![]() The Last Love LetterA Story by C. Jayne Johnson"This must be the most selfish thing I have ever done in my life. I tried avoiding writing you a formal letter because I wanted you to get the rawest form of my emotion. I thought it would somehow be easier to convey what I would be telling you if things were less structured. We've never officially met, spoken, or had the chance to get to know each other, so it seems silly to try and convince you what I have to say is real, but I am going to do my best. The first time I saw you, you took the seat across from me on the train. As you sat down the sun was shining behind your hair and it made you look like you were glowing. Your hair looked lighter then, almost red. I remember watching you push it behind your ear; You never seemed bothered when it fell back to your face. I watched as your hairline swooshed around your collar bones. You were so lovely that day. The day I first fell in love with you. There were many times after that day, when I fell in love with you. Sixty times, exactly. There were sixty separate instances in which I wanted to tell you that I was in love with you. It did not seem fair, at the time, to pour my emotions out on the table like a hand during a card game. For you to either call my bet, or fold in front of me. It does not seem fair now, either, that I would write you this letter and you would consume all of the feelings I'm shedding into this life. However, I can not take them with me. I'm leaving them here, in this world for you to have, and understand, and cherish. Feelings that an everyday guy like me conjured up just by noticing the small everyday bits of you. I want you to appreciate them. Hold these tiny fragments close to your heart, for one day, when you are feeling low, you can reflect on a strangers awe. I am departing this life soon, and I leave you with this. I love you. I love you 60 times. You have captured my heart, my mind, and my attention 60 different times. From the books you carry, to the songs you hum, to things I can not even express. Thank you for existing, Tim" As I opened the smaller envelopes, labeled 1-60, I was thrust on a journey. I got to experience what it was like falling in love with me, through a dying strangers eyes. It was the most beautiful, morbid, horrifying, perfect thing I had ever been a part of.
© 2017 C. Jayne JohnsonReviews
StatsAuthorC. Jayne JohnsonGroningen , NetherlandsAboutI was born in the United States (have you ever heard of Missouri?) and when I was 21, I moved to the Netherlands. I have since fallen in love with the place and do not plan on leaving any time soon. I.. more..Writing