![]() Cobain DiariesA Chapter by ClockWork GRIMM![]() Describing the immaterial![]() In an era where abstraction is the only thing separating the bleeding shades of gray between people, can we not know that we too are uniting by trying to pull apart? We are the damaged... No Great war.... No great depression... Nothing to call our own or to claim as being our rite of passage. Our Great war is a war within... A question left simply to an answer that is beyond our perception... We are the creatures our forefathers created. Creatures harboring an anger secretly targeted at ourselves. Most have seen the shallow, chaotic, and meaningless nature of the world and so do not bother with philosophy... We are the only generation thus far that has given up on the idea that things could get better or will get better.... Change is an all TOO relative thing to us... Because it never is change for the better... Note that Different and Better are two completely different notions. Which directly correlates to meaning and value. How may we describe these concepts? Value: A measurment of worth, want, and need. Meaning: Purpose towards a goal meant for the traveler. The one question I have never found a TRUE answer to... The most important question in all philosophical thought, in my opinion is: In a world void of meaning, does it cease to have value? And if not, what gives it value? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- People die... No reason... No divine plan... Unless the meaning of the persons life was to barely live and die for a reason that chaos could find good enough for terror and bloodshed. And in a non-philosophical way My Grandmother told me," S**t happens." That one statement is the one universal truth I've found, and even though it doesn't have a deep feeling to it, it explains our world. Or at least the world in the way we can perceive it. We are all the same marionettes pulled by strings flapping in the wind. All the same compost pile. And no one wants to tell the truth, which is-- You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake... None of us are special... We're just here for this accidental rollercoaster ride that just came into existence... There are no reasons for why the world is the way it is or does what it does... The conditions are right, thus they come to exist.... You will never go anywhere in understanding life, the world, or philosophical ideals by asking, why, for reasons, or purpose. It just doesn't work like that... The world... Bound in harmony by it's opposites , shows a balance so fragile that only chaos could create it. Purpose is inconsequential. Unneeded. Through all the fires of wars fought over idealogy, old books, and masses of sand, the main idea avoids us. If finding PURPOSE is the only thing that will comfort you, you will be sorely dissapointed... And if you don't understand the things written, CHANGE YOURSELF FINTHE COBAIN DIARIES© 2014 ClockWork GRIMMAuthor's Note
3 Reviews Added on November 28, 2011 Last Updated on January 22, 2014 Author![]() ClockWork GRIMMalto pass, ILAboutI'm a writer by the name of GRIMM and have been a screenwriter, Author, as well as Painter and etc... I use a pseudonym because I have had troubles with people whom were offended by my stories and wor.. more..Writing