Awe yes you put so eloquently into words how just because it can't been seen doesn't mean it don't exist... like love and faith... dreams too can never been seen fully just in bits as you build toward making it come true.
Top notch writing again sir.
I loved this! I love your writing! This was incredibly inspirational to me. Especially the last two lines: "The stars are hidden yet I see them still..."
This is incredible!!! :]
Beautiful writing expressing keeping one's visions and dreams.. interwoven with the mystery of a muse .. very uplifting and passionate. I really loved the format and flow.. this was great!
Oh how sad that most stars are hidden to the urban world who do not know the joy of darkness - only the everywhere-orange glow of sodium lighting. Thus, when I can, I lift up not just 'mine eyes unto the hills' but my feet also and take me to the wild, high places miles from the city and look at the real thing.
Utah, Colorado, the Rockies - how I loved them. And from the middle of the world's great oceans, I have seen the Milky Way and gone south to the Southern Cross. How man has polluted with light> but your poem takes all this into account and sings the praise of the memories we all carry of the heavens, the universe in our heads. A wonderful evocation of what is there for us if we do but look - and store up for a cloudy night, polluted by light. Sadly, I also hold memories as a child of looking up into a clear starblest winter sky and seeing German bombers silhouetted above dropping their fiendish loads upon us and saw instant death on occasion as bombers were hit by fighters or anti aircraft fire overhead. Some mother's sons! War is not beautiful neither is it necessarily the wish or the will of those who actually wage it. But the sky shines on all. Lovely poem which has led my thoughts in a sky-dance.
i like this alot a very picture perfect write from you....i thought you did a great job on this detail in this was flawless... overall a very impressive write from u..
Such a wonderful glimpse through your eyes, Craig. The beauty you see as you walk through nature, seeing also the beauty that lies further beyond what you can glimpse. An extraordinary spiritual journey through nature.
Craig, this is yet another stunning piece of yours, as usual! I feel the words, the images, the lines connected and woven into the heart and soul. Its such heart-warming to know and feel that as you walk on the 'gardens of white ice', 'past the veiled, lace-woven clouds', and the 'misted, muted light', you keep ablaze with the fierce fire and unrelenting will inside you, 'unyielding' in mystery and tenderness, strengthened by the serenity and power of your muse...such a mystic, profound journey of a true poet through the 'silent slow slumbers' of the snow! BEAUTIFUL!!
2024 is here... May we make it so much more heaven than hell... Wishing all peace on earth... Together, maybe we go the distance...
The night has a thousand eyes,
And the day but one;
Yet t.. more..