WOW, I can really feel a deep emotion in this write, I like how you repeated the lines
"All will be well" very emotive, and it also says "There is still hope left out there"
This is so deep and meaningful. Nicely written.
We are alone in our stillness and our silence, and well silence speaks louder
than any distant thunder can roar. This is a emotional read, it tugs.
Nicely written and expressed.
No matter what we feel, we are never alone in our suffering...I know many suffer in silence & it can kill, it's nothing but painful to face it on your own. "Whatever will be, will be" that's how I viewed this much truth spilled in this one and it breaks my heart...please know that you have an entire community here & many more who love you.
Posted 4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
Yes... it's true... and to know that is powerful... that we never have to suffer alone... there are .. read moreYes... it's true... and to know that is powerful... that we never have to suffer alone... there are others always with us. I do so greatly appreciate you, dear one... and this writing community too.
This is beautiful and full of both pain and hope. Your struggles, the path for that small boy, the innocence lost, created an even greater man filled with love and forgiveness. He will be well. Always.
Posted 4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
Thank you, precious one. I do somehow wish I could have spoken those words to little me... something.. read moreThank you, precious one. I do somehow wish I could have spoken those words to little me... something... anything. But I so appreciate your encouragement and hope... always.
It is a thought I have pondered many times to myself, what would I tell younger me that would make life easier.
I still haven't found the words I would say to explain how cruel life can and will be.
Try your best to be the real you and never believe anyone who says you can't do it and to use that to prove them wrong is the closest thing I've thought of, but in reality I'd probably just use myself as an excuse to never give up, or you'll end up being me. That should scare the bejeezus out of him.
Tragically powerful and honest words from you my friend.
Posted 5 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
So grateful for your kindness... your insights... your understanding. I appreciate you thinking thro.. read moreSo grateful for your kindness... your insights... your understanding. I appreciate you thinking through the words to your younger self... true... it isn't an easy thing to consider. Take care my friend!
Desperately sad, tragically visual, your words set in a writer's skilled confusion.
Posted 7 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
So grateful you stopped by... thank you for your kind words... Wondering now what you might say to l.. read moreSo grateful you stopped by... thank you for your kind words... Wondering now what you might say to little you of all you have faced... and risen above.
1 Week Ago
Tragically, few people enjoy a hundred per cent life of love, comfort, hope and peace, Owl. Perhaps .. read moreTragically, few people enjoy a hundred per cent life of love, comfort, hope and peace, Owl. Perhaps for that reason we should hold the hem of everyone and everything that adds a glimmer of something that wraps us in that word: HOPE
Somehow, we need to survive in however many the tatters. Yes?
2024 is here... May we make it so much more heaven than hell... Wishing all peace on earth... Together, maybe we go the distance...
The night has a thousand eyes,
And the day but one;
Yet t.. more..