![]() Chapter OneA Chapter by DenniThe younger Winchester woke to the sound of a slamming door. Groggily sitting up, he looked over to Dean as he set a grimy looking plastic bag on the equally grimy motel room table. "Breakfast Sammy, rise and shine." Dean greeted him in a gruff voice. In silence Sam stood and went to sit in a chair next to the table. Reaching out and pulling the bag closer Sam peered in. "Chips and donuts? Really Dean?" Dean scoffed, "Breakfast fit for kings" was his indignant reply. After receiving a withering glare from his brother, the older Winchester snapped "Just eat the food Sam." muttering something about rabbits to himself afterwards. After finishing as much of the sugary pastries as he could, Sam turned to his brother. He couldn't get Gabriel out of his head, so maybe research would be exactly what he needed to distract him. "So, any idea on how to locate the last two horsemen?" he asked. "Not one. I'll see if Cas has any thoughts, maybe he can help." Dean replied. Sam nodded as Dean spoke out "Cas, please get your feathery a*s down here, we need your help." Within seconds a flutter of wings announced the arrival of Dean's favorite angel. "What is it that you need help with Dean?" Castiel said, giving Sam a nod. Staring at the angel, Dean replied "We're looking for Pestilence, anyway your angel mojo can tell us where they are?" "Pestilence?" Cas inquired, alarmed "What are you doing looking for Pestilence?" Sam cut in "Gabriel told us," he paused, swallowing a lump in his throat. "Uh, he told us that we might be able to send Lucifer back into his cage with the horsemen's rings." Looking surprised, Castiel unglued his eyes from Dean, turning them instead to Sam. "Gabriel is here?" The angel spread his senses out, searching for the tell tale sign of the archangel's grace. "Hmmm, I believe that will work." Unable to sense any trace of Gabriel, Castiel turned to Dean again, "Where is Gabriel?" Sam lowered his eyes to the ground, focusing on his bare feet to hide the faint trace of tears in his eyes. Sparing a glance at Sam, Castiel looked to Dean for an answer. "Gabriel is..." Dean looked away quickly, then back. "Gabriel is dead, Cas. I'm sorry." The words hit Castiel like a hammer to the skull. "Dead?" he whispered. "But... how?" "Lucifer got him." Sam choked out as he quickly wiped away a tear, earning a funny look from Dean. Castiel remained silent, staring at the floor instead of the elder Winchester for once. Looking up he connected eyes with Dean. "I cannot just, find, the horsemen. I will see if there is anyway we can summon them." Without waiting for a reply, the angel flew off. Resigning themselves to a day of research, the two brothers settle in. Focusing inwards, Gabriel found the strand of his grace that is his bond with Castiel. Relieved to see it glowing strongly, the archangel followed it to his younger sibling. While Gabriel wasn't all that worried that something had happened to his brother, he still cared for him and took his role as big brother more seriously now that they were on the same side. Castiel was thumbing through some dusty old texts searching for anything he could find relating to the horsemen, when suddenly the familiar sound of beating wings filled the air. Immediately on guard, Castiel placed the volume he had previously been reading aside and stood up, ready for whoever just flew in. "Now Cassy, is that how you treat your favorite brother?" That voice...Turning around slowly Castiel's suspicions were confirmed. Gabriel sauntered over past Castiel, lowering himself into the chair the younger angel had just vacated. Not sure how to react, Castiel tilted his head. "Gabriel," the archangel turned to face his brother, "Dean told me you were dead." Nodding solemnly the archangel replied. "Ah, yes." "Yes? But you are alive. How is that possible?" Castiel continued. His face contorting in thought, Gabriel hummed to himself. "No idea! Thought you might have had something to do with that, but judging by your perplexed expression, I think not." "No, that was nothing of my doing, but I am glad you are not dead." Castiel's voice was laced with sincerity. "Aw Cassy, I didn't know you cared." Cooed the archangel "Of course I care for you, you are my brother." Was the confused reply. Gabriel sighed, sarcasm just went right over the other angel's head. "Well, if you didn't bring me back, who did?" Frowning, Castiel was silent for a few moments before answering. "I believe our father is responsible for your resurrection." Gabriel scoffed, "Oh yeah, cause Daddy Dearest always loved me best." "God is the only one who has enough power to resurrect an archangel. He is still present with us." Castiel said with conviction. "Then where is he?" "I do not know. It seems, if our father wants to be found, he will show himself. Until that happens we must have faith." Another laugh escaped Gabriel's lips, his brother was truly loyal to their father. "Do Sam and Dean know that you are not dead" Castiel asked, changing the subject. The archangel's silence was enough of a reply. "When Sam told me Lucifer killed you, he seemed upset." "Why would Sam be upset that I kicked it." Gabriel played it dumb. "If anything he should be glad I died, what with all those Tuesdays." "Do you truly believe that?" "So did the boys take my advice?" Was the only reply Castiel got. "About the horsemen?" "Yeah, I want our lovely brother Luci back in his cage." "I am researching ways to summon the remaining horsemen. We already have two rings." "Wonderful, halfway there, now we just need to keep everything from the God Squad and we'll be right as rain!" "You still need to tell the Winchesters that you are alive." Castiel reminded him. "Alright alright, don't get your feathers in a twist." Gabriel stood up, his face twisted into a scowl. Satisfied with the response, Castiel went back to his research, and with a flutter of wings Gabriel flew off again. Dean Winchester heaved a sigh. "If I look at these words any longer, my eyes will fall out of my sockets." Although he was normally the one who loved research, Sam had to agree. The two brothers had been going through every book and website they could get their hands on, working past midnight. Now two in the morning, they finally called it quits for that day. Laying in bed listening to his brother's snores, Sam's thoughts once again turned to the archangel. The day of research had been a good distraction, but now with nothing else to occupy his mind, Sam couldn't help but go over and over the day Gabriel died. With a heavy heart, Sam closed his eyes, resigning himself to another night of restless sleep. © 2012 Denni |
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Added on July 5, 2012Last Updated on July 5, 2012 Author![]() DenniMemphis, TNAboutMeh, well, I'm Denni . ...And my elbow is cold, what did I just put it on? Oh, never mind, it was just a plate. Anyhow, I'm Mitchell, an aspiring artist who -wait, why was there a plate in my bed i.. more..Writing