Greywyn Academy of Magic

Greywyn Academy of Magic

A Chapter by Claire Violet Thorpe

So now that we have the stories of Troy and Elva, both of whom were removed from their homes on Monday, October 7, 2257 at 10:45 A.M., we now get to see where they were taken to.

Troy woke up and looked around him. He found himself at the banks of a great and might river. That was the River Manentor, which was the strongest, fastest, and deepest river that ever flowed, well, next to the Nile and Amazon rivers, that was. Troy took two steps forward and bumped into a girl.

Elva too woke up and saw herself in a strange place. She saw the River Manentor running past her and a strange castle looming behind her. She turned and saw the boy standing next to her.

“So, you were taken too?” Elva said.

“Yeah,” said Troy. “My name is Troy Branden. What’s yours?”

“Elva Sheppherd,” said Elva. “Did you see anyone?”

“No,” said Troy, “just a hand that came out and snatched me. You?”

“Same here,” said Elva. She looked up and a fairy, or what looked like one, appeared before them. She has round orange eyes that are like two setting suns. Her fine, wavy, cherry red hair is neck-length and worn in a bizarre, carefully-crafted style. She is very short and has a lean build. She has deeply tanned skin. She has thin eyebrows and long-fingered hands. Her wardrobe is revealing and practical, with a mostly purple color scheme. The fairy said, “Greetings, young humans. My name is Aciakyla Zyndra and I understand that you are the two humans who are to be brought here, right?”

Troy said, “Look, I don’t know why we’re here, so if you could just send us back home…”

Aciakyla quieted him with a flick of her finger. “You cannot return to your home world, human boy,” she said.

“Where are we?” Elva cried out; for she was a bit more subtle than Troy.

“You’re in Ostlea, which is an alternative version of the planet you call Earth,” said Aciakyla. “Here, you will attend the Greywyn Academy of Magic.”

Troy gasped. “What?” he cried out. “You mean we have to attend some fancy-schmancy boarding school? Are you out of your mind?”

Aciakyla glared at him. She said, “Now listen up here, human boy; I do not play at games. You are going to this school whether you like it or not. Now let’s go!”

She took both the children’s hands and walked across a bridge. The bridge seemed to get higher and higher. Elva said, “Why is the bridge getting higher?”

Aciakyla said to her, “This is no ordinary bridge, human girl. This is the Deepborough Crossing, the highest and tallest bridge in all of Ostlea. This bridge separates the school from the rest of the town of Itenana, which is where you have ended up, right on its outskirts.”

Elva looked down and sure enough, the town was getting smaller and smaller until it was only a speck on the ground. Before long, Aciakyla had brought Troy and Elva before the gates to a tall, dark, brooding castle.

Now for a description of the castle: This enormous castle, built of adobe and set in the middle of a fast-flowing river, once belonged to a brutal witch. It contained a great many stained glass windows and appeared to be well-populated. It is approached by a narrow stone bridge, which seems to rise over the river. Nearby was a well-populated farming town in which there is a large imposing gateway, and has a large fountain.

Aciakyla knocked on the large metal door and it swung open. Elva strolled inside, feeling just a tad nervous about entering such an enormous place. Troy, however, walked in a bit more cautiously, as though a monster would come out and eat him.

“Come in, Aciakyla,” said the man. Elva and Troy took one good look at him and gasped. The man sitting in his seat before them would put you in mind of a proud lion. He had slanted purple eyes that were like two windows on the evening sky. His thick, curly, blue hair was very short and was worn in an exotic, artistic style. He had a lean build. His skin was pale. He has prominent ears. His wardrobe was practical and professional, with a lot of yellow.

The man looked at the children and said, “Hello, and welcome to Greywyn Academy of Magic. I am Brother Danid Skefan, and I am the headmaster of the school. I see that you are the human boy and girl who are to attend my school.”

Troy said to him, “I’m Troy Branden and this is Elva Sheppherd. Now why are we here?”

The headmaster gave him a cold hard stare. He said, “Human boy, those names are no longer allowed in my school.”

Elva was shocked. “But why not let us keep our names?” she cried out.

Brother Skefan said, “I have rules in my school and those rules must be obeyed at all times. One of the rules is that the human children who I bring into my school are to have NO memories of their former lives before they came to my school. That includes their names as well.” He conjured a sheet of parchment and said to them, “You two will sign your names here.”

He handed them quills and pointed to the spot where he wanted them to sign. Troy and Elva hesitated, and then quickly signed their names. “Troy Branden. Elva Sheppherd.” read Brother Skefan. “Such useless names for two humans like yourselves; the last two humans were named Rose Ennerdy and Colby Assiter. But not anymore. And as for your names,” he continued, “they no longer exist, just as you no longer exist in the human world.”

Troy and Elva gasped as their very names were lifted off the paper and disappeared into the fire that was in a nearby fireplace. “Your names and lives have ended,” said Brother Skefan, “and yet, it is time for you to begin your new lives here at Greywyn. Come with me.”

He took the kids into a huge hall. There were several tables made from the finest mahogany wood there ever was, and an assortment of students and teachers were sitting at the tables. There were wizards, witches, vampires, werewolves, elves, dwarves, fairies, sprites, pixies, satyrs, fauns, and centaurs. There were several humans there as well, mostly those who were taken from their homes on earth and brought here, as Troy and Elva had been. They all sat in a corner of the dining hall, apart from the other students.

Brother Skefan said, “My Brothers and Sisters, students of Greywyn, we have two new students joining us here tonight!” Applause broke out, and Troy and Elva stared at each other in disbelief. Brother Skefan then said, “And as with the time-honored tradition that we have held here, we shall now decide their new names.” He conjured up parchment and quills and placed them before the students. “Now, students, we must decide what we shall name our new students. You only get one chance, so choose wisely.”

Troy and Elva sat there, both awestruck and upset over the whole thing. On one hand, they were in another world, but they had to lose their names and memories of their old lives just to get here. However, that was not the worst that could happen.

After what appeared to be 30 minutes, Brother Skefan collected the sheets of parchment and quills from the students, then led the teachers and Aciakyla into a corner, where they spoke for another 30 minutes. Finally, the teachers came towards Troy and Elva and brought them before the students.

Brother Skefan said, “Students, we have counted up the names that you have written for the newcomers, and now it is decided: for the girl, she shall be named Rhiassa Twilight and the boy will be named Nevyn Meler. Remember their names, for these are the only names they will be using during their time here. Now, let us welcome to Greywyn Academy, Rhiassa Twilight, and Nevyn Meler!”

The applause of the students became too much for Rhiassa and Nevyn, who could hardly contain their shock. This was their future now. Brother Skefan came to them and said, “You two are my students now, and my students you shall remain; for you may not leave this school, nor are you allowed to return to your home world. But for now, you will be taken to your new rooms, where you will stay for one week…”

“One week?” cried Nevyn. “But why?”

“Your guide is waiting for you,” said Brother Skefan. “His name is Salvatore the Elf, and he awaits you in the Greeting Room. Now come.”

As Brother Skefan led the children away from the Dining Hall and towards the Greeting Room, Nevyn couldn’t help but wonder what would happen with him and Rhiassa once they met their guide.

© 2011 Claire Violet Thorpe

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Added on October 24, 2011
Last Updated on October 24, 2011


Claire Violet Thorpe
Claire Violet Thorpe

Folsom, CA

I am the soon-to-be next big writer...or will become the next big writer eventually! more..
