Gospel of the Rose Vol. III

Gospel of the Rose Vol. III

A Poem by ClockWork GRIMM

     The Gospel of The Rose Vol. III

1st Key
Chapter I
“What is akin to my children?”, God said,” The finest of all above even my angels which may perform my miracles because thy posses free will which is only something I share with Thou.” The Beauty of thy’s free will is only known by our God. Cometh forth from the sands we know we are. Within that sand lies the memories of thous pre-history. The only thing that makes thou the way of our personality is our memories. That makes us human in part compared to the forms and thisles of this land given to us by Him. Of which we may only say that this creation called “man” is blessed upon our nameless Entity that is eternal. That which has a name had a beginning. The force we called God is nothing more than an underlying force within all we see, making us the people we know. Blessed be thou who knows these sacred facts of that phenomenon called life for it is a sanctified miracle.

Chapter II
What is a miracle? I hast always said,” God is that of chance. All is science. But the unknown art the reason behind the starting of the chain of events that leads to the miraculous outcome.” God said,” My secret must remain as such before the eyes of man. Men are sickened creatures that think only that they are the real gods when they can do nothing in this universe.” Let us actually be that which our God can be proud of. How many thouest think of such ineffable goals? We are all merely men among thieves within this land called America. Land of the Free. Home Of the Brave. Such lies have been cast down to us. A miracle would be for thy kinsman to awaken and realize that they too have much stake in the world. I have. Is ceasing to be ignorant really asking thou that much? Fill with sloth and cease only to pertain to thous sorcery and call it “Gods work” before we whom know God and Hath seen Him within our very lives? I shall not be fooled upon this day. Know my wrath is great before my lord. If a god blocks my path, even he will be cut by my blade, made strong by my persevierence. Fool yourself not into believing that any man may stand in my place for you must know your own heart before thou may moveth forward into that which is the land of the Angels.

Chapter III
The Angels said,” Mourn for man, for they head towards destroying themselves closer everyday within the wake of the knowledge we have given them.” Then God said,” You, My first of creations should know to keep faith within that which is unpredictable in them. They have many flaws but their souls hath be finer than a pure diamond.” We art His children in His image. And how beautiful we are. Vanity must not overwhelm us in our conceited nature of the world. Be meek but know thous own abilities and appreciate them for what they are. Hear my words all forms and thistles. One day this will end for thou. One day. Best feel what there is to feel. Do not die knowing there was more thou wanted and never attempted to experience. This memoir of my thoughts and history art my best way to help from my own mistakes and misgivings. What more can I possibly give thou upon which you may rest your head and know a guide looks out for your safety? Do not be stubborn. And Knoweth youself and follow your own voice.

Chapter IV
Rise from the ground, Serpents and Demons, then knoweth thous place amongst the powers with reality before us all. Tempt me not for I shall tempt back for the sake of My God. Tempt with the goodness that lives within all that is living or dead. Thous challenge only is to find a place among the entire race of man and still remain as you are with dignity and newly added purpose. Feel the flame within so that thou may find a true Paradise. The only comfort needed lies within thyself and can only be found by thyself. That is all that can be described of such a thing in this world. Find the answers within thyself. Rely above all on thyself.

2nd key
Chapter I
Love is… the most valuable thing a man beneath Gods whims may ask of. I loved once. Her name… Emily. She died from the carelessness of man. I refuse to let thou experience that same pain. The feeling of such things is indescribable. Dear Lord, Thank you for knowing of that which causes me pain. ‘Tis only a short time I shall live but I promise to make it meaningful. Bless me with food, shelter, and a bed in which I may dream of thou whom I loveth the most. Upon this day I swear to know the world better than I know myself. Keep my breath going and let me die with my lover by my side and know I have done something great for people.

Chapter II
A real risk besets us all to this very day. The limit of questions. It is a real and very dangerous probability. There is a limit to everything in this reality except for our Lord. There is a genuine promised land. No matter whether the dark exceeds your sight as long as thou remains as such the path you tread upon shall become the light. Make the trail for those who follow in your footsteps. The surroundings matter not if you have your love by your side. The limit of questions limits thine life that can exist upon one plain. This is a secret of the angels of the stars.

Chapter III
Here is my riddle to you…

Fly beneath between and beyond the angel’s Road. Look up and all shall be revealed to thou who has the understanding. Take it down with a steam hammer to the depths known only to I. Cross my path and learn from what you hear. The writings of the angel’s point to what was the great people’s. The space between spaces is the holding for what you seek.

© 2011 ClockWork GRIMM

My Review

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This, for me, reads more like a poetic story than a poem, but clearly its beauty has a gripping lore that holds this reader and has a claim on my admiration. You penned this beautifully.There is also a life behind every word that gives this a lasting effect.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 30, 2011
Last Updated on September 30, 2011


ClockWork GRIMM
ClockWork GRIMM

alto pass, IL

I'm a writer by the name of GRIMM and have been a screenwriter, Author, as well as Painter and etc... I use a pseudonym because I have had troubles with people whom were offended by my stories and wor.. more..
