For any of those woman/girls that have been tricked into losing their virginity. I wrote this mainly for a friend, but figured I'd share.
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its sad how most men think, because there's more to loving a woman than sex you have to be ready to love everything about her, the good and the bad before you take that step to become one. Thank you for sharing I think you've done a great job in bringing this piece together.
This poem brings a tear to the eyes. Girls should always becareful of, "Mr. I will love you forever, I can't wait! If you really love me you'll do this for me" Those b******s should be shot, a womans virginity is a precious gemstone, not to be stolen by some bandit, but protected and cherished by the true love it was meant for. This was beautiful in a bitter sort of way. An excellent write, and to all the women and girls who were cheated of their treasure, I am so sorry
a beautiful poem. ive seen it happen many times, yet at 20 ive still managed to hold onto mine, mainly because of what ive seen happen to my friends and other girls. a beautiful, real poem. great write!
ive never been tricked into losing my virginity. i actually planned my "loss thereof" months in advance. No pressure to either my bf or me. But i HAVE however been tricked into sex. I dated this guy and he told me he loved me. I was naive and believed him. We had sex......the next day he broke up with me through a text. it sucked big time!! guys are just idiots.
I would think they would play chess since
Its a game or strategy. Felt you could have incorporated
more of how a guy feeds a girl lies
And how she loves it like caddy. Something with
substance, instead of just saying you got played like
a game, which is dull and lame.
Respect yourself as a writer.
Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance.
- Carl Sandburg
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