Nadia sat down on a
nice sunny bench while waiting for the group to come back from their
fortnightly shopping trip. “Maybe now I can get some study done.”
She knew it wasn’t going to last long, so she quickly got to it.
Just as she was starting to understand a particularly difficult
word of a magic healing spell that she had been working on for the
past few weeks, her favourite blue haired duo came running back. She
didn’t need to turn to know it was them; she could hear them having
a “conversation” from what she assumed was quite a distance.
Kim leaned over the bench first and Nadia flipped a page of her
book to hopefully show that she was busy. Knowing Kim as well as she
did though, she knew her subtle hint was going to be lost on
“Will you please get Nick to realise that girls NEED
shampoo!?” she pleaded as expected.
“Why doesn’t he think we
need shampoo?” she asked, knowing she would regret getting
involved. On cue, Nick came around the side of the bench and sat down
between her and where Kim was leaning down frowning at him. “Because
HE-” Kim pointed an accusing digit at him, stopping just short of
his nose, “-thinks water does the trick!”
“Well, it does,”
he replied, shrugging. “Wanna argue with me? Just feel my hair.”
He unhesitantly picked Nadia’s hand away from her book, placed it
on his head, and awaited her verdict.
Nadia raised her eyebrows at
him. “Goodness! That is really soft!”
“And all from
just bathing in springs!” Nick grimaced with satisfaction. He got
off the bench and headed back toward town. “Now that that’s
settled, we can skip the shampoo and get some healing potions
“But you don’t need…” Nadia trailed off,
seeing that they had walked off before she even finished her
sentence. She made a startling discovery as she watched them
disappear into the bustling city life of Tyreen Town. If they had
more money to spend on potions, they might not actually need a
healer. She carefully placed her bookmark in her magic book and
decided to get down to more important matters.
By the time the group came back, Nadia was glad she had a plan to
put it all back into balance. Kim and Nick were still arguing and the
rest of the group were clearly sick of it.
“You coming back to
the ship Nadia?” Kim asked, stopping for a moment after she had passed the bench.
Nadia closed
her book that she had pretended to be still reading. “Oh yes. I was
just thinking about the shampoo. Let me feel your hair will you?”
looked confused but leaned in anyway. Nadia stroked it for a couple
of seconds, nodding to herself. “On second thoughts, I would like
to retract my statement. Your hair is most definitely softer than
Nick’s. We need more shampoo and less healing potions.”
Kim exclaimed happily, running to Nick and taking the bag of potions
out of his arms. She turned toe and headed back to the city, sifting
through the bag for the receipt.
“Oh come on, even if yours is
softer than mine, it’s not just shampoo you need for that. You also
have to get that conditioner stuff!”
Kim stopped mid stride.
“You’re right! We have to get conditioner too!”
“But that
means we have even less for potions!”
“That’s what we have
Nadia for,” she grinned. The two of them headed back to the city
once again.
A satisfied smile on her face, Nadia turned back to her book and
squinted to try and study. The sun was setting.
“I guess I better
just go back to read in the light,” she thought, standing and
“Hey Nadia, wait for us!!”
She turned to see
Kim and Nick running back to her. “The shop was closed,” Nick
said. “Looks like we get to keep the potions after all.” He poked his tongue out at Kim, who crossed her arms.
be going to exchange them for shampoo and conditioner in the
morning,” she argued.
“I’m tellin’ ya, potions are more
important than shampoo!”
“And I’M telling you, we have Nadia
for that!”
Nadia put her head in her hands and decided to make
sure she found a quieter spot to study in future.
Story and Artwork (C) Kerryanne Koops 2014
Characters are from
my novel series, Gemini Warriors. Please comment and watch for more!