Insane is what they call the unknown
Neat and tidy is what they want
Safe and respected, for they do not want to be scared
Apples of the forbidden garden, the unforgiving, the betrayed
Now we all stay in cells of paddled walls, our arms wrapped up tight
Eating from tubes that slide in food that looks of waste
For we are the insane
Inching to recovery
Notes of great days and unrest less nights
Satisfactory manners, and a smile here and there
Apologizes of what we have done in our past who we have betrayed
Numbers are all that count when you count the days of recovery
Earning their trust, and respectful eye will save us from this all
For we are the insane
Its better when you confess
Narcoma is what they hope for when we take our medications
Saliva pasted down our cheek as we wake up slowly
Appetites are all we can feel, that’s if our medication allows
Neritic brain waves crease over our bodies
Empty shells to probe
For we are the insane
In saying "I went to the market"
No one thinks that you have a split personality
Save yourself from the humiliation of talking to your other half
And ignore that voice in your head
Now you are on your way to the end
Endless days of recovery
For you are the insane
In months or years recovery is at bay
Neat and tidy is what they want so that is how you change
Safe and respectable is how you made them change their minds
Antics and pretend is all you needed
Now you are in the world, with papers that say you are sane
Enough of ignoring the voices inside and what they tell you to do, now you can listen
For now you are the sane one in the room.