

A Chapter by clairvoyantmars


The message ends, and the hologram of Dr. Lang vanished.

“DeXter.” I said.

“Yes, Dr. Taylor?” he says.

“What cell is D24 in?”

“Patient D24, Section D, Cell 32.”

“Thank you.” I said.

Before typing in my report about F66 in Messenger, I use DeXter to find out about D24.

“DeXter, what is D24’s Lotus?”

“Lotus, File 11216, Anthropophobia, Stage 1.”

I nodded. Anthropophobia is the morbid dread of people. “Credentials?”

“Delta24, created November 12 in the year 2035. Aged 10, male. Height is 4 feet, 3 inches, weight. Eye color, brown. Hair color, black.”

“Thank you DeXter.” I said. “Initiate Messenger.”

“Your welcome, Doctor Taylor. Would you like a refreshment while you type your report?”

“A cup of coffee would be most convenient.”

A blue circle of light appeared on my desk, and a white mug filled with steaming coffee materialized right in front of my eyes.

“Be careful, doctor. It’s hot.”

No matter how long I’ve been in this facility, DeXter’s artificial intelligence never ceases to amaze me. I find it amusing that an advanced machine like DeXter would find the time to be concerned about me burning my tongue. Considering the fact that he is not installed only in my room, but in every room in this facility. Plus the fact that he controls every machine and every program in each.



Foxtrot66 seems to be recovering from her Lotus the past few months, considering the fact that she is only in Stage 3. Her fascination with sharp objects seems to be less enthusiastic than a few years ago. She seems to have more self-control over herself compared to her younger self when it took three men to restrain an eight-year-old girl. I expect her to reach stage 4 by next month.


I pause. As soon as F66 recovers from her Lotus, her memory will be erased. All clones have a micro-chip connected to their brains so that when their Lotus is cured; all the doctors have to do is remove it and implant another one with a different Case. The clone is not destroyed, and the body is reused for an experiment that starts at a different age level. The facility holds multiple clones with the same Lotus to ensure the success of the experiment by testing it on Cases of different ages and genders.

I take a sip from my coffee and shiver as I remember F66’s anger at me a few moments ago. It was frightening to see Shannon’s eyes look at me and hear her voice shout at me with F66’s hate. I know it is not appropriate for me to have emotional attachments with F66, but no matter how strong her Lotus controls her, she still has the same charm Shannon possessed.

“Are you cold, doctor?” DeXter asks. “Do you want me to lower room temperature?”

I jump at his interruption of my contemplations. Sometimes I think DeXter observes me with too much concentration. He doesn’t miss a single detail of my actions.

I sigh and shake my head. “No thank you, DeXter. I’m all right.”

I take another sip of my coffee and write a memo to the Creators.

The Creators are those who help DeXter create the clone. They help the clones go through the different processes to make it a full fetus. They plant the microchip DeXter had created with the programmed Lotus and the memories.


To the Creators: I expect you to seek authorization from the Head and confirmation from DeXter to authenticate F66’s full recovery and the reuse of F66’s body for the creation of another Case. Inquire what the Head requests as a new Lotus for the Case.

-End Report-


I sent the report and put my hand on a scanner. DeXter checks the authenticity of my fingerprints then I dictate my name for voice key before he sends my report to the Head and to the Creators.

I do my research about D24.

“DeXter, what are the Superiors last 5 reports about D24?”

“Here they are, doctor.” My screen flashed with five different windows. “Dated April 15, 19, 25, 30, and May 6.”

“Thank you, DeXter. That’s all for now.”

I read the reports, trying to know as much as possible about what I was going to be dealing with. Apparently, D24 has been stage three for eight years now, and hasn’t progressed ever since then. With D24’s fear of people, the Superior had difficulty socializing with him and coming into direct contact. The problem is I didn’t know how long D24 was going to be in my responsibility. I didn’t even know if I had enough time to make progress with him.

“DeXter, did the Superior inform you how long he was going to be gone?” I said.

“No information has been confided.”

“Is D24 fit to be examined today?”

“D24 is still confined in Cell 32, Section D.”

“I’m going out to check up on the Case. What is the code to his Cell?”

A window opens on my screen and a code appears.




I memorize it and stand up, straightening my uniform, then head out to check up on D24. His Section is two hallways away from F66’s. I hope I don’t see her along the way. She is still angry at me. I know that by tomorrow her anger will have subsided, but for now, I have to keep my distance.

When I arrive at D24’s cell door, I hesitate. How will he react to a new acquaintance? If even the Superior had problems with this Case, what about me? I punch in the code and enter the room. His room is different than that of F66’s. There is a large glass pane dividing the room in two. There is a chair and a desk on my half of the room, and I see D24 on his side, curled up in a corner. There is a bed in his half, and like F66’s walls, they are cushioned.

“Delta24?” I say.

“Wh---” he looks up from his curled position to peek at whoever entered the room. “Who are you?” he shouts. “What are you doing here?”

“My name is Dr. Taylor.” I calmly say, hoping that this approach will calm him down. “Your Superior sent me to care for you.”

“Go away!” he says. “I don’t need you to care for me!”

My heart wrenches to see this boy in this state. He is almost a foot smaller than F66, and he eyes look at me with such terror, before he looks away and tries even harder to squeeze himself in the corner. I take a step closer to the table.

“What are you doing?” he shouts. “I said go away!”

I freeze, trying not to frighten him any more. “I’m not here to harm you.” I say. “I’m here to help.”

“No! I don’t want anyone! Get out! Get out!”

F66’s face suddenly flashes in my mind.

I suddenly remember the reports the Superior had written:


I’m having difficulty socializing with this boy. My approaches with kind words and gentle actions have no effect on him. I fear that if I use the aggressive approach he will turn on me and make it even more difficult for him to recover.


I take a risk and take the aggressive approach. He won’t be in my responsibility for long anyway. What is there to lose? “I won’t be leaving anytime soon, D24. Not until we make some progress.”

“NO! NO NO NO NO NO!!!!” He starts pounding his fists on the wall.

I stand there, with no intention of leaving, knowing that he won’t get hurt due to the cushions on the wall. He continues on for a few minutes. I stay until he gets tired.

When he is finished with his outburst, he slumps against the corner and starts to cry. I pity at the sight.

“I want to get out of here!” He says.

“Has the Superior explained to you why you are here?”

He slowly looks up at me and shakes his head. I see his body trembling in fright, his cheeks stained with tears.

“You are here to help us. And we are here to help you. Once you aren’t afraid anymore, you can get out. And you can’t get out unless you let me help you. Do you understand?”

He slumps down on the floor again, his forehead touching the floor. I hear him crying.

“Do you understand?” I shout.

He looks up again, frightened, and then nods.

“I’ll be back tomorrow, okay?” I say more gently.

He nods and I leave without another glance at him. After locking the door, I lean against the wall near the side of the door. I have never been so harsh before, especially on a child.

“Doctor,” DeXter says, his voice echoing along the hallway. “Are you all right?”

“Yes, DeXter.” I say. “I just need a moment.”

After a few moments, I stand up and head back to my room, tired and exhausted from the events of the day. Hoping that tomorrow will be more progressive, I take a good nights sleep.

© 2011 clairvoyantmars

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Well that was amazingly good I can’t wait for more and see how this turns out and what journey you take me on. As usual I have Emailed my findings.

Posted 12 Years Ago

this chapter introduces a new and really mysterious character. Dr. Taylor brings out his fatherly side to deal with the boy.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 16, 2011
Last Updated on May 16, 2011




I've been seriously starting to write my own novels since 2008. So far, I've finished three novels and have a lot of unfinished ones piled up. I also write short stories and poems and the occasional s.. more..

The Past The Past

A Chapter by clairvoyantmars