Heart, Not Head.

Heart, Not Head.

A Poem by M. M. Lovar

I fear I've wondered aimlessly,

but too proud to admit that your questions could disappear,

and I'd be stuck,

gasping for air.

Don't ask me if I took to heart the reasons why they left.

Their actions were intended with their absolute, selfish, best.

I did over think every syllable they chose to ignore,

until they finally walked out the door.

So, I waited for you to follow Puppy, give it up and pack.

But, the pain is you're not walking, you're slipping through the cracks, 

half way in,

and we're not even talking face to face,

I'm staring at your back.

So don't ask me how my day was.

Do you show your love through small talk?

That's all it's been since, when do we begin again?

Have we ever really started?

See, now I'm confused.

Is it right to feel emotions, when no words of them were used?

I've used and won't go back to breaking others hearts.

It's much easier to put the peices back into my own chest,

than to see you fall apart.

Does that mean that you're more to me?

Is it better when I fear?

If these words ever hit you, would our "small talk" disappear?

Does that mean something's growing? 

Or more of my childish crushes?

Maybe it's the high I get from a boosted self-confidence,

that's half-heartedly your fault,

but you'll never know it.

I'm blaming myself for assuming you're a poet.

You mean too much now. 

It's blown way out.

I've started to act strange.

Pull back, fumble, re-think, be hasty, and erase.

Are these the symptoms of "heart, not head?"

I'll never know if you have this same disease.

I'll cure it before it spreads.

© 2010 M. M. Lovar

Author's Note

M. M. Lovar
Criticism should always be constructive. ;)

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beautiful..haunting sentiment..this touched me. Sometimes people (especially men) struggle to communticate feelings and shy away from this while continued to act as if nothing is wrong but its felt in the air, a vibe, a feeling..and being a poetess all you want to do is express, express, express..daunting for some!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


beautiful emotions, well-expressed

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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beautiful..haunting sentiment..this touched me. Sometimes people (especially men) struggle to communticate feelings and shy away from this while continued to act as if nothing is wrong but its felt in the air, a vibe, a feeling..and being a poetess all you want to do is express, express, express..daunting for some!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on June 21, 2010
Last Updated on June 21, 2010
Tags: love


M. M. Lovar
M. M. Lovar


Writing relieves my emotions. I write what I feel and what inspires me. I hope you enjoy, and don't feel frightened to drop a line or two about it. I'd love to feel your words as well. :) more..

Plagued. Plagued.

A Poem by M. M. Lovar

Unfit. Unfit.

A Poem by M. M. Lovar