Fingers flying over the strings of your guitar, music washs over me,
And I give in,
To the passion of your song,
The intensity of your melody echoes through me
Leaving a breath-taking power
Of the sound
What is seen as black on the page,
I hear your story,
And I fall in love with you
Again and again
As every symphonic note reaches my heart
Sending me waves of emotions
And yet, it is in those moments
When you're away from the strings
That an upwelling of emotions overcome
Words cannot express
The way I feel
During those moments,
Even your music,
As powerful and intense as yourself,
Fails to put words to my thoughts
When I look into your eyes,
I become lost in the warmth of your gaze
Words are rendered useless, music, too, becomes needless.
All sounds fade away during these precious moments,
and all that is left
Is the flame of our passion