![]() Once Upon A BattlefeildA Story by chanze reidOnce Upon A Battlefeild A second siege
was planned for the morrow and I did have to partake was my duty to king and
country to cleanse the holy land from these heretics or so we were told by our
masterful pope. I had lost the faith the hunger for the death of others that
was in every other crusader and knight. Laughing to myself I did drink my ale a
dribble falling from cup to my chainmail and tunic. Caring not I drank on the
other knights ran about screaming victory into the night air. For myself
tomorrow would be but another act of aggression against god himself what god of
mercy would order the slaughter of millions. Standing I loosened
my sword from its sheath and began to make my way to the grouping of my fellow knights
at the front of the army. It would take a great deal of time to reach it and by
that time the battle would soon be commencing. I hate this life I thought
looking around at the supposed men of god partaking in their drink and women. This
was no holy army no we were an army of butchers and I amongst them was no different.
How many women have I known in the same fashion, how many men had I killed with
a smile. In honesty it did not matter, there was no salvation for the likes of
me. An hour or
so passed by the time I reached my fellow templar’s they stood together and
greeted me with excitement. Once upon a battle field I would have done much the
same. It was not their fault nor in any case mine we were raised to believe these
people deserved to be slaughtered and following blindly like the sheep we were
we followed the chant of god onto the fields of despair, despair made by
ourselves as much as any other. The call
came now as the catapults loosed mass fury onto the city walls and I felt my
legs propelling me forward. It was not even a thought my body did as it was
told even when my mind did disagree with its actions. Charge they screamed into
our faces as the main gates ripped from their hinges. Charge I did through the
gates of the city of god and inside my acts of treachery was committed. Even with
my thoughts of hatred for myself wondering about I did still commit the acts of
ungrateful sin and disgusted at myself I enjoyed it. Time blurred
about me through the day so much that my vision only seemed to clear at the
moments of my foulest deeds. Nobody would win this fight this I know, we could
take the ground and make the city ours but dead or alive we would all feel the
effects of loss from this battlefield, the loss of our life’s or our humanity loss
of innocence and purity at the hands of monsters who would take it for
themselves. Being one of those monsters I took and took and hated myself for every
second of misdeed. Finally as
the sun began to set behind the hill Christ himself had been crucified I watched.
I looked down at the city aflame I heard the screams of women and children as
the smelly of the dead men that they thought would protect them fumigated about
me. There was a time I would have enjoyed the sight of bloodshed and fire a
time when the sins of my brothers would have beckoned me to join. There was a
time I thought. once upon a battlefeild
© 2016 chanze reid |
Added on March 8, 2016 Last Updated on March 8, 2016 Author