A Leader That Comes Only Once In a Few Generations

A Leader That Comes Only Once In a Few Generations

A Poem by Marie Harrison

A poem about leadership.


A Leader That Comes Only Once In a Few Generations


I want to see a leader who is willing

To do the right thing for our country

Not try to make a buck for themselves.


We need someone who is willing

To lead our nation to a brighter future

Not into quick sand so they

Can rule the land for a few days.


Our United States needs a

Person who is not self-centered

Someone who can think

What will save this country from

 Becoming just like all of the

Rest, a person who will maintain

Our country’s independent identity.


We need a leader not a

Chump who is down on his luck;

We need someone who is

Willing to walk away from a buck.


Our nation has to find a person

Willing to stand up for her

Not sell her out, she needs

A true once in a few generations

Type of leader to truly lead

 Our country to better times.

© 2010 Marie Harrison

Author's Note

Marie Harrison
I wrote this for a poetry contest on another site, but I thought I would share it.

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Added on June 27, 2010
Last Updated on June 27, 2010
Tags: Leadership, Political, America, Presidency


Marie Harrison
Marie Harrison

Atlanta, GA

Momma told me to get out and enjoy life, so now I'm going to dance. more..
