If there was any time in his short life when Alex was expecting to be murdered it was now. It was all is own damn fault. When he saw the trail of gummy coke bottles neatly lined up along the side of the side walk he just had to follow them. It was possible that this was just some hipster art project (this was Seattle after all) but he really wanted to know what the real story was. He had been chugging along for about twenty minutes and still the line still hadn't stopped. There must have been at least ten bags of these things. He only hesitated about ten seconds before following the trail in to an abandoned ally. The trail stopped at a ladder next to an over hang. Someone had written on the wall an arrow pointing up the ladder. Under the over hang was a pair of hot-pink rain boots, a bright orange back pack, and a hot-pink rain coat."Well here goes nothing." He muttered to him self pulling off his coat and back pack.He started up the ladder but then he realized that who ever it was who came before him probably had a good reason for taking of their shoes. He climbed back down and slipped off his Converse. HE started thinking about how long the other set of cloths had been there. He texted his mom : if I'm not home by 7:00 call the cops. He pushed his glasses up and clabbered up the rickety ladder.