Eve, her feet dangling from the bridge, feet barely skimming the river beneath; her tears falling gracefully down her almost scarlet face, to the clear waters below, her thoughts consumed by the leave of a single beloved boy-

She stood up.

Dropping her notebook onto the ledge of the bridge and ran into the woods- her white gown trailing after her. “I will never remember.” She promised herself. “I will forget him. I will live. I won’t dwell on silly ideas of love.”

The skies were grey and void of color, but ripe with a thousand glittering stars of aquaria. Down they fell, one by one, dusting the barely budding trees that surrounded her. She ran faster up hills, and into labyrinths of trees. In the darkest place she could find, she sat down, breathing heavily. Suddenly she stopped and looked around “this is familiar…”  she whispered to no one in particular. “I…I think I’ve been here before.” She looked around to find something that would spark a specific memory, but found nothing. “No, that’s impossible. I’ve never ventured so deep into this side of the forest.” She slowed her breath and looked to the skies. Her eyes felt heavy.

She lay down on the soft growing grass, and found herself slipping into a memory. Or was it a dream?

“Xera, wake up. “ Erith smiled “It’s time.”

She stood up, the forest much brighter than before, filled with a thousand brilliant colors. Beside Erith stood a man with eyes like fire- it was the great Father.

“Father- is it time? After all these eternities, is it really time?”

He only smiled and gave a nod. Slowly He turned and began to walk- all the trees moving away to give Him a straight path, all of their branches bowing at his coming.

Erith turned to see Xera, he gave her a mysterious and subtle smile.


Thunder roared “Erith-” she awoke to heavy rains. She looked around, her hands searching the now shimmering earth. “My book!”


She ran inside her house, her dress clinging to her body, it was no longer white, but stained with silt and grass. “What happened to you” her mother asked as she ran upstairs but Eve didn’t answer.

“Oh no, oh no….” she opened her book and ran throughout rooms to find a fan, or something to dry it.  “found it!” she said as she clumsily caught an old hairdryer.


Far away was young Leon, He looked to the skies. “I hope I did the right thing.” He said softly. “But I can’t help think that I am going to regret this.”

His blue eyes filled with deep nostalgia, his blonde hair shivering in the wind.
“She deserves better than me anyways.”

He went inside.

     _____                                          _____

Five years later

_____                       _____


The rain beat the floating vehicle.  

            Quickly, it sped through the city, A white dog uneasily shifted its weight as it flicked its head between the two windows. “Don’t worry Winter. It’ll be alright. You’ll see.” The thunder bellowed and lighting shattered the sky. The terrified canine let out a terrified bark and nervously growled. “Shh…Winter, it’ll be okay.” The driver’s eyes set on the safety facility ahead. “We are almost there.”  Thunder roared again, lightning  shot a nearby tree.

            Winter leaped to the front of the car, onto her owners lap and then stood up “Winter, I can’t see!” the car began to swerve in the moment of her blindness, will other vehicles honked in reprimanding this sudden and horrifying uncontrolled movement. In the few seconds, the car collided with another. The glass shattered, The dog whined and attempted to escape, scratching Eve as she attempted to move to the opposite side of the car but the airbag shot out- Eve was unconscious, the collision had forced her head back to the seat and knocked her out. Sirens shrieked as they neared the two cars.

She was crying.

Crimson blood ran from her arm “Father, what is this?” she asked.

He gathered her into his arms and laid his hands on her wounds- immediately she was healed.

“Blood.” He said.

“Why do I have it in me?” she looked at Him, calmed by His presence, but still profoundly curious

“As we get closer to the realm of humans, you will become more human. Blood runs in each one of them, a sign that they are beings of flesh instead of spirit. To put it simply, it gives them life.” Said Gaia-  an appointed watcher for Xera.

“I don’t like it.” She said as she wiped her eyes. “it hurts.”

“It is not the blood that causes pain, it is the flesh.” Said the Father

Erith gently grasped her hand, his gaze holding hers “ You’ll be fine.”

She awoke.

That was strange. I haven’t dreamt of them since I was a young girl…

Suddenly she came into realization, “where am I?”

“In a safe place.” Said an unknown voice. It was an elderly healer, gently smiling at her.

“You should be able to leave soon. Surprisingly enough, you had little damage done. It’s quite miracle, I can’t say the same for the other man.” Eve’s eyes opened up in surprise “what do you mean? Is he- he’s not-“

“He is alive, but hurt. It will take a while until we can restore him to his former health. Oh, and may I ask about the dog?” I looked at him “dog? Oh! It was a friend of mine, imported directly from earth-“ The elder gazed at Eve gravely “she did not make it. You better tell your friend that as soon as possible.” And he left.

Eve gawked in disbelief.

She couldn’t believe this.


As Xera ran ahead, Erith turned to the Father “Why did you let her get hurt?” he asked “Why didn’t you stop her from falling over the ledge? Why didn’t you say something?”

The Father turned to meet Erith’s hurt eyes and then gently turned his head. “Do you see that stone right there?” He asked in a steady tone. “Yes.” Erith answered “ go read it.”

Erith made his way over “It’s a warning.” He said softly, and he turned to walk back

“Once you arrive in the realm of humans, there won’t be warnings such as those on stones, but there will be a book, a book of truth, written by my followers that I have spoken to- and just like that warning, that book is there to aid you.  But if you don’t read it, then of course, it can’t help you.”

Erith nodded “once I am human, I will read it, I promise.”

“I can see the gates! Erith, I can see the gates!” Xera shouted excitedly

As Erith turned to see her face, he awoke.

© 2014 Denim wite

Author's Note

Denim wite
I encourage any reviews.
and please tell me if this is at all unique or typical for a teen novel-
I hope I am not extremely stereotypical

BTW: intro of Gaia is not a mistake.

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Added on March 12, 2014
Last Updated on March 30, 2014
Tags: other, double meaning, fantasy world, poetic


Denim wite
Denim wite

HAIIIIII how are you? I love to write poetry-- and I hope you all will enjoy it :D I'm sorry if I begin stories and don't end them. the world of fantasy is such a wonderful place to be, and the.. more..
