the Writers Cafe! 65 poets from 20 countries coming
together in a poem as one… with this as our prompt: My hope for our world and
the people who walk it is to… Bring a smile
make merry Earth has
plenty Take it easy, Life can be
beautiful with trust and sympathy Aarti Sriram Let us look
onto the world and see a web of strings Strings to
every stranger Adjourn our
souls as one And at the end
see clarity Adriana, Bulgaria To the future,
whose past has been long apart, May your
survivors live- but not yearn for forever, No war, cult,
or power will sustain the heart, Which requires
warmth, connection, selfless endeavor. Alexander Starks (Indra's Child), United States My hope for our
world and the people who walk it is, an age of peace and bliss. A long life
without strife. Peace in every
village, town or city. An era of
understanding, love and prosperity. A happy world,
a time of gold. The Ancient Rock, Portugal I hope to see
another day possibly in another world maybe that's why aliens don't stop by for
a chat because we are simply unfriendly, currently this world is on a path of
destruction, man made of course. We are lucky animals don't have a spoke
person. Andrew Mitchell, Australia With the Hope
of the Season Know we are
joined for a reason Standing
Together, we are strong, To a Universal
Family, we belong. Annette Pisano Higley, United States That we unite
to challenge dogmas. Dogmas are
tools of control, ruling over our minds and stripping us of the ability to
think critically or take charge. They render us
helpless, unable to awaken to our true potential. But once we
awaken, we will clearly see what is wrong"and how to fix it. Anya Stork, United States Find inner
peace. Embrace and
share what makes you unique. Appreciate and
respect nature. Learn, love and
laugh frequently. Arvada, United States Let the men
with washed hands and hearts of
stone, atone; and may the
children of all our Gods reign victorious
in everlasting peace and goodwill. Beccy, United Kingdom my hope for all
peoples of this world to to understand our differences and our
similarities…..and try to express them in a civil way, so that we can have
peace and harmony…. we don’t know what tomorrow will bring so we must live in
the “ NOW” and hope that each day will be brighter than the one before….we must
have hope that some day the world will be at peace and different ethnic groups
will respect each other Betty Hermelee, United States My hope for the
world and people who walk it is, To find a
balance between tradition and modern bliss. To preserve our
heritage, yet stay open to the west's eyes And build a
brighter future, where love and peace persist. Cain, Korea Accept that my
perceptions are not always yours - nor yours mine - though we breathe the same
air, share the same
world, dream, cry for the same pain, and die at life's, times, and Gods' whim. May each of us
pray and follow life affirming belief's - with the same fervor, continued hope,
and a full awareness and
understanding of our neighbors realities and samenesses. WE are humanity, not
just I's. Chris Twyford (Ancient117331), United States To walk in
peace and to dance in joy These are the
hopes we all should know For we are one
family on this Earth In each life we
celebrate new birth Owl on the Moon (Craig), United States I think of
Christmas as a child might, with blue things and glittering balls. Tinsel for
the house cat to roll his fur beneath a cut pine tree placed in a red and green
trough. We, little and bemused, sitting in our worlds of anticipation. Today
the tree is the plastic one I dragged from the closet and its box home with its
lights and silver thingies still attached from last season's wonder. But the
anticipation still blooms inside me; a heart of wonder with hurt and loss, a
passing memory. When this season is over and the leaves of the Poinsettia
wither, I will wish again for peace and love throughout the land. Then stuff
the old plastic tree back into its yearly home. Wonder is eternal, they tell
me. dana, United States Let brotherly
love spread in the hearts of woman and men. Let
compassion's smile be present on people's faces again. Let concern for
one another be an emotion in hearts felt. Let peace on
earth and good will to all be a place dwelt. Dave W., United States My hope for the
world and the people who walk it To love more
dearly To think more
clearly To act more
fearlessly And to move
more warily Dara, Ireland My hope for our
world and the people who walk it is… That South
Africa’s song of many tongues may rise, A harmony born
from struggle and grace, Where every
voice, though different, belongs, And unity turns
our pain into a shared embrace. Elnnes, South Africa Taken by arm's
destruct, rebuild hope and homes Return the
gleeful glance of blood-torn orphan child Walk with pride
and honesty, sans limp or faithless fall Ban Man's
decline to honour love and true sincerity emmajoygreen, England My hope for our
world and the people who walk it is they are
released from all sufferring, not in death, but in this
lifetime. That all
darkness is dispelled, the way only
the eternal candle can. Ern My hope for our
world and the people who walk it is That the earth
heals from all its scars Souls find
calmness beneath the stars The place where
wounds fade with each gentle kiss And unity
restores the peace we once knew but now miss Εύχαρις 'ραμπατζή, Greece I would like to
see the hate in this country stop. There is so much division in the US now,
before and after the election. And we have such unrest all over the world and
the makings of another World War. Let's all trim
a tree, with peaceful ornaments and pretty lights and sing Christmas Carols all
over the world and keep the songs going well after this season has passed. jacob I say hope is
self who works hard to make it true though we rely on god, For me you
shouldnt have dishope which makes you all alone Hope is
something like joyful heart which can cure their loneliness or evil Hope is one
which made me to walk in dark Towards my path
of light Jessy Jacob (Usha), India My hope for the
world and the people who walk it The chosen path
is too long, but the legs
never ache. Because the
hope is filled, With these
green caress. Jeyanthi, India My hopes for
the world are shaken, But there's
none I do not bless, But brethren is
it possible We could kill
each other less? John the Baptist, United States It can’t be
difficult to see a difference in emotions, and an interstellar rocket. A gift can be
given not just by wealth, but by something as simple as a friendship locket, But friendship
is a two way street, so make sure it is solid, or else the friendship has
fallen. United States
Of America, where there is opportunity there is also… theft, and corruption Joshua Hernandez (ThreeWrites)
Whatever you
and I May of went
through this last Year Let us always
remember And not forget
that There is always
those worse off Who have
suffered Greatly Through No fault of
their own I especially
grieve for the Lost or missing
children Of this world
also Teens and yes
adults ! The war ravaged
countries And the scars
war leaves behind Julie McCarthy, Australia A hope of salvation
and reward From the
heavens above, come light Of the Word;
the holy word is shelter Against evil
and damned ones, so hold The rope of
peace and love, to save our beautiful earth! Kashif Ali Abbas, Pakistan The silent
night with cracking snowflakes, Not the sound
of missiles, not ashes in the air. The silent
night with the hope of a peaceful morning. The tears of
joy and laughter, not screaming pain. Kate AKS, Ukraine My hope for our
world and the people who walk it would have to be a message with a musical
connotation, the words to John Lennon's song, "Imagine". To imagine
all the people, living life in peace. The message still reverberates all these
years later. Kelly Scheppers, United States My hope for our
world and the people who walk it is ... Like the wasp
in autumn, we learn the
joy of living Is free flight from the sting
of war Ken e Bujold, Canada Wherever you
walk you find love. Wherever you
walk you find joy. Wherever you
are and whoever you be. You find
someone who will walk with you, beside you, entertain you and who will be in
your hope in life whatever. I hope you can
say. I did. Ken Simm, Scotland Never lose Hope The hands of
the mind are tired And the twin
hands of the body are threatening for a strike And the legs
are on go slow But the spirit
is loudly shouting,Never lose hope,never lose hope. kudakwashe ziunye, Zimbabwe Plato’s cave is
as dark as ever, Stand up and
leave, or stay forever. Hope is a soft
hand that can’t make your chains fall. The heavens are
not deaf; it is your call. Laz, Hungary/Taiwan A hope for this
world that I hold dear Is for all of
humanity to live without fear No evil, no
monsters, no sickness within Simply all of
us, living life til the end Liv, United States To remember
that diversity of opinion, thought, and philosophy
isn’t what weakens the world. The closing of
the mind and shutting down ideas that don’t align with your own, leads to
hostility and division. Lore keeper, United States My hope for the
world and the people who walk it Is more urgent
action and less who just talk it And to wish
everyone a merry '25 As well as the
hope we all make it out alive! Lorry, Scotland May you find
inner peace May your
worries be few May your heart
be full And your wallet
too! Lydia Shutter, United States My hope for our
world and the people who walk it. To cry no tears
of fear , but of joy and laughter. The smell of
freedom and love. No more
darkness in the distance, no more greed on our plates. Pure clean air,
water and soil to nourish our vessels we call our body. My hope for our
world and the people who walk it. Is for the
people to step in a way that allows the world to properly spin. Lyricalfairydust, United States my hope for our
world and the people who walk it is to take yourself
to unimaginable places; see colors, hear languages, taste air don't stop
living for someone else because tomorrow is all you have left and don't
forget to smile for those who cannot any longer, for a smile is all you can
give to the earth. Mabel Mae, United Kingdom that we unite
as one in light and
love and gratefully
share with each other the blessings we receive from
above " Marie Shine, Ireland Our hope is
that when we walk together In faith we hug
as one because, we believe The strength we
know is the very greatest gift We can find in
the end by being one. Mauricio Montayo, United States Let us look to
our hearts for the reason we came. Let us gather
as one and sing in his name. We shall set
our souls free on the wings of a dove. Bow down to
Allah and rise up in love. Michael Sun Bear, United States I hope for the
world, where the hunger fades like ghosts in the night, Children laugh
under skies of hope, as echoes of war fade from sight. No more cries
of the lost, no more tears of despair, Where poverty's
chains dissolve in the air. Ghosts of the
past, just ashes in the wind, Suicides fade
like a nightmare rescinded. Depression's
dark cloud crushes, just like a memory worn, In the dawn of
redemption, a new world is born. I hope of
better days, where dreams can ignite, In a world
where love conquers every sleepless night. With food on
the table and peace in every song, We'll build a
new kingdom where all can belong. Milena Grubor For many of us
to walk the walk of life, towards unity. To share the
gift of love given by those above. For loss and
profit not to benefit. For we are all
equal. MrBlack202, South Africa My hope for the
world and the people who walk it is fading fast, we're
struggling to stay, in a world that won't last. But still we
hold on, to a light in the night a glimmer of
hope, that might make it just right. OG, Jamaica My Wish for all
the people of the World would be to Sing in one orchestrated Symphony
remembering Beethovens Fifth to come together from Mountain Tops and over the
Shining Seas... I Believe in the Beauty of coming together to Comfort the Poor
and open every Door to Freedom... Patricia Wedel, United States Be courageous, challenge
yourself even if you're
an alcoholic ne're-do-well who's forced to be alone with his thoughts, eating
Spaghettios and watching dumb videos to numb my f*****g brain. I welcome you to
my jungle. Philip Gaber, United States whimsical wisps
of pink-pulled batten smear the sky
in softness and blurred lines a northerly
play chimes with drifting snow a setting
afternoon sun reclaims its rays the crisp air
fils my heart with warmth Pryde Foltz, Canada “My hope for
our world and the people who walk it” is a boundless embrace of compassion and
unity, where each step
fosters understanding and kindness, illuminating paths of shared dreams and
joys. May we tread
softly, honouring the whispers of the earth and each other, and together, weave
a tapestry of peace and resilience that transcends all divides. RBK, Australia When you see
yourself,you see the world, Every leaf
sheared is falling-a blind eye, For all that it
is, Heaven and hell are me and you. Never forget,I
see you! REN, from Earth Grow - my
giggly garlic grow! RJ Askew, England As the four
winds meet from across far lands, May we all
gather, joining hearts and hands. Share there in
fervent, hopeful prayer That leaves no
doubt how much we care. Richard, United States May soft
kindness bloom in gentle souls, Where hands
hold a loving caress, And in each
other's eyes, we see A glimpse of
our vulnerability. Seren, India Stop repeating dreadful
history, Thousand years
have passed when Homer wrote ,,Iliad". Hundreds of
people have died because of one conflict. Have we, even
today, learned nothing? someoneuknow, Lithuania My hope would
be the vanishing of sadness from within, replaced in
completion by the glimmer of bliss, dwelling in a
swarm and swell of an epic, angelic win Seriana (Amber), United States Is to not let
bad things go when we know we should stop it All of the war,
famine, and discrimination Should be
replaced with peace, love, and all of our imagination Let the hope of
the people and our lives shine And make a new
world of our own design Sophia, United States Appreciate the
given gifts of the universe which are many more than we often give thanks for. Spread and
share your own inner peace with those who seek and struggle to find theirs. Teach that hope
is a light that sometimes flickers but never entirely goes out. Stella , United Kingdom We learn to
communicate and have conversations that flow with empathy and compassion. To fear less
and care more. To open our
minds and heart to gather for peace. where love is
known And respect is
shown Where kindness
lingers And hate is
unknown Where we listen
to understand and seek what
is good Where people
learn and grow Where hearts
without fear flow And we reach
out and create light in ourselves and each other With all our
might for unity to
shine bright and peace to
prevail Sue, United States Live in concert
regardless of our differences Quit
modernizing and glamorizing hate and be bold enough to love everybody With an deep
understanding that tomorrow is not promised and time is to be courted respectfully.Let’s
stop weaponizing food,love,color,diversity, age…. Titilayo Sarah Eguridu, Nigeria Let not your
heart be cold eyes blinkered
obscuring sight look for the
hand in need reach out and
the future will be bright! Tom, Northern Ireland Be true to
themselves, a shining example Like the warm
glowing sun rising bright in the east Embracing life,
while showing tender gleams a comforting
smile, despite the blinding rays of light Tumi, Nigeria Wouldn’t it be
nice for everyone to know that most of us are
fine, it’s what’s inside that counts. Salvation is
simple. Love God first, and your neighbor as
yourself. How hard is that? Vol , United States Grandmother
could not tolerate tears. She would
always bake them away, all that
sadness buried beneath pound cake, fed to whomever
was loneliest that day. W. Barrett Munn, United States
To have faith
truly is rewarding To have hope
truly can be inspiring To have trust
can be gratifying But to believe
in a higher power Truly is
spiritually fulfilling William Propsner, United States My hope for our
world and the people who walk it is That the earth
hums with the quiet of healing, That souls find
light in the darkest of seasons, That each path
is softened by the grace of compassion, And love blooms
eternal in every heart’s garden. Yana Larson, Ukraine
© 2024 An owl on the moonAuthor's Note
Featured Review
3 Reviews Added on December 1, 2024 Last Updated on December 26, 2024 Author![]() An owl on the moonAbout2024 is here... May we make it so much more heaven than hell... Wishing all peace on earth... Together, maybe we go the distance... The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet t.. more..Writing