The idea of destiny comes across in this work, and for me that can be scary, as I've no control over my life. That fear colors my own critique, since I like to think that I make my own choices.
Keeping my own prejudice firmly in mind, I see the first stanza as someone who knows me better than I know myself:
But I already loved you.
Already you were mine.
Even before we came to here
Those three lines are followed by "Don't you see?", and I realize that one of us is in touch with things outside the normal realm of body and mind. I like that. It sends through me a quick shiver.
And the idea of knowing all of your life when and who you would love: "I never felt love creep upon me." Love is stealthy for many, though some experience it quickly. But you know it along.
It's as though you and the other were split from the same atom at the dawn of creation.
The idea of destiny comes across in this work, and for me that can be scary, as I've no control over my life. That fear colors my own critique, since I like to think that I make my own choices.
Keeping my own prejudice firmly in mind, I see the first stanza as someone who knows me better than I know myself:
But I already loved you.
Already you were mine.
Even before we came to here
Those three lines are followed by "Don't you see?", and I realize that one of us is in touch with things outside the normal realm of body and mind. I like that. It sends through me a quick shiver.
And the idea of knowing all of your life when and who you would love: "I never felt love creep upon me." Love is stealthy for many, though some experience it quickly. But you know it along.
It's as though you and the other were split from the same atom at the dawn of creation.
I looked, and I once thought I even saw you standing in silent shrouds, when destiny cried out to me to take her hand, I reached out.....and I fell forever inside a beautiful Kiss.
Oh what a lovely poem.
That is the way it should be.....I am a pretty firm believer in this idea. You did a great job describing that feeling of destiny with someone who was actually built solely for you, but in a world of never ending possibilities, it takes a while for that chance meeting. Not sure if this was accurate or not, but it was splendid writing and that is what I took away form it. Great job.
This was a powerful piece full of a lot of emotion. Your ending is perfect but I'm thinking it may not hurt to add some more to the middle, otherwise your descriptions are solid and the poem reads really well. Nice work.
Infinity, regardless of what the human mind might think, exists not merely without time, but without the individual concept of time too. And while this concept would not exist without an individual mi.. more..