Internet Story

Internet Story

A Story by changing4me

Internet Story


It was five days left until Christmas when Lisa became depressed and felt so very alone because she was 44 years old, never married, and had no children. Lisa went to work on the morning of December 20 and told a co-worker how she felt and Angel told Lisa to put a blog up on the internet about how you feel or think. Lisa then asked people to send her email messages about their thoughts.


Lisa went on the internet to write the blog and it went something like this. It is December 20, five days before Christmas I am all alone, I'm 44 years old, no kids, and never been married. I don't have a family and was wondering if there is other people like me and if so how will you spend your Christmas? Then Lisa clicked the send button to send. Then Lisa waited and waited for a few minutes but nothing happened. So Lisa shut the computer off and went back to work.


Angel came over by Lisa to ask if Lisa had put her blog up? Lisa said yes but nothing happened yet. Angel said well its been few minutes so lets give it some more time. Lisa and Angel went back to work and two hours went by angel said lets see if any one respond to the blog. Lisa click on to her blog when she saw two messages waiting for her.


One message went like this here. change your life make it happen that is what I did now I am happy and married we go sailing around the world I even adopted her kids. The kids are happy now. Lisa thought that was easy said then done. Lisa reply back by saying thanks for the message. the second message went like this. I am a lonely snowflake. why you might wounder because I am alone and I am different from everyone else and I disappear when I get hurt just like a snowflake when it melts or I can stay when I am happy like a snowflake that keeps building up and around. So you see I am still in the clouds waiting to drop down on a lonely pretty bare branch that ain't covered up in snow that the snowflakes had piled up. I will go now hope to hear from you soon.


Lisa let Angel read the message. Angel said nice message and now how will you reply to the message. Lisa said watch and read. Lisa wrote this. Hello thanks for taking some time to read my blog lonely snowflake. I hope my blog didn't bore you any. I see you look at people as snowflakes. I am harsh nuts. I look at people as nuts. why you might wonder because nuts come in different sizes and shapes just like people. Nuts have a tough shell on them just like people do sometimes. Some time the nuts are hard to get out of their shells just like people because people get hurt easy and people are scared so they stay in their shell and they don't come out of their shell just like nuts. People take a nut pick to pick out the nuts from the shells. people have to pick and pick away. Just like people got to pick at people's feelings to get them out of their shells. Angel was reading while Lisa finished the emails up.


Angel said I never thought of people as snowflakes or nuts. Lisa said to Angel snowflakes and nuts are like the same people because some are gentle and caring and nuts are hard because people are rude, stuck up and not caring. Just very selfish with greed. Angel and Lisa talked a little more and then went to check her email to see if snowflake had written back. There wasn't an email from snowflake so Lisa shut the internet and went to back to work.


Later on when Lisa checked her email there was an email from a lonely snowflake. It went like this; Hello Harsh nut, it is nice to hear from you again. Its five days away from Christmas. I'm tired of being depressed and lonely. I'm willing to step out of my shell to ask you to meet me tomorrow night at Adams park in Johnstown at 6:00 pm supper will be served and at that time watch a Christmas play then get on a bus and to see other peoples lights and decorations. If you say yes then I will be very gentle like a snowflake. I will make a snowflake to wear so you will know its me. Lisa wrote an email back to lonely snowflake to say she could meet in Johnstown at 6:00 pm. Til then have a good day from harsh nut. Lisa shut off the computer and went home for the night. At home Lisa took a bath and watched a movie then went to bed for the night.


The next day Lisa woke up and got ready for work. When Lisa got to work her boss Val had a note on Lisa's desk come see her. Lisa knocked on Val's door which was closed. Val opened the door and told Lisa to come on in and sit down. Lisa sat down. Val asked her if she could stay longer today because Val needed all the papers in order for the meeting for the next day. Lisa's heart sank all the way down to her feet. She knew she was going to be late. Lisa told Val she would stay and put the papers in order. Val said great. Lisa left Val's office and went back to her desk. Angel walked into Lisa's office and asked why the long deadly face? Lisa said Val asked me to stay after work to put some papers in order for tomorrows meeting.


Lisa said I heard from the lonely snowflake and he asked me to meet him in Johnstown tonight and I can't because I have to do this project for Val. Angel said you can go, but you will be a little late. Angel said she would stay and help Lisa out. Then Lisa asked Angel to come to Johnstown tonight with her. Angel could not because Shawn was picking her up at the house, but Shawn can come pick me up here at work instead. Lisa said thank you to Angel.


Angel asks Lisa Where are the papers to be put in order? Lisa said pointing to a box over in the corner. Angel said thats a lot of papers to have to put in order. Angel took some of the papers with her to work on and said goodbye to Lisa. Lisa said goodbye and thanks again.


Lisa sat by her desk with the piles of papers in front of her and was day dreaming of snowflake. How he may look. How tall he is? What color hair does he have? When there was a knock on Lisa's office door. Lisa snapped out of her day dream when she heard the knock at the door. It was Hannah another co-worker.


Hannah told Lisa that she heard Lisa had to stay that night and put papers in order but Lisa had a blind date. Hanna offered to help Lisa complete putting the papers in order so could go on her date. It was getting closer to 6:00 pm and Hannah said its getting late and Lisa need to go. Hannah said she would finish up so Lisa could go on her date with snowflake.


Lisa was late getting there but the food was still being served so Lisa got in line to get some food. Lisa put down her plate when she realized she that snowflake wasn't there. Lisa felt her heart sink when a old lady asked if the chair was empty. Lisa replied it sure is. Lisa hurried up and ate and drove home.


Lisa got home and burst into tears. She looked at her computer and internet and decided not to turn it on. Lisa went to turn on the radio. But the only thing playing was Christmas music and so she shut it off. Lisa was walking past the computer and internet and still decided to not turn it on when the phone started to ring.


It was Angel. Angel asked Lisa if the date was good? Lisa replied it went sour because snowflake never showed up. Angel said that ain't right and he was the one who asked you to come meet him. That sucks. Angel asked if Lisa needed her to come over? Lisa replied no because she was going to bed. Angel asked Lisa if she went onto the internet? Lisa in a disappointed voice no because he wouldn't and if he did it would be a lie or an excuse. So I'm not going on the internet.


Lisa walked by the computer again and decided to turn it on. While the computer was starting Lisa went and got a bottle of water. Lisa sat down in her computer chair and clicked on her email and there was no message from snowflake. Lisa went to play super poke pets. Lisa then switched between checking her email and playing spades several times. There was no message from snowflake.



Then finally when Lisa went back to her email and saw there was a message from snowflake. The message went like this. Dear Harsh Nut I am so sorry for not showing up. I had company show up and they did not leave until three minutes ago. I wish I could call or meet you. Lisa wrote back to snowflake. Will if you are very sincere here is my number. So Lisa sent her number in the email and waited a few minutes. The next thing Lisa heard was the phone ring...



© 2009 changing4me

Author's Note

Please Review and let me know what you think about my story.

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I enjoyed this story and please keep on writing. I will keep on reviewing your work and help editing your writing honey.

Posted 15 Years Ago

i love it, 10/10. It is written with perfect vocabulary and with a real author's touch.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on November 29, 2009
Last Updated on November 29, 2009