

A Chapter by Charlie


I must have dozed off because around 2 in the afternoon, Ali was walking me up to go to lunch. I hopped off my bed to find that I was sore, it could have been from the gym but maybe also the hot steamy shower I had this morning. I wasn't sure if I was going to tell Ali, but she was my best friend. 
-Hey Al, so you know how I went to the gym this morning?
~You went to the gym?
I chuckled.
-Yeah and Michael was there. 
She shrugged.
- Well, we sort of showered together after.
~ Should this be news to me? It's not like he's your first boyfriend hun. SO did you guys f**k?
-NO! But I feel like we did, I'm sore and not sure if it's all from working out.
Ali smirked and bumped into my shoulder.
We went to lunch like we do every sunday, but this one felt different. Maybe because I thought everyone was staring at me like they knew what happened in the shower this morning. But maybe they were just staring because I looked like s**t. My hair curled from the shower and I was in my running shorts and a muscle shirt. Maybe I smelled? Why the hell is everyone staring at me? I guess everyone here at FSU are a******s.
On our way back, Jason and Michael were walking towards us. Ali and I looked at each other as the guys walked towards us in suits, each holding a dozen of roses pink for Ali and white for I. I was surprised since I never mentioned I loved white roses. But besides that Michael looked extremely hot in his suite. He wore a gray suite with a white dress shirt and a blue tie to match his eyes. He was so hot, I could rip his clothes of right there and not care who watched. Everything south of my navel clenched, and I moaned in pain from being so sore. I just imagined his tongue exploring every inch of me. 
-Whats going on?
~I'm not so sure, but it looks like we are going to find out. 
Ali and I exchanged looks and I could tell she was going to get it in tonight. I on the other hand was too terrified.
-Hi babe.
Jason handed the flowers to Ali and kissed.
All he needed to do was look at me and I melted. He gave the roses to me and I smelled them. Beautiful. I reached up on my toes and kissed Michael. My hands took a hold go his shaggy hair and I deepened the kiss. 
-Okay so what's really going on?
Ali held the roses close to her like a newborn.
~Well we thought we might surprise you girls and take you out to La vue du monde. 
-That french restaurant in town? 
~Yes, but of course we have a play to go to. 
Michael answered in a husky tone.
Ali turned  to me with the biggest smile on her face and took Jason's arm and headed back to the room. I figured I should follow because I know Ali wants to get me ready. Michael held out his arm for me and we walked back. Every eye was focused on us and honestly I didn't care at all. 
-Well, if you excuse me boys but I think its time we get ready, we don't need to be late.
Ali straightened up as we reached our room.
-Of course, we will be in the game room down the hall. We will  come back in an hour?
Jason kept his eyes on Ali the whole time. As she nodded he kissed her and turned for the game room. Michael stood there our eyes locked on each other and he bent down and kissed my forehead. He left in a few strides.
Once we shut our door we squealed so loud the boys could have heard us. We had no idea where that came from but we didn't care. We got right to work. Ali straightened my hair, I curled hers. She wore a cute knee length cream dress with sparkled sandal wedges. She rolled her eyes as I pulled out my nice dark washed jeans. I wore those with a tiffany blue blouse and a white blazer with my black heels. She was more excited to pick out the jewelry than anything.
The knock at our door had us jump but we knew who it was. We added our last minute touches and I answered the door. I think I had to pick Jason's mouth of the floor. How he looked at Ali was priceless. I was so happy for them both. They are truly perfect for each other. But my thoughts were all on Michael right now. His eyes gazed at me from head to toe and back to lock with mine. My mouth went dry and it was hard for me to swallow with the thoughts that were going wild in my mind. 
-Are you beautiful ladies ready for the play?
 Ali and I looked at each other like a five year old at christmas. 
We locked hands with our boys and were on our way.
We drove separately, which for once I didn't mind. I got to stare at Michael the whole 10 minutes we were in his Jeep. He must have known I was staring at him because he's smile reached both ears and he took my hand in his.
-So what's really going on?
~Well tomorrow is Jason and Ali's six year anniversary and the both have midterms all day tomorrow so he wanted to do something special and I figured I'd do the same. 
-Well, thats very sweet of you. 

Michael kissed my hand and drove to the restaurant. When we arrived he opened the door for me and helped me out. I love wearing heels but I don't do that much around campus. I felt like a newborn horse and I was trying to walk across a gravel parking lot. Smart thinking. As the doors opened the smell of fresh cheeses and bread filled my nose. It was calm and romantic; perfect for what could happen tonight. We were giving a table away from others and there was already hot bread on our plates and different selection of cheeses on the table. Thank god that I took french in high school. The menu was in french with english subtitles in .2pt and our waiter was a gentlemen. 
As we ordered our food we discussed how break was going to be a blast for Jason and Ali, and I was stuck working all break. And how Michael was stuck with his Step-Father he could not stand. We chatted during our bites of duck and goat in mouth watering sauces. This was truly an amazing experience and I'm so happy I got to spend it with the ones I loved. When the bill came Michael didn't even glance at it, he gave the waiter his card and waited for a return. We all gazed at him.
~Are you sure about that hun, I mean I can help pay.
-Don't be silly its fine, Jason and I talked about that already.

 I smiled at the both of them and winked at Ali. As it was getting close to our play we were on our way, this time a whole  whopping twenty minutes I got to stare at my boyfriend. He ran his thumb over my knuckles and it gave me chills. He'd squeeze my hand every so often and kiss my finger pads and stops. It's been almost five months with him and I knew I loved him. And I knew how I was going to tell him.
I had no idea what play or musical we were going to see but I was really excited. As Jason handed our tickets, my face light up. RENT. They bought us tickets to see Rent. Ali and I would watch this every day. We never got sick of it.
-Oh baby! You shouldn't have! I love you!!
Ali hugged Jason and kissed him in the middle of the theatre, people watched and smiled while others continued to their seats. 
-Lets go get our seats Mads, we don't want to miss anything.

His hand touched my hip and I tightened. Jason led the way to our seats. Through out the whole musical I couldn't take my eyes off of the stage. I loved this movie, and I was amazed. Michael had his hand on my knee and focused on the stage. Every time I got a glance at him, his eyes were on me. It sent chills down my back and a smile on my face. Boy do I love him. We sat through intermission and chatted Ali was glowing and couldn't stop smiling at Jason. As the lights dimmed I kissed Michael and got ready for the end. 
-That was amazing babe! Thank you so much!
~Yes, thank you Jason!
I hugged him and kissed his cheek. As we left the theater, I knew Ali was going to be with Jason tonight. So I went back to Michaels place. We stopped and I grabbed a change of clothes for my morning classes and went to his house. 
His roommates were never there so it was nice when I wanted to be alone with him.  Tonight is the night. I thought about how this was going to start. But as soon as we got up to his room I was pinned up against the door, with his mouth on mine. It didn't seem to take long to find our rhythm. Our mouths moved together and our tongues battled against each others. We undressed each other, tripping over shoes and pants we landed on his bed. It's only been four months. I was wearing my bra and my jeans as I was on top of him. I sat back and I could feel him beneath me. I looked at his gorgeous blue eyes.
-Michael, I want to f**k you. 

© 2014 Charlie

Author's Note

What a boring chapter, sorry it took so long!

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Added on December 10, 2013
Last Updated on January 1, 2014



The City, NY

I'm young and carefree. I'm studying to become an interior designer. I'd rather be writing then doing school work. I'm a typical girl who knows what she's wants in life. I belong in the country not th.. more..

Preface Preface

A Chapter by Charlie

one. one.

A Chapter by Charlie

two. two.

A Chapter by Charlie